Darth Sion Posted June 8, 2016 Author Posted June 8, 2016 @@Darth Sion I do understand where James is coming from. Sharing the source for a well known work of art is a tough call, and not something to be taken lightly. That's why I applaud those who have the courage to pass on the torch to the greater community, the next generation, and treat their work with great respect, but not everyone is the same, and at the end of the day it is a personal choice from the artist, and to be respected either way. For future reference, you really don't need more than a single mail message to the artist/creator. If you can see if message has been read, that's all the more reason to keep your correspondence short and to the point. If they've read it, and you don't receive an answer within two weeks' time, it is likely they are not interested, that they have nothing to say, or that you've taken things too far for their taste. (Not sure what the actual correspondence between you two was, but just saying.) We're entitled to free speech, and that means the right to say silent, and not say anything at all, as well. Now, onto the project itself: I do like the challenge of having to accomplish this solely via entity modding and scriptwork. The great Orson Welles once said that "The absence of limitations is the enemy of art." I'm not sure how far we can push it, exactly, as working this way does have its limits, but if we're determined, I'm sure we'll get somewhere we want to be. Scripting the NPCs to walk as expected will be the biggest challenge, by far, for me -- and something I've failed to get to work properly in the past. I'm really excited to see the default JKA cinematic animations play out in a new environment, however, to our tweaking and disposal; and about recreating that mission in the real undercity of Coruscant. That said, my life is in great turmoil at the moment, and I need to focus my efforts on mere (financial) survival, so I don't have any time to devote to this project, in truth, currently -- which is why I've chosen to step away for the time being. I will gladly attend to it at a later time, however, when my real life has been stabilised, and I can afford to take on a hobby project of this scale -- though I can't say when that will be, presently... :/ On the legal side, does James approve of you involving his map in this derivative project? Has he given you written permission to use the map? If not, you may not be able to share the finished work past your close friends, privately and for private use -- which is something you may not want, given the amount of work involved. I haven't looked at the structure of the map, but it is possible we might be able to replace the ship simply by physically replacing the MD3 inside the PK3 bundle if the ship is not a part of the map itself, but an extra model and asset added in.Hi Cerez. Thanks for the reply. Well, in regards to this.. I've done all I can, in regards to contacting him. I've messaged him a few times and tried to make my point as clear to him as possible, with what we're hoping to achieve here and such.. And in fairness, each time he's been pretty co-operative and from what I gather, was very willing to let this go ahead. In regards to your personal situation.. Yes, that's fine. I can totally understand and appreciate that. We all have our own individual "battles", if you will.. Or things that take priority over anything else. So I can appreciate your situation for what it is. But I would honestly like you on-board for this project, if possible.
Cerez Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 (Be mindful about privacy... >.<') What's this business about "untrustable"? o.O I think there's been a misunderstanding there (language barrier). @@Asgarath83? From the looks of it, James would need to dedicate a lot of his time sorting through the old source and preparing it for the share, so it's not likely to happen anytime soon. Map sources can get really complex to organise because of the many assets they rely on. I understand now the problem, and feel his frustration. Pushing it will not help. At the end of the day this is a charity contribution, and if it takes so much time away from his actual life, work, and family, that will be quite tricky to execute. (Not to mention that the source needs to be treated with respect, that it's a delicate matter...) As for me, I will let you know as soon as I can set some time aside for this project. I'm definitely interested, and I won't forget about it. Just gotta find the time... Darth Sion likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 @@Darth Sion @@Cerezi wanna be honest. i not know how to use ent modding and also i have not an Openjk version that support it(that's is the best problem, i am doing my mod on an up-to-date version of Openjk )but for what i see, the ent modding cannot edit brush entities.the padme md3 ship can be replaced, sure, but the physic clip collider of the ship... that remain and mismatch inside the map with jedi z95 model.So i need the source files for fix that, also because i cannot work with ent modding. also i need the source files because, as i told on MP to Darth Sion, if i decompiling the map, i lost all light entities and uvmapping of textures.so, or we wait for source assest, otherwise, if you know some more efficient system of q3map 2 for convert bsp to map without losing light and uvmapping information and leaking the structural brushes... let me know >.