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Misc_weapon_shooter SP Idead but dont know how to do...

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Place a misc weapon shooter. check the box of altfire, and

Key weapon


you cannot set dmg but you can set a trigger_hurt in the area with 1000 of damage, unactive, for player only. maybe you can set for player a Painscript, when he enter in this zone (not put any enemies!! and avoid enter of NPC enemies in the area with clippers and also clippers for projectiles) if player in the area with trigger and clippers around if hitted by the rocket, shot the painscript, the painscript acrivate the trigger... and player die :)

Trigger Hurt dmg is setted on 1000 ;)

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Place a misc weapon shooter. check the box of altfire, and

Key weapon


you cannot set dmg but you can set a trigger_hurt in the area with 1000 of damage, unactive, for player only. maybe you can set for player a Painscript, when he enter in this zone (not put any enemies!! and avoid enter of NPC enemies in the area with clippers and also clippers for projectiles) if player in the area with trigger and clippers around if hitted by the rocket, shot the painscript, the painscript acrivate the trigger... and player die :)

Trigger Hurt dmg is setted on 1000 ;)

I dont want to make it more dmg. I want make it like a alt fire in rocket launcher. That the rockets will follow the player.



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I really don't know if there's a way to make the rocket from a misc_weapon_shooter chase the player as it does when an enemy shoots it. You can set a target, and it claims "if it's a moving target it will update [the aim] every frame", but I'm not sure if this actually works or not. It doesn't seem to be working on NPCs or the player: as far as the NPCs are concerned, it will only shoot the rocket towards their spawn point, completely ignoring the NPC; and as far as the Player is concerned, I haven't checked it yet.


All in all, IF there's not a way to do that with scripting (you could try playing around with targets, origins, and such), you should probably put the misc_weapon_shooter aside and use instead an invisible NPC.

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True, and some more stuff is completely broken or unfinished.


You can make an NPC "float" by putting a system/blockNPC brush around it. Also, if scripted correctly, they will hold their fire until the player has reached a certain zone / trigger / whatever, and can use the alt-fire that makes them launch seeker missiles.

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This will be hard because i made a func_breakable and used model2 spawnflag to generate the ship model. And i just placed two misc_weapon_shooter next to the turrets oif the ship to make effect that it is shooting. When i destroy the model the misc_weapon_shooters stop working

So this will be hard to make it work :/ I thought about one thing too. I can make a glm. model - give it the tags which will be named the same as ATST glm model tags. And just use this glm model as npc. But i dont know how to make it work in blender.

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This will be hard because i made a func_breakable and used model2 spawnflag to generate the ship model. And i just placed two misc_weapon_shooter next to the turrets oif the ship to make effect that it is shooting. When i destroy the model the misc_weapon_shooters stop working


So this will be hard to make it work :/ I thought about one thing too. I can make a glm. model - give it the tags which will be named the same as ATST glm model tags. And just use this glm model as npc. But i dont know how to make it work in blender.

not much,each turret is connected to his invisible NPC. when the turret is desroyed, the func_breakable can shoot a deathscript that use the comand Removel "NPC_targetname" or targetname of NPC :)I  so if player destroy the turret that "shoot" the Npc invisibole that shoot is removed. remove remove the NPCs and is used for the cutscene, not kill so NPC disappear without making death sound etc etc. :)

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But what if i will hit the npc? Is there any chance to make it like a ghost? That the blasters and other stuff will fly through him

make a spawnscript with their with Icarus with this flags:


SET_SOLID : false ;)

SET_WEAPON weapon_rocket_launcher


SET_TARGET "player"

SET_INVINCIBILE: True (so player cannot accidently kill XD )

SET_IGNOREPAINS: true (if player hit this NPC - but is not possible, because thei are not solid so cannot behitted by weapons) they not play the pain sounds. this protect also by force_drain lightning attack.

there is also a command, like SET_NO_MINDTRICK or something like that, that make immune the NPC to minditrick ^^

For Avoid the effect of Force Grip on the invisible ghost, instead, you need to set the NPC as a Droid Class. You can set with CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID. i know for experience they can use the rocket with no troubles and cannot be gripped. :)




buil the IBI file. Done. :) When NPC invisible will spawn, the player will be shooted by their seekers ^_^

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not much,each turret is connected to his invisible NPC. when the turret is desroyed, the func_breakable can shoot a deathscript that use the comand Removel "NPC_targetname" or targetname of NPC :)I  so if player destroy the turret that "shoot" the Npc invisibole that shoot is removed. remove remove the NPCs and is used for the cutscene, not kill so NPC disappear without making death sound etc etc. :)



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