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A script for OpenJK

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Ok i'm not good at all with coding so i'm requesting this for OpenJK.


I mostly play Solo Mode with bots. The only problem is if there are maps which have no bot paths, bots just constantly jump all the time. And bots are rubbish anyway as they don't use the characters actual voice.


This is why I just spawn NPC's into a cheat enabled Solo Server. They use their own voices and don't jump around all the time, they act normal as they should.


So the script I would like.. would be to respawn the same NPC after the NPC gets killed every time. That's it. Nothing more to it. I don't expect the script to make the respawning identical to bot respawning (with the green sphere thing), but this way the NPC would act as a bot without all the ridiculous jumping and will actually use the voices properly.


I would just like this script as an executable cfg or something that I can just activate once and it works always.


I don't expect to have this worked on straight away, or even at all. However I do appreciate the attention to this request! :)



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I don't think that a script is the best way to proceed here, simply because you can't control where the spawns would be at.

I think a better option would be to copy the BSP and make an ent-modded version of the map. This way you can place scripted elements like buttons to turn on/off spawning.

therfiles likes this
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I don't think that a script is the best way to proceed here, simply because you can't control where the spawns would be at.

I think a better option would be to copy the BSP and make an ent-modded version of the map. This way you can place scripted elements like buttons to turn on/off spawning.


An easier option could be to make a script to disable jumping completely. That way bots will respawn and won't keep spam jumping everywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, i am not a script expert. maybe @@therfiles know if there is something about that. he's a good scripter.

for entmodding, i wanna suggest to you to add NPC_spawner entity to the map and set the count to -1 like the NPC_spawner of the rancor into the t2_rancor map. if you kill the rancor in this map it spawn again at infinite. XD you need to make something like this rancor spawner.

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An easier option could be to make a script to disable jumping completely. That way bots will respawn and won't keep spam jumping everywhere.


The bots jump because there is no routing data. They cannot just wander the area since they have no idea of the map's geography. However, when they just jump randomly, they are moving randomly through space. Bot route would correct this. At least that's my understanding.


A script can't really do what you are asking unfortunately. MP scripts, in my experience, do not have the same power of SP ones. I don't think the runscript command even works, so I don't think you could even implement said script if it was written.


You can add a hotkey to keep spawning the same NPC but I think that is all you can do without map editing, like @@Asgarath83 suggests.

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