<for me is pretty easy to copy \ paste entities of t2_rogue level into this coruscant map, but i cannot work on a broken map file. edit: checked cullen conversation.I not like much that you tell my name without my permission on facebook @@Darth Sion for talk with cullen about me... againstme.i am not frustrated or anger against you or against cullen in respect of what i can appear.i Simply Told that i cannot work without the source map file.for what i read, Cullen need a large amount of time for separate the assets of this single map by all gigabyte of stuff and works of other JKA modding stuffs.i have something like this also in my mod so i understand his difficult and why he take so many time for making that. it's not easy to find every single reference of textures, shaders, gfx, custom effect and any other custom material used for the maps and separe by all gigabyte of staff for personal modding project.so i am not surprise if he take so many time for get the source file.we have two possibility.we can wait cullen prepare the source asset and pass to you , this can require a long time also for his real life problem.or you can wait @@Cerez is more free and take the time for manage this project with ent modding.or, if you get really really rush about it, you can search some other that know how use ent modding for making this project. i am sorry i can work only with source map. a decompiled map cannot be more helpful in that's way. Cerez likes this
Darth Sion Posted June 8, 2016 Author Posted June 8, 2016 (Be mindful about privacy... >.<') What's this business about "untrustable"? o.O I think there's been a misunderstanding there (language barrier). @@Asgarath83? From the looks of it, James would need to dedicate a lot of his time sorting through the old source and preparing it for the share, so it's not likely to happen anytime soon. Map sources can get really complex to organise because of the many assets they rely on. I understand now the problem, and feel his frustration. Pushing it will not help. At the end of the day this is a charity contribution, and if it takes so much time away from his actual life, work, and family, that will be quite tricky to execute. (Not to mention that the source needs to be treated with respect, that it's a delicate matter...) As for me, I will let you know as soon as I can set some time aside for this project. I'm definitely interested, and I won't forget about it. Just gotta find the time...Ok. Yeah, my mistake.
Darth Sion Posted June 8, 2016 Author Posted June 8, 2016 edit: checked cullen conversation.I not like much that you tell my name without my permission on facebook @@Darth Sion for talk with cullen about me... againstme.i am not frustrated or anger against you or against cullen in respect of what i can appear.i Simply Told that i cannot work without the source map file.for what i read, Cullen need a large amount of time for separate the assets of this single map by all gigabyte of stuff and works of other JKA modding stuffs.i have something like this also in my mod so i understand his difficult and why he take so many time for making that. it's not easy to find every single reference of textures, shaders, gfx, custom effect and any other custom material used for the maps and separe by all gigabyte of staff for personal modding project.so i am not surprise if he take so many time for get the source file.we have two possibility.we can wait cullen prepare the source asset and pass to you , this can require a long time also for his real life problem.or you can wait @@Cerez is more free and take the time for manage this project with ent modding.or, if you get really really rush about it, you can search some other that know how use ent modding for making this project. i am sorry i can work only with source map. a decompiled map cannot be more helpful in that's way.Yes, my apologies for that. It maybe wasn't a smart move, on my behalf. However, it wasn't done to create tension between the two parties, it was done to give a better understanding to James, just exactly what the situation is and any potential developments in the future on the project. So he knows exactly what we're looking to achieve and how we're trying to go about doing it. But I have also tried to explain things to James, that you didn't mean it in any malicious way and obviously neither of you know each other, so it was merely your word against his. Albeit in a constructive way. But I don't wish to get involved in this situation, other than to keep a peaceful environment for all involved. So again, my apologies for that. Cerez likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 8, 2016 Posted June 8, 2016 Apologies accepted @@Darth Sion . if this is caused of the words i told on my PM caused by my little frustration for this situation,well i was joking. it was simply irony. when i am a lot frustrated for a thinks, i make ever irony.I get not any pretence of offense of criticism regard Cullen or any artist developer.i am sorry that so many times my irony is misunderstooded. that's happen also in my real life. aw, it's so sad.the langague barrier also not help me much to write the correct english words for tell what i really think about the things, so i am sorry for every misunderstanding caused by my bad english and grammar.Otherwise, that not change the real of fact: we depend by Cerez free time and by Cullen source file. if i have the source of the map, sure at this time i'would make you already happy.with the source file, the most hard think is to create a waypoint grid into the map is not a big trouble for me. i make something like that into a swamp map years ago. enemy run and flee toward the mud and trees. was really fun. Cerez and Darth Sion like this
