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Seven's Random WIP Thread

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I've started on a kitbash/reskin of Scerendo's Rey with Toshi's Luke to try and create Jyn Erso from Rogue One.






Main Reference Photo






I plan to edit the head texture to make it look more like Jyn, and to find a more accurate hairstyle.

swegmaster, krkarr, dark_apprentice and 3 others like this

He's not done, I'm still working on his hoth costume and hopefully a jabba sail barge outfit. The one a few pages back has the tfu head still also.

Jolly likes this

How about Jedi X2?

In PM's, he's told me since he's started other projects, he currently doesn't have the time to work on it. But that it will be done eventually.


He's not done, I'm still working on his hoth costume and hopefully a jabba sail barge outfit. The one a few pages back has the tfu head still also.

TFU head better than recent :D


That is...a very simple design but it gets the job done, considering the era X2 and X1 tapped into their Force Sensitivity.

This was the ingame design.







I plan to do some more work with the textures.

yeyo JK and TheWhitePhoenix like this

I've started on a kitbash/reskin of Scerendo's Rey with Toshi's Luke to try and create Jyn Erso from Rogue One.






Main Reference Photo






I plan to edit the head texture to make it look more like Jyn, and to find a more accurate hairstyle.

Dude I think you're taking on too many projects at once.


Not that you can't handle it, but taking on too many projects can cause you to become disinterested in previous projects.


@@Seven is this hilt one that you build or from another source such as BF 2015 or TFU? If it's the second case, I would like to see the ANH Luke saber from BF 2015 that is shared over the Facepunch forums.

This is the one I built. I used the battlefront one as a resource, but this one was a custom model with custom textures. In the future I plan to hopefully make a graflex (ANH Luke saber).

When you are going to release this, please add Luke saber on/off sounds with in :)

Hopefully soon, and I will add the sounds.


Oh-My-God. :o WOW! 



What he said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:




In the future I plan to hopefully make a graflex (ANH Luke saber).


Can't wait for either version! Take your time man, we don't want you burning out.


TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Ok, so just to fill everyone in on what I'm up to, I've spent the last few days weighing the TFU2 Clone Wars Obi-Wan for JKA






I also gave a robed/hooded option using HS's robes







There's still some clipping to fix, but it's very close.


Then I reskinned/adjusted the outfit to look like Anakins Clone Wars attire (still WIP)







Expect updates in the coming days.



Please release these models soon! I love this Obi Wan sooo much! I also nearly died when I saw the reskinned Anakin with TFU head... I think you are just magnificent @Seven!


PS. Would you mind if I used your characters to make Movie Battles 2 character replacements with? I think EVERYONE would love to use your characters as they are simply the most fantastic things I have seen in a LONG time, I of course would credit you as much as possible. Though I completely understand if you would like to keep these characters exclusive to your thread here. 

yeyo JK likes this


Please release these models soon! I love this Obi Wan sooo much! I also nearly died when I saw the reskinned Anakin with TFU head... I think you are just magnificent @Seven!


PS. Would you mind if I used your characters to make Movie Battles 2 character replacements with? I think EVERYONE would love to use your characters as they are simply the most fantastic things I have seen in a LONG time, I of course would credit you as much as possible. Though I completely understand if you would like to keep these characters exclusive to your thread here. 

The Anakin still has some work to be done, and I will get to it hopefully sooner than later. Right now I'm mainly focused on finishing my Luke hilt, but after that I hopefully can finish some older work like that. And when it's out feel free to use it in your movie battles pack.


The Anakin still has some work to be done, and I will get to it hopefully sooner than later. Right now I'm mainly focused on finishing my Luke hilt, but after that I hopefully can finish some older work like that. And when it's out feel free to use it in your movie battles pack.


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