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Effects Help

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So I haven't done much effects modding before, but I'm trying my hand at it now. My problem is I have no idea how to achieve a particular effect or if its even possible with JK's particle system.

Namely, I'm trying to create a particle that moves in one direction and then quickly changes trajectory about half way through. Like the embers that trail off of a bonfire, for example. I'm trying to get an effect similar to those sorts of wavering motions.


Is something like that possible? Like I said I'm very new to effects modding, so sorry if this is a dumb question.

Also, is there any sort of resource out there that goes into detail on each function in the .efx files? I couldn't find anything like that, and I think it could be useful right now.


Thanks for reading, at any rate!


Edit: ...Aaand I just figured out how to do what I wanted to, never mind. :lol:

Sorry about that!

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Heya IFailedEnglish.


Good to hear you've figured it out! I'm not sure if there are any other threads in there which ask and fix any particle issues, so it would be great if you give us a quick reply on what your problem was, and how you fixed it out. :D


Good luck with your modding!




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I just really wish we had the source code for it. Not sure about anyone else, but I keep getting spammed with the "none.jpg" warning. :lol:


Hm, are you sure you have brick.jpg, clamp.jpg, dirt.jpg, none.jpg and stucco.jpg in your EffectsEd folder? I think they're used when a texture or shader isn't found. Speaking of which, make sure you have your whole shaders, effects and gfx folders unpacked in GameData/Base for EffectsEd to work properly.

Tempust85 likes this
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Hm, are you sure you have brick.jpg, clamp.jpg, dirt.jpg, none.jpg and stucco.jpg in your EffectsEd folder? I think they're used when a texture or shader isn't found. Speaking of which, make sure you have your whole shaders, effects and gfx folders unpacked in GameData/Base for EffectsEd to work properly.


I have always been spammed that those images are missing (they are used for some built-in textures in EffectsEd I think), they don't seem to be included anywhere until I make them myself.

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I have always been spammed that those images are missing (they are used for some built-in textures in EffectsEd I think), they don't seem to be included anywhere until I make them myself.


Very strange. I got EffectsEd along with the JA SDK, and they were included.

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Good to hear you've figured it out! I'm not sure if there are any other threads in there which ask and fix any particle issues, so it would be great if you give us a quick reply on what your problem was, and how you fixed it out. :D

Oh, it was just me misunderstanding how some parameters in the effects work. I somehow hadn't figured out that the two variables you can assign for any given parameter (life, velocity, acceleration, etc.) defined a range of variables chosen at random instead of choosing between only the two you gave it, like I convinced myself it did, somehow. Basically, just me not thinking things through, and being completely new to this.  :D

After that it was just a matter of screwing around with velocity and acceleration until I got the effect I wanted.



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