Cerez Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 @@Asgarath83, do you think you could import the map (all mangled up without textures, etc., as it is), and create a waypoint grid for the NPCs on it? If so, we could export the grid as entities, and use it for the NPC walking/movement on the original map via ent modding. That would certainly speed things up a bit. Darth Sion likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 @@Asgarath83, do you think you could import the map (all mangled up without textures, etc., as it is), and create a waypoint grid for the NPCs on it? If so, we could export the grid as entities, and use it for the NPC walking/movement on the original map via ent modding. That would certainly speed things up a bit. mmmm, yes i think i can do that. let me end to texturize two of models for my mod and i prepare the waypoint grid and i pass you the map file with waypoint, so you can create the waypoints grid as ent files. i can place also NPCs etc etc... but i cannot make a playable map without the sources... well, i supose when we receive the source i will copy \ paste the entities into source map and i will remake the compilation... but yes, i can prepare all the gameplay entities with a decompiled map.is not the best, but almost you get a playable level with end modding. when we will get the source file i compile it into a bsp after i will paste the entities. Darth Sion and Cerez like this
Darth Sion Posted June 9, 2016 Author Posted June 9, 2016 Ok, guys (@@Cerez & @@Asgarath83).. So I've come up with a first draft, plan which works towards improving the base "t2_rogue" mission, on this new Coruscant map. Now, I must stress that this is only a draft version and is yet to be finalised, but if either of you two have any input that you wanna incorporate into the build, then feel free to post your ideas. The general idea, is to keep the layout of the mission, somewhat similar to version in the base game.. And grounded in style, but also more fun and adventurous, with a certain interrogation aspect. I'm also trying to achieve something of a movie representation or something that you'd see in the "STAR WARS: Rebels" TV show.I'd also like to make the map/mission more populated, @@Cerez.. If possible. Not only with the varied enemy types (like in the base game) (I don't think there's actually any Stormtroopers, at all in the base JKA version), but to also populate it with regular civilians, too. So that when you arrive on the planet, your instant feeling of exploring the map is; "Yeah, this feels much better and more realistic.". As of course, this IS Coruscant, we're talking about and not some deserted planet or wasteland. (As an example, I suppose you could think of it, as you're currently living out in the surburban areas of New York (Maybe, somewhere like Queens.. Which is scarcely populated) and then once you get onto the planet of Coruscant, it's like you've reached "Times Square" or somewhere similar). I do think and feel that the map should be more populated by civilians and such on the UPPER levels of the map (Maybe with the odd enemy thrown in here and there, but not heavily populated). And in the restricted areas and/or the LOWER levels of the map (which is somewhere you'd have to go to complete/progress, in the mission), is where you'll find the enemies. I am open to new enemies types, however (maybe Stormtroopers.. What do you think?). Basically, the mission parameters and the "end goal" will be the same, as the base game. But let's look at how we can liven up the mission a little bit and go a bit more in-depth. I'll also post screenshots below, of my draft layout and my guide, that'll hopefully represent an easier understanding of the map/mission plan, itself.*NOTE*It may also be an idea for you both (@@Cerez & @@Asgarath83) to test the map out, yourselves an explore around a little bit, using the "noclip" cheat. That way, it'll benefit everyone and bring everyone upto scratch on the layout and look of certain or specific areas. Starting point (Upon arriving on the map)(This would be the part where Racto says to Jaden; "Did you think you could just barge in here and take me into custody, Jedi?!", then he steps behind the door and the door closes, to which you chase after him, going through the door, obviously and the mission properly begins. So basically, even though Racto hasn't set off the exploding bridge, he's still stating that he refuses to "come quietly".)Upon going through that door, after exploring it myself.. I've found out there is a choice of 2 directions to choose