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My first texture-edit || EP.7 TIE Fighter (re-texture)

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As big fan of the TIE family vehicles (and willing to have a real-life replica someday), I couldn't resist myself from willing to start a personal project. 
I decided to start at first with the TIE Fighter from JKA and just mess around with what I can do at the moment for it's textures. I will be glad to other members who are far more professional, than me in textures to help out, till I reach the result, that would satisfy me. Maybe it will be released here some day too, but not sure what I would be able to create due the process with this TIE Fighter re-texture.

Right now I can't find some good reference pictures for the new TIE Fighter designs on upcoming Episode 7 Force Awakens. So as it is now on a very-very LOW level and what I could saw from the Teaser#2 I've managed only this "Negative" version ATM:

Still need tones of hours of work on it  TIE




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I wouldn't recommend using a negative of the original texture. If you are working in Photoshop, try other options.


For instance, for black parts I would use any dark color close to black, then use Multiply filter and "play" a little with Opacity values. Using mask in this instance might help.


For lighter parts also use some sort of grey or light olive gamma. Using Lighting, Screen or Overlay might be good. Opacity too. =) Besides I would copy one of Channels (RGB) and place them above the light parts of TIE. Then use multiply again.


If you don't work in PS, then just try to avoid switching colors automatically. There are actually dozens of options both in PS and other programs.

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I wouldn't recommend using a negative of the original texture. If you are working in Photoshop, try other options.


For instance, for black parts I would use any dark color close to black, then use Multiply filter and "play" a little with Opacity values. Using mask in this instance might help.


For lighter parts also use some sort of grey or light olive gamma. Using Lighting, Screen or Overlay might be good. Opacity too. =) Besides I would copy one of Channels (RGB) and place them above the light parts of TIE. Then use multiply again.


If you don't work in PS, then just try to avoid switching colors automatically. There are actually dozens of options both in PS and other programs.

Thanks mate! I will see what I can do with the textures this weekend and after I play around in Photoshop, I'll let an update here ^^

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Ive also been working into skinning the tie fighter. I had to go in and find the texture files as they dont read from the same folder the model was in. Im really surprised that no one has ever really skinned any of the base vehicles before.


as for your error, looks like you tried to load the tie fighter up in single player. you should try to see if it will load in MP. also if you want I can upload my test pk3 file later if you want.



Here are some photos if you need them of the tie from the last trailer:













NumberWan and dark_apprentice like this
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Ive also been working into skinning the tie fighter. I had to go in and find the texture files as they dont read from the same folder the model was in. Im really surprised that no one has ever really skinned any of the base vehicles before.


as for your error, looks like you tried to load the tie fighter up in single player. you should try to see if it will load in MP. also if you want I can upload my test pk3 file later if you want.



Here are some photos if you need them of the tie from the last trailer:













Thanks a lot for the photos! I wasn't really able to work a lot on the textures the past 2 days, but I don't now how to upload the photos/screenshots as spoiler's to show instead of tones of dropbox links :D anyway at first my model that I put on the background with Deathstar is not so much of "negative" and i can show you the textures as they are at the moment. I prefer testing on SP, but if it's better to test a vehicle in MP I will try :P



@@Langerd About the metallic TIE Fighter I am not so sure, it's hard to say also I guess that it will need (when the textures are done) a shader file, that can make the TIE wings a bit of transparent (if that's every possible in JKA).

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I always use imgur to host my images. easy to upload and easy to post here.


Anyways heres my last file I did to test what I did for the Ep7 Tie: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh1qy354zp8vf5m/tie%20mod.pk3?dl=0


I moved all the textures to the models/players folder so it would be easier to edit. So use my file anyway you would like. I doubt I will continue working on it so it may be of some help to you.

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I always use imgur to host my images. easy to upload and easy to post here.


Anyways heres my last file I did to test what I did for the Ep7 Tie: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh1qy354zp8vf5m/tie%20mod.pk3?dl=0


I moved all the textures to the models/players folder so it would be easier to edit. So use my file anyway you would like. I doubt I will continue working on it so it may be of some help to you.

Thanks! Here are mine as they look ATM: DA's TIE


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Ok guys, here is an update of the textures, I have used the model that @@Zappa_0 gave me to help me out fixing my old textures. So I have used both my old textures and parts from yours and came up with this in ModView (also works perfect in-game) :)

Now i am wondering if it is possible for this TIE Fighter to create or use an exciting Shader file, which will tell the game to make the Solar array wings // wing brace to be transparent-ish

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        map models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter_body
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
        map models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity
        map models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter_wing
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        map models/map_objects/ships/tie_fighter_wing_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular



found it in the models.shader file.



and here is the updated shader file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hz4pher0i60zxt3/tie_fighter.shader?dl=0



and sure dont mind testing it out for you! glad to be of any help if needed.

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that is totally doable, post your shader and your texture here

it depends on the alpha channel of your texture and the shader set up

Here are the textures as they are right now: TIE textures  





        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing
        blendFunc add
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular

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I kinda like how the tie looks like a ghost tie hehe.


Im not really good with shaders. I pretty much took the shader for the hologram palpatine and applied the textures with that shader. Besides I dont think you can just apply the shaders to just the panels as the whole panel is one texture.

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You have to create an alpha channel for your wing texture.

This alpha channel will tell the game which parts of the model should be transparent and which parts have to be opaque


this is what the alpha channel should look like in your case :


Black parts of your Alpha channel will let the texture appear transparent, while white parts will set things to opaque - grayscales in between black and white are more/less transparent

I made the solar panel area a very light gray here, that way it will be slightly transparent ingame - if its accompanied by the right shader - to make the solar panels more or less transparent simply make the gray color darker or brighter


here's a version of your texture fitted with that alpha channel I presented you : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/TieWing_alpha.tga


now onto the shader, your current shader is currently wrong - it creates transparency based on the brightness of your RGB values - while ignoring the alpha

you want something like this :

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular
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You have to create an alpha channel for your wing texture.

This alpha channel will tell the game which parts of the model should be transparent and which parts have to be opaque


this is what the alpha channel should look like in your case :


Black parts of your Alpha channel will let the texture appear transparent, while white parts will set things to opaque - grayscales in between black and white are more/less transparent

I made the solar panel area a very light gray here, that way it will be slightly transparent ingame - if its accompanied by the right shader - to make the solar panels more or less transparent simply make the gray color darker or brighter


here's a version of your texture fitted with that alpha channel I presented you : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/TieWing_alpha.tga


now onto the shader, your current shader is currently wrong - it creates transparency based on the brightness of your RGB values - while ignoring the alpha

you want something like this :

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse

        map models/players/tie_fighter/tie_fighter_wing_spec
        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
        alphaGen lightingSpecular

Ok, seems to work now, but I want to make the solar panels a bit transparent, and the rest to be darker on the wings. I got what you told me above, but how can i make this Alpha channel in Photoshop? Do i have to put the white image with the gray triangle (as the picture you posted) and then put it on change the blending to fit over the original texture and save it as .tga or? Sorry for my lame question and thank you for the helping guys!!

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