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[SWS Mod] Mission Ideas

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Okay this thread's for discussing missions for Episode IV. Because so far, all we have it therfiles' amazing idea for a Tantive mission. We need more ideas.

Alright y'all, let's get squirting some thoughterria. Episode IV locations only (for now).

I like the thought of going into more depth with the escape of  Tatooine, shortly after the cantina fight.

And for the record, anybody notice that was the only time when a lightsaber caused blood? Because of the heat of the saber, it normally cauterizes (or something like that, don't remember for sure) the wound, causing no blood.

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I'm pretty sure the blood thing was changed because it didn't make sense. :P so yeah, no blood in this mod.


After the Tantive IV escape, I was thinking of a short little mission where you control C3PO or R2D2 and wander through the desert a little bit until the jawas attack. Would be fairly simple to map out and script I'm sure but wouldn't be a cool little addition.


After that, could be a mission as Luke, looking for R2. Could make it more elaborate than the movie. Maybe something more along the lines of how Lego Star Wars does it.

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I'd love some levels where you actually play parts of the story that you didn't really see. For example Stormtroopers hunting for the missing droids.


Sounds cool! One thing we'll have to figure out is perspective. Were we thinking that the player would only play rebel-aligned characters? Or just anyone? For a full-fledged campaign, we may have to choose a side.

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Sounds cool! One thing we'll have to figure out is perspective. Were we thinking that the player would only play rebel-aligned characters? Or just anyone? For a full-fledged campaign, we may have to choose a side.

You think? It would be cool to do any side. I don't think a game has quite done that yet, unless you count Battlefront but that was uniquely from a troopers point of view, which ended up being both sides.


I think it would be unique to not limit to one side.

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You think? It would be cool to do any side. I don't think a game has quite done that yet, unless you count Battlefront but that was uniquely from a troopers point of view, which ended up being both sides.


I think it would be unique to not limit to one side.

Force Commander kind of did something like that. But obviously that's probably not canon so...

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Doing two separate sides would be a little more complicated. You'd have to think of an even amount of missions for each, for each episode. I figure we should just do the missions that would feel natural and be interesting to play as.


This makes a lot of sense...let's just make missions that make sense for each event. There are some things that just don't work for the other side. I was thinking of a couple of objectives for an Imperial side of the Tantieve mission...there's a whole lot of dumb fighting and not a whole lot to be done.

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The reason for the lightsaber caused bleeding is because the Aqualish have a special kind of blood that can't be cauterized. I agree with the stormtroopers looking for the droids in the background would be interesting, especially if searching Tusken camps or even Jawa Sandcrawlers was involved. Maybe moving between the two on a Dewback would be pretty neat. I think there's also quite a lot of tattooine map stuff in the JKG source files (this is the .map as well which is great) only issue is that textures would need to be redone as they aren't all included in the package.

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Yeah, I agree, @@Circa. You'd really have to make it clear what the objective is, so the player doesn't feel like he's just aimlessly wandering...that's no fun! Maybe we can brainstorm some challenges...like evading some jawas...or something. That's a tough mission to sell. In fact, maybe just have a quick portion in the desert, and then complete the mission in the sandcrawler, fighting off droids, etc.

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Well for the beginning of the mission, I was going to have it fairly simple. Get from point A to point B, with some cutscenes mirroring the film in some way, to give some orientation to the stormtrooper part of the mission, which will be more in depth. I like the idea of having to fend off tuskens throughout the mission, like in KotOR.

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Well for the beginning of the mission, I was going to have it fairly simple. Get from point A to point B, with some cutscenes mirroring the film in some way, to give some orientation to the stormtrooper part of the mission, which will be more in depth. I like the idea of having to fend off tuskens throughout the mission, like in KotOR.

I stole that concept from the original Star Wars Battlefront Dune Sea map. They had a three-team thing where both the rebels and imperials were forced to fight a tusken camp. 

Good luck on your Tatooine quest, start up your own thread when you feel it's necessary. 

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  • 6 months later...

I'm down for that, though it'd be best to have the movie released so we can get screenshots and videos of the scenery and such.


I still think either the Tantive mission or cantina scene should come first though. I just have no motivation to learn more mapping and basic scripting at the moment. Maybe soon.

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  • 11 months later...

Well for the beginning of the mission, I was going to have it fairly simple. Get from point A to point B, with some cutscenes mirroring the film in some way, to give some orientation to the stormtrooper part of the mission, which will be more in depth. I like the idea of having to fend off tuskens throughout the mission, like in KotOR.

Worked on this a bit. Over a year later. I'm mostly gaining back the mapping knowledge I had gained in that short period of time.



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