from. Just off to the left side is small terminal which to call in a speeder bike (Still yet to traverse the rest of the track) and just off to the right, is a small cafeteria area. I'm still currently working on which route to take (unless either route leads to the same location), further exploration is needed.Traversing through the different levels of Coruscant Interrogating/Talking to the Bartender (about Racto's whereabouts)Facing the Assassin Droids(This one is still undecided and needs some more input before it gets greenlit. Will welcome ideas).Hallway leading to Lannik Racto Capturing Racto I also had an idea, which I came across, as background ambience for the map (if that can be added). There's 2 YouTube links here, these could be used as .mp3's or whatever audio format that the map uses, to load. You will notice, they do both sound very familiar to Bespin from "The Empire Strikes Back", but authenticity is key, here.Anyway, they're both very similar, but if you guys wanna have a listen to them both and see which one, you think would best fit the map.Star Wars Ambience - Coruscant Apartment Background (White Noise, ASMR, Relaxation) One Hourhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE5erINBHsE Star Wars - Coruscant Traffic Background Ambience **NOTE**I can't remember if it was mentioned in the original post, but there is actually 2 versions of the map. One is darker, "night-time" (dusk) variant and the other is more day-time, if anyone feels like or wants to change the night-time skybox to actually be a night-time sky, then I'm very open to that happening. The base version of the mission is set at night, so it may be a good idea to stick with that, as to maintain a level of authenticity throughout the mission. Cerez likes this
eezstreet Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 I've also talked to eezstreet about this, on Steam chat and told him the situation and he's clearly stated to me that it's ok for me to go ahead and publish this to the Hub, if the project can be completed and finalized. That's not what I said. I said if he didn't contact you back in 30 days then you may use the file. If I said that it was okay, it was because I didn't know that he contacted you back. Please review our rules about non-contact of the author. In regards to your personal situation.. Yes, that's fine. I can totally understand and appreciate that. We all have our own individual "battles", if you will.. Or things that take priority over anything else. So I can appreciate your situation for what it is. But I would honestly like you on-board for this project, if possible.It's very apparent from his demeanor that he would like some space. Just relax. If he hasn't replied to you in two weeks, he's probably busy. There's no need to harass him. @@Darth Sion @@Cerezi wanna be honest. i not know how to use ent modding and also i have not an Openjk version that support itThis is actually false, you don't need OpenJK to do entity modding, you can just modify the BSP. we can wait cullen prepare the source asset and pass to you , this can require a long time also for his real life problem.or you can wait @@Cerez is more free and take the time for manage this project with ent modding.or, if you get really really rush about it, you can search some other that know how use ent modding for making this project. i am sorry i can work only with source map. a decompiled map cannot be more helpful in that's way.This is really the best option imo, just wait for Sith-J-Cull to get back to you and do it on his own time. Give him a few months to get life situated, and if he doesn't reply, then say something. I don't approve of people here harassing some guy to release his assets when he's indicated that it will be a lot of work to do so. Cerez likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 @@eezstreet sorry, i not know that. so is possible to edit a BSP simply with a notepad? interessing, but it's not little hard to make?i tryied to make that one time, and i get only a corrupted bsp unreadable. o.o @@Darth Sion :i never watched star wars rebel and i am not interessed to watch the show.if you keep calm i decompile the two maps and paste the entity of original t2_rogue into the coruscant map of cullen just now. about place fine all entities in the correct place, and making a waypoint grid this need time. okay? yes, i will decompile the night version of the map. Civilian entities? these require custom NPCs stuff and models. this become little big as project, more big of what i initially think.Sure it's more realistic, but it's difficult. it require a lot of models of humans and aliens and also NPC customization of these models.at moment is the last of our troubles. Otherwise, if you learn a lot of little jedi patience, young sith, everybody can work more relaxed Darth Sion and Cerez like this
