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Langerd's Idea for making the board game!

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Well i came up with something new :) When i was creating the project for my school i had to print it on the foam 5mm... And I came with an idea... Why not make the board game?? So i took some Jk3 Textures, My Sarlacc Model.. some screens .. Some Logo Fix and Made a Grid .. And Voila! 


Print it on the foam and ready to go :) I was thinking about Star Wars miniatures too.. But to be honest i was thinking about making my own set of rules.. The only problem i have now is to make Figures for this game :/

What Do You think Guys? And Do You have any ideas for how to make physical models for the game? 3D printing would be nice but... they are expensive as hell 

Kualan, Jeff, Rage and 1 other like this

The is interesting, but I'm not really sure how one'd play it...Is it something like the Siege mod in JAMP? :huh:

As to the figurines, I'd suggest 3D-printing maybe? Or some SW-themed plastic soldiers or something?

Langerd likes this

The is interesting, but I'm not really sure how one'd play it...Is it something like the Siege mod in JAMP? :huh:

Well i was thinking like something for battlefront Civil War only... Every class of troops (and heroes) will have a diffrent cost. So there will be limit for that. Also every class and character would have diffrent abilities. It would be just 6 dot dice ;) 


The classes would be like battlefront 1 classes 



but the heroes would have abilites like in the new battlefront 


It would be all on the statistics of the characters. 


Also I want to change grid color :


-Black color means that only flying characters can go through. No other characters can. It is kind blocked (but characters with jetpack don have this ability neither)

-Orange means hard terrain , place. Characters with jet packs or with force jump can move without any problems. 

-White means that it is walkable for all characters. 

-The Red one means that it is deadly zone. It will be Lava or Abyss. On this map Sarlacc Pit is this kind of abyss. When figure will be on this zone the player will roll the dice. Lower value will mean death to the character. I think there should be some force push or push by explosive mechanics in the game to kill enemies with tactics. ;) For example one character will stand 3 squares next to the sarlacc. For Example Vader will use force choke.. i am thinking about using it in this way- for example mechanic :

1-on dice means failure

2-the same

3-is dmg deal

4-dmg deal

5-dmg deal

6-dmg deal BUT You can move the character 360 from his position max 4 squares ;) 


I am thinking about these mechanics and about the game itself.. I am making this topic because - You can make Your own game like this guys :) It is pretty funny idea i think


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