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Mp ... again... f**k

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Well i made the sword model. I test it in single player. Everything works fine! Than i thought - Most of players play multiplayer so i will check that everything works fine in mp before i will upload it.

In the character menu it loads perfectly. So i loaded the map. Select Join the game and than .... MYYYY EARS GOD WTF!!! WHERE IS MY SWORD AND WTF WITH THIS SOUND HOLY S**T!!!

The model in the menu works fine! But It doesnt work when i am in the loaded map . Even in the saber menu (when i want to change my saber DURING the gameplay... not before in the game menu)
it is screwed up... And there is strange sound that nearly destroy my ears ... Help pls!

Console doesnt shows anything... Fuck

Edited by Langerd
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    name                        "Sapphire Blade"

    saberType                    SABER_single

    saberModel    "models/weapons2/sapphire_blade/blade.glm"


    saberLength                    40

    throwable                    1

    blocking 1

    disarmBonus 9

    soundOff    "sound/weapons/sword/catch.mp3"

    fallSound1    "sound/weapons/sword/fall4.mp3"

    fallSound2    "sound/weapons/sword/fall5.mp3"

    fallSound3    "sound/weapons/sword/fall6.mp3"

    hitSound1    "sound/weapons/sword/stab1.mp3"

    hitSound2    "sound/weapons/sword/stab2.mp3"

    hitSound3    "sound/weapons/sword/stab3.mp3"

    spinsound    "sound/weapons/sword/swing4.mp3"

    spinSound    "sound/weapons/sword/swing4.mp3"

    swingSound1    "sound/weapons/sword/swing1.mp3"

    swingSound2    "sound/weapons/sword/swing2.mp3"

    swingSound3    "sound/weapons/sword/swing3.mp3"

    lungeAtkMove LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB  

onInWater 1

noWallMarks 1

noblade 1

bounceOnWalls    1

noDlight 1

noClashFlare 1

trailStyle 2

noIdleEffect 1

noManualDeactivate 1

maxChain 1



Here Ya go...

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Nope still doesnt work... maybe check it (BUT FIRST TURN OFF YOU AUDIO!!!) And check it in the SP game , in the Mp game (not in the menu... it is strange because the model works in SP and in the MP menu. But when i am selecting a saber in in-game menu it only show the origin of the model (this default thing You know when model is not found... but it is in HALF! -_- )

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        cull twosided


        map models/weapons2/sapphire_blade/sword

        alphaFunc GE128

        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

        rgbGen lightingDiffuse



        map models/weapons2/sapphire_blade/sword_spec

        blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE


        alphaGen lightingSpecular




        map models/weapons2/sapphire_blade/sword_glow

        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE


        rgbGen identity





Here is the shader... pls help

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I have not much competences but... a little think: you put two times the spinsound value into the sab files. is not a big error, and it's not the reason of missing glowing. just for notice.

mmmm try to setted glow also in the first stage of shader  and try some other values and combinations of GL_ONE \ GL_ZERO etc.

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I think of not... really i not know why the glow effect not work into your saber


mmm in this stage


        map models/weapons2/sapphire_blade/sword_glow
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
        rgbGen identity


try tcgen enviroment instead of rgbgen identity. O.o just for see what happen

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