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Gtkradiant compiles my map in the wrong way...

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Well... I have older versions of the map and they compile right. So! I am 100% sure that this is not the shader issue. But the problem is the compiling the map i mean the full compile. When i am compiling my map in : BSP - meta it compiles normally.


BUT  ! I want to check my map with lights and shadows of course so! I compile map map : BSP -meta -vis -light -fast -filter (this is default compiling i think) And wait. There are no errors on the way. Nothing... But when i open my map in the game... I just cant describe it:


It turned into shit... 5 hours of work and i get this... Help me pls.

And it doesnt load any misc_models AT ALL... wow..

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It may just be a wild guess, but I believe this can be one of the cases that Pande mentioned when the map file gets so saturated with lightmap info that lighting gets all fuzzy.


Or something like that.

Is there any way to fix this? I Changed to Lightmap to the 0.2 To be as close as 0.125 and it works O.o

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The problem maybe is because i wanted... a whole map in .125. I used only few func_groups to change them the lightmapscale.

This func may not work well on the textures that have shaders options. These big walls have _spec texture and the roofs have the environment shader. I think the main problem is caused because of them. This detail lightmapscale shouldnt be on the textures like these

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I don't know if this will help, but you could try adding -lightmapsize to your light compile stage to increase the size which is 128 by default.

Noobish question ... where and how ? And i should make lower than 128 or higher?

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