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  1. ooeJack's post in Blender Exporting Problem for Jedi Academy was marked as the answer   
    Heya DarthValeria.
    Unfortunately I've never had that problem before, so I'm not sure if I can help you with that.
    When I was working on characters for JKA, I wrote down some notes to help me during export. They might help you out:
    - EXPORT CHARACTER          [Current Character Progress: 0%]  - Make sure scene only contains just the Character + Tags & Skeleton  - Set skeleton pose to 'Rest Position'  - Place "_humanoid.gla", "animation.cfg" & "animevents.cfg" into _humanoid folder  - File > Export > 'JA Ghoul 2 model (.glm)' 
      - Left panel Properties:   - base Path = The directory that leads to and includes the base folder    - Example: "C:\Projects\FINAL OUTPUT - OBIWAN\base"   - .gla name = The directory following /base that leads to and includes the '_humanoid' file    - Example: "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid"     - MUST CONTAIN FORWARD SLASHES (/), NOT back slashes (\)   - Check the following, then EXPORT:    - Model must be named "model.glm" and exported to 'models/players/<character name>/"model.glm"'  Hope this helps.  ooeJack
  2. ooeJack's post in Unweighted vertex found??!?! was marked as the answer   
    Hiya RobiWanKenObi.
    It seems like you've got a vertex that is unweighted to the skeleton. You should be able to find the problem vertex/vertices by going into pose mode, selecting the most parent bone which should be the hips, and moving it. The vertex that is not weighted should stay in place while everything else moves.
    Good luck!
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