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Custom heads

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Hey pals! Maybe you know the answer :P

How can i use the head mod from JK:E (you know when you can add heads from another model)
I noticed that if i just simply use the pk3 files they aren't work...but if i use the JK:E launcher exe,it is works perfectly

So maybe can someone help to do an exe file what is launch OpenJK---The Force Awakens Conversion Mod---and this head mod at the same time?
Highly appritiate if someone can help me :) I would be sooo happy :D :3

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The headswap portion of JKE requires code changes in order to run, which in turn is part of the launcher.

I think what you'll want to do is the other direction. Merge the TFA Conversion Pack on top of JKE by dragging its PK3s into the JKE folder. The TFA pack uses no code to operate as far as I know.

Yeah but we Dont want That tfa mod works only with jke :)

That is why i wrote this request.

Wrote to redsaurus a long time ago but he didnt answered yet

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