swegmaster Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 @@eezstreet sorry, i not know that. so is possible to edit a BSP simply with a notepad? interessing, but it's not little hard to make?i tryied to make that one time, and i get only a corrupted bsp unreadable. o.o @@Darth Sion :i never watched star wars rebel and i am not interessed to watch the show.if you keep calm i decompile the two maps and paste the entity of original t2_rogue into the coruscant map of cullen just now. about place fine all entities in the correct place, and making a waypoint grid this need time. okay? yes, i will decompile the night version of the map. Civilian entities? these require custom NPCs stuff and models. this become little big as project, more big of what i initially think.Sure it's more realistic, but it's difficult. it require a lot of models of humans and aliens and also NPC customization of these models.at moment is the last of our troubles. Otherwise, if you learn a lot of little jedi patience, young sith, everybody can work more relaxed it's not possible to edit bsps with something like notepad, the bsp will simply break
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 it's not possible to edit bsps with something like notepad, the bsp will simply breakWell, so i really not know how is possible to edit. @@Darth Sion and @@CerezOkay get in radiant. without any texture for moment.Cullen is really a master artist padmé ship is not an MD3 model, is builded with brushes! map structure! D:this is an hard work to do.I seet there is the landing pad, and the swoop traces, and the downtowns section. there are two possible access to downtown section using swoop race trace.I have already merged entities of the two maps. now i need to clean up, make waypoint grids and place NPCs, after i can pass map file to@@Cerez so she can do the entity modding. or you want a bsp with meta building?Otherwise, @@Darth Sion ... please, learn the basic of mapping. is not so difficult.And if you can do these things by yourself sure you are advantaged in these tasks. EDIT: added textures without that my eyes get @.@ ...as i told, uvmapping of texture is broken totally. so a decompiled map is unuseful. also all light are missing. well, i can place entities, but not make more of that. the other work can done only by Cerez. without the original source file is impossible remove padmé ships. is not an MD3, is make by brushes. it's part of map geometry.So for moment we can work just on entities.i need however some indication bnecause also if i see landing pad and cantina near at the begin of swoop race trace, i not understan WHERE is the new rakto hideout @@Darth Sion if you post some screenshort of the place you wanna as Hideout for Rakto you give me a favour. Cerez likes this
eezstreet Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 If you use an -onlyents compile it will create a new BSP with your modified ents. You need to extract the entities from the BSP using notepad first. Cerez likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 If you use an -onlyents compile it will create a new BSP with your modified ents. You need to extract the entities from the BSP using notepad first. interessing. there is some tutorial that can explain this step by step? :
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 Nevermind. Found it. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/81-another-entity-modding-tutorial/now i study a lot. Cerez and Darth Sion like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 ok i learned. @@eezstreet @@Cerez @@Darth Sion is more easy of what i thinked.basically i need just to go into my q3map2 folder of gtk radiant and making a batch compiler with the commands contained into the tutorial.after that, i can put a BSP and an ENT file. the batch will edit the BSP merging it with entities into the files.very interessing! so, i will do that: 1 waypoint grid.2 put entities.3 make and ent file.4 merging the ent file on the cullen map with the batch process.5 done. there is just one problem, Darth Sion...the padme ship XD i cannot remove that in any way without editing the map. is a giant set of Brushes, not an MD3.there is not an entity for padme ship, sorry.i cannot remove without the source file map. and i get also logistic trouble. I need to understand where you want the rakto hideout in this map. screenshot of place inside the game, please Darth Sion and Cerez like this
eezstreet Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 interessing. there is some tutorial that can explain this step by step? :- Decompile BSP to .map- Open .map in Radiant- Edit map entities- Make a compile line that has -onlyents (not -vis, not -meta, etc)- Compile- ???- You have an ent-modded BSP. Darth Sion and Cerez like this
Asgarath83 Posted June 9, 2016 Posted June 9, 2016 - Decompile BSP to .map- Open .map in Radiant- Edit map entities- Make a compile line that has -onlyents (not -vis, not -meta, etc)- Compile- ???- You have an ent-modded BSP. Without q3map 2 batch process D: WOAH! Magic!!!Well, in this case i can help Darth Sion. only, the padmé ship is not possible to removal. is brushes.
Darth Sion Posted June 9, 2016 Author Posted June 9, 2016 Ok, I'm gonna go ahead now and edit the post I put up earlier and include those screenshots. But yeah, as you stated @@Asgarath83.. It looks like we'll need the source files for Padme's ship. I think of the things that kinda gave that away, was the fact that the ship is actually open and you can go into the interior area of the ship, itself. So we're gonna have to play the "waiting game" on that one. But bare with me, I'll do those screenshots now....
