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You think so? Seems a bit forward to insert such a random, and perhaps vain cameo in an otherwise straight-faced story game. Could it not be a Star Wars character? A reference to a stormtooper's, or mercenary's personal story from the EU? It is located on Vjun, in Darth Vader's castle, and it's the bunk of someone who has obviously served in the Imperial army, either as a demolitions expert, or a soldier.


Jan came to mind to me at first, if that is meant to be Kyle's old bunk. But then again, he met her after he left the Imperials, didn't he?


Was there no behind the scenes revelation that explained this mystery? It really does feel oddly unexpected when you come across it in the game. I couldn't believe my eyes.


@@NumberWan and Star Wars detectives gather! This is a call to action! We have a legitimate, unsolved mystery.


Edit: Also, it seems to me she's wearing a robe... Could she be a Jedi?

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Instigator Ramikad reporting!

She's the same woman depicted on a neon sign on Coruscant, apparently (textures/rooftop/screen2.jpg). That image appears to have Aurebesh writings, too, which are deleted in Vjun, but they're unhelpful in finding out who she is. The sign reads: "TRAFFIC VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT IS IMMEDIATE".

So that seems to support the theory she's just a random woman.

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Ah, it's the concept art/reference for the female Jaden. They ended up using it as an in-game human face for various holo-ads and what-not.


(Darn... I was hoping it was a hidden tribute to an EU story...)


Inspector @@Ramikad has solved the case. ^_^ Thank you, Inspector.

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