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Some NPC and Varitations Suggestions

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If possible, there are some suggestions for characters, or variations of characters, that I would like to see in this mod, which I've noticed have not been included in the mod as of this moment. I've therefore created this list to suggest them. I've included links to images and the wiki pages of the characters.


NPC Suggestions:

  1. Siri Tachi (DefaultUndercover)
  2. Serra Keto (Default) - * If it helps, there is already a mod for this character in JK3 if you want to use it, you'll just need permission.
  3. Darth Talon (Default)
  4. Jaina Solo (DefaultSword of the JediJedi KnightPilotStealth)
  5. Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus (Default/JediSith)
  6. Vima Sunrider (Default)
  7. General Armitage Hux (DefaultWith JacketWith Hat)
  8. Sith Emperor Darth Vitiate (Default, YoungValkorion)
  9. Shira Brie/Darth Lumiya (Default/SithImperial Spy/HumanRebel PilotRecovering SpyDamaged) - * Characters weapon in the books as a Sith is a lightwhip, and I have no idea if that could work in JK3.
  10. Vaylin (Default, Empress)
  11. Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra (Default)
  12. Guri (DefaultFormalFree Droid)
  13. BB-8 (Default)
  14. Darth Zannah (DefaultSith Master)
  15. Cin Drallig (Default, Order 66)
  16. Prince Xizor (Default)
  17. Dash Rendar (Default)
  18. Khaleen Hentz (Default)
  19. Supreme Leader Snoke (Default)
  20. Deliah Blue (Default)
  21. Anakin Solo (Default)
  22. Azlyn Rae (DefaultLive-Preserving ArmorImperial Knight)
  23. Marasiah Fel (DefaultImperial Knight)
  24. Rae Sloane (Default/YoungOld)
  25. Tenel Ka Djo (Default) - * Note, it's important to remember that in the Legends continuity, this character is missing her left arm below the elbow.
  26. Ben Skywalker (Default)
  27. Tahiri Veila (Default/JediSith)
  28. Jedi Master Fay (Default)
  29. Lor San Tekka (Default)
  30. Triple-Zero (Default)
  31. BT-1 (Default)
  32. Ania Solo (Default)
  33. Jariah Syn (Default)
  34. Darth Maladi (Default)
  35. Darth Nihl (Default)
  36. AP-5 (Default)
  37. Temmin Wexley (Default)
  38. Jessika Pava (Default)
  39. First Order Riot Trooper (DefaultFN-2199/Nines/TR-8R)
  40. Resistance Soldier (Default)


​Variation Suggestions

  1. Mara Jade (Arica, Jedi Master) * - Also if possible, could the Default Mara Jade model in the mod get the face from the Heir to the Empire model, also in the mod? I feel like the face for Heir to the Empire version of Mara Jade is so much better. 
  2. Ahsoka Tano (Rebels, Second Half of Clone Wars, Early Empire)
  3. Galen Marek (Lord Starkiller, Dark Apprentice, Tatooine Apprentice)
  4. Luke Skywalker (Luuke Skywalker/Clone)
  5. Leia Organa (Legends/Jedi KnightLegends/Jedi Master) - * Also, Rest in Piece Carrie Fisher/Leia Organa Skywalker.
  6. Darth Vader (Episode IV VersionEmperor Skywalker) * - I know the later technically never appeared in any continuity, but I would kind of love to see that one get made.
  7. Darth Krayt (Helmet, No Helmet) - * I wasn't sure which one you made the default variation so I put here both just in case.
  8. Darth Maul (Rebels Season 2, Rebels Season 3)
  9. Assaj Ventress (Redeemed)
  10. Han Solo (No Jacket)
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A bit. But some of these are in kotf actually. 

Well, some of those might be Variations, or alternate versions of characters already in the mod.  By Variation, I mean like how, for example, in KOTF, there is a Ep2 Anakin and a Ep3 Anakin. Though I do admit there are probably a few other such NPC's that might be already in KOTF, though ultimately I using this spreadsheet to see what NPC's are in the mod.


As for the long list, I'll be honest, it started as 12 NPC suggestions and 3 Variation suggestions, and then I had a few ideas for more NPCs and Variations, which got me to 18 NPC/5 Variations. Eventually I just kept editing and adding more, leading to the now 36 NPC's and 10 Variations. Don't be surprised if that also changes and I add more NPC's and variations to the list, especially as I want to add some missing SWTOR characters to the list.


EDIT: Unsurprising, the above list has indeed changed like I predicted. I've decided to move NPC's on the list, so that it numbers by how much I want the character in the mod, with 1 being the character I want the most, and the NPC numbered at the bottom being the one that while I desire, I'm content to wait a bit for.