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 Ok i need a lot of time for study level path and structure and see how make the task with your screenshot.this is the project:ent modding- myself: i make waypoint connection, place the entities and make the keyparms of entities for scripting-.- @@Cerez if i get trouble with building the map with ent modding, i will pass you the file and can make you?the scripting part... mmm, i can make minor script related to combat system. i will leave to Cerez the cinematic. i am not much good withthese. now i will start the waypoint grid... is the longest part.@@eezstreet entmodding support also func usables and triggers? i need triggers for not spawn all in one once the enemies. this can overload map and cause fps drop.@@Darth Sion, find the models of civilian that you wanna put ingame.ah, we need also a voice actor man and one woman for jaden dialogue with bartenders. Cerez likes this
Darth Sion Posted June 10, 2016 Author Posted June 10, 2016 Ok i need a lot of time for study level path and structure and see how make the task with your screenshot.this is the project:ent modding- myself: i make waypoint connection, place the entities and make the keyparms of entities for scripting-.- @@Cerez if i get trouble with building the map with ent modding, i will pass you the file and can make you?the scripting part... mmm, i can make minor script related to combat system. i will leave to Cerez the cinematic. i am not much good withthese. now i will start the waypoint grid... is the longest part.@@eezstreet entmodding support also func usables and triggers? i need triggers for not spawn all in one once the enemies. this can overload map and cause fps drop.@@Darth Sion, find the models of civilian that you wanna put ingame.ah, we need also a voice actor man and one woman for jaden dialogue with bartenders.Ok, sounds good. Again, though.. This is just a draft copy. I do still need to explain a little bit more, but didn't have much time last night, when I was posting those screenshots, as it was getting on towards 4am. But I'll get the extra information added to it by this weekend. @@Cerez, is there anything you wanna feel like adding or something that would be a good idea? I do kind of feel that it'd be a good idea to make use of the Swoop/Speeder bikes, upon entering the City area (from the landing platform), to get from one point, to another, but again.. This is open to suggestion and changes. Otherwise, it's gonna make it un-necessarily much harder than it needs to be, by changing the whole map. So I would think that the first port of call, as it were.. Once entering the map, properly, from the Landing platform, making use of the swoop/speeder bikes to get from point A to point B, is gonna be a good idea. Ahh yeah, the dialogue with the Bartender.. I'm sure in some way we could use some dialogue that's already in the game's base sound assets. Sorting through and listening to them is gonna be a pain in the ass, though. But isn't there already some sort of interrogation conversation in the game, on another level somewhere? I'm not 100% sure about this, though.. Asgarath83 likes this
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 bartender dialogue: it's not on JA, it's on JO on nar shaddaa first level. but it's kyle to talk with bartender. we can use bartender answer related to reelo searching quest, but we cannot do use kyle voices. we NEED jaden voices XDhowever, i waypointed ALL the level. but i am lost myself and i cannot find the rakto room XD is too good hidden . i tried also with wireframe cheats, but i not see it.however, i need again to connect waypoint grid and to place the point_combat entities. for what i think i suggest to make these way:1: Landing padenemis: a lot of battle droids and rodians.2: a little fight into rancor arena for unlock swoops or deactivates some force fields. : enemies: smugglers.3: swoop run to the lower quarters. enemies: human merc swoopbikers4: lower quarters and cantina, doors for upper levels all locked until bartender conversation. enemy: smugglers.5: upper quartes explorarion, find the second cantina. enemies:a team of saboteurs, a team of human merc with elite and altfire weapons, snipers on the roof and high path way.6: the highpathway with a complex of room7: rakto hideout and capture it.spared in all levels, assassin droids. with scripts also is possible to make shielded enemies and change weapons of droids or using alt fires for enemies weapons. assassin droid can use EVERY kind of shooting weapons, also lightsabers! D: not only the rifle.the personal guard of rakto maybe done by some saberist droid.also: before rakto droid guard: 2 cultist commando. they are characters never used into the game, but the NPC works pretty fine.they are acrobatic cultist that use two blaster pistol with repeating fire.civilian on area 4 and 5.it's okay? 5: upper quarters explorarions.Edit for point 4: i think we can make a mini boss enemy that carry a security key for unlock doors for upper city.
GPChannel Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 I need help!!!! Is there somebody who can convert the jka mission bsp files to .map for me? PLease
Asgarath83 Posted June 10, 2016 Posted June 10, 2016 I need help!!!! Is there somebody who can convert the jka mission bsp files to .map for me? PLease oh, again.bsp -> map -> ruined map with no light and no texture uvmapping. unuseful map. eezstreet and Cerez like this
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