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RGB Darth Talon

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So I figured i'd start uploading some of my skins I put together (hopefully they'll be accepted lol), as i'm not really playing JKA anymore and they're just sitting on my computer getting virtual dust all over them. Athena's skin was the first, i've got a few more I need to finish up and upload.
For some of them I figured I need to post a topic to see what you'll think and whether or not it will be accepted if I uploaded it, like I did a couple months ago with Kit Fisto, which I still need to get around to finishing. I tend to write a big description on my released files, so making a topic showcasing the skin is quicker for me in case it gets rejected xD
I'm not a frankenstein king, and by no means am I a texture artist, I just had a lot of fun putting skins together, which turned into RGB'ing the hell out of everything to the extent that it became an obsession xD and it's time to do something with what I put together.
My next skin to upload is going to be an RGB'd version of Darth Talon, with additional model parts, options and a mix of sound files. Below is a list of the icons for all the body parts:




It uses ported content (SWTOR malgus mask (mesh edited to fit better), SWTOR revan hood (mesh edited to fit better), TFU darth sion shoulder guard).. i've RGB'd the mask and shoulder guard but besides that they haven't been edited necessarily.. would that count as a "no" if I uploaded this model?

krkarr, GPChannel, Bek and 7 others like this
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So I figured i'd start uploading some of my skins I put together (hopefully they'll be accepted lol), as i'm not really playing JKA anymore and they're just sitting on my computer getting virtual dust all over them. Athena's skin was the first, i've got a few more I need to finish up and upload.

For some of them I figured I need to post a topic to see what you'll think and whether or not it will be accepted if I uploaded it, like I did a couple months ago with Kit Fisto, which I still need to get around to finishing. I tend to write a big description on my released files, so making a topic showcasing the skin is quicker for me in case it gets rejected xD


I'm not a frankenstein king, and by no means am I a texture artist, I just had a lot of fun putting skins together, which turned into RGB'ing the hell out of everything to the extent that it became an obsession xD and it's time to do something with what I put together.


My next skin to upload is going to be an RGB'd version of Darth Talon, with additional model parts, options and a mix of sound files. Below is a list of the icons for all the body parts:



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It uses ported content (SWTOR malgus mask (mesh edited to fit better), SWTOR revan hood (mesh edited to fit better), TFU darth sion shoulder guard).. i've RGB'd the mask and shoulder guard but besides that they haven't been edited necessarily.. would that count as a "no" if I uploaded this model?

Epic stuff Dude!!!

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  • 4 months later...

Haha yeah there's no logic with Darth Talon's attire, but I guess when you're fighting with lightsabers you just need to look cool for the comics!

Thanks for the feedback :) I have something else in mind for her, if all goes to plan that is.

Langerd likes this
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Haha yeah there's no logic with Darth Talon's attire, but I guess when you're fighting with lightsabers you just need to look cool for the comics!

Thanks for the feedback :) I have something else in mind for her, if all goes to plan that is.

*cough* but her outfit would be cool in diffrent scenerio.. he he he.. ekhm


Keep goin Your works!

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