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What about Darth Talon, Darth Zannah (Darth Bane's apprentice), Darth Cognus, Darth Tenebrous (Darth Plagueis' master), Darth Tenebrous' Sith Master (he's a Twi'Lek Sith Master), Darth Venamis(I think it's Darth Tenebrous' apprentice or Darth Plagueis' master who is self-proclamed, I don't know if Darth Venamis had got them briefly), Lumiya, Darth Marr, Darth Millennial, etc... I know that's too long but I quote some other important Sith ?

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What about Darth Talon, Darth Zannah (Darth Bane's apprentice), Darth Cognus, Darth Tenebrous (Darth Plagueis' master), Darth Tenebrous' Sith Master (he's a Twi'Lek Sith Master), Darth Venamis(I think it's Darth Tenebrous' apprentice or Darth Plagueis' master who is self-proclamed, I don't know if Darth Venamis had got them briefly), Lumiya, Darth Marr, Darth Millennial, etc... I know that's too long but I quote some other important Sith ?


Darth Talon, Darth Zannah, and Lumiya are on the list. The others are admittedly not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll just post characters which models already been made. Most of them is from one thread, but there were many cool swtor models.


I know it's a lot, but it's only a suggestion. You choose if you'll want any of them


1. Arcann faction: eternal empire



2.Valkorion - eternal empire



3. Mandalore the Ultimate - mandalorians



4. Darth Marr - sith empire



5. Tulak Hord - sith empire



6. Darth Maleval - Darth Krayt's sith empire




7. Zakuul knight - eternal empire



8.Darth Jadus - Sith empire



9. HK-55 - hard to tell I'd go with civilian




10.Darth Talon - Darth Krayt's sith empire



11. Darth Baras - sith empire



12. Havoc squad trooper - Old Republic



13.Lord Kallig - sith empire



14.Revanite - hard to tell maybe civilian


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Everyone here should keep in mind that this mod has a certain NPC limit. I think 1000 NPCs is, at the moment, the border.

Adding every single character from every movie, TV episode, comic or game would be way to complicated. After all, this mod is not about having

the entirety of Star Wars characters bundled in one mod, it's about creating your own adventures while choosing the characters available.


I know, these are just suggestions, and you have any right to suggest something. Who knows? Maybe some characters will be included.

But if the development team wouldn't choose wisely, this mod would end up like this:



I just wanted to say that, just in case somebody wants to suggest more than a hundred of characters.  :D


Anyway, seeing that many people here are giving the Knights of the Force brand a new chance, in any way, is something that makes me happy.

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Everyone here should keep in mind that this mod has a certain NPC limit. I think 1000 NPCs is, at the moment, the border.

Adding every single character from every movie, TV episode, comic or game would be way to complicated. After all, this mod is not about having

the entirety of Star Wars characters bundled in one mod, it's about creating your own adventures while choosing the characters available.


I know, these are just suggestions, and you have any right to suggest something. Who knows? Maybe some characters will be included. But if the development team wouldn't choose wisely, this mod would end up like this:



I just wanted to say that, just in case somebody wants to suggest more than a hundred of characters.  :D


Yes but NPC amount will be reduced by deleting stupid generic Jedi and Sith and then replased by new unique great characters like Valkorion and Tulak Hord .

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I am not deleting them. If I have to reduce them, so be it, but they aren't going anywhere.


Having them is good when you need some random jedi, or sith and don't want to use any significant ones, for example if you'd like to make this

Or order 66

Or practicaly any battle with number of force users

Ah, yes, my apologies, I'm stupid, we need to fight against them, especially as you said, Jaster3001, it'll be fights like the order 66 and so on... I was wrong, it'll be better that they'll stay there and don't worry, they didn't go anywhere, linken233.

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  • 3 months later...

I would have only one suggestion, as of right now at least.

Bendak Starkiller

That's all I want and need xD

Yes, I know there is a mando neo-crusader model already, but it would be cool to have him as a stand-alone character.

The thing is that you can't tell him apart from the other Neo-Crusaders. If he would have something unique, a distinct feature

that makes him stand out from the rest, than it could be worth.


The only way you could get close to the character is using the golden Neo-Crusader, name yourself Bendak Starkiller in the multiplayer mode and just pretend that it is him.

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The thing is that you can't tell him apart from the other Neo-Crusaders. If he would have something unique, a distinct feature

that makes him stand out from the rest, than it could be worth.


The only way you could get close to the character is using the golden Neo-Crusader, name yourself Bendak Starkiller in the multiplayer mode and just pretend that it is him.



I could make him an npc, the problem is that there's nothing really unique about Bendak. So in my opinion, it'd be a bit of a waste. Sorry.

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