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Star Wars: Battlefront Eternal

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Here's the problem, DT. We've literally only 'SEEN' DICE have impressive quality.


All that we've 'SEEN' are pretty trailers, nice renders in engine, and words with positivity and enthusiasm.


Other than that, we know absolutely NOTHING about how this game is going. EA does this purposefully. They tell you nothing about the actual development, don't give you anything about the game that can be critically examined and critiqued before release, then give you the game however it is on release. By keeping information at a bare minimum, you have no actual knowledge of what goes on, cannot critique these companies while there's still time to change direction, and are expected to buy these games based off of visual spectacles and promises.


How good a game looks is SECONDARY to how well a game plays, and how well a game plays isn't literally "seen" but felt as well. All you get from the marketing teams are superficial and NOT representative of how the game feels to play.


I'm tired of these bullshit marketing tactics. Stop falling for them.

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Lack of gameplay updates doesn't mean people should be all like "OMG no gameplay updates! Let's kill 'em!". Everyone needs to just freaking wait and stop being so damn impatient. Why there is such a rush to know everything about everything is beyond me.


Did it ever occur to anyone that Battlefront isn't in a showable state gameplay-wise? Nope. No one wants to see crappy, unfinished gameplay.

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That's exactly why you can't say if it will be bad or good yet. You haven't seen anything. Assuming something is "bad" will inevitably become true for you. Just keep an open mind and wait and see before you judge it.

All I did was examine the marketing tactic. A worse assumption here is to think examining marketing tactics means I think that this game will be bad. 


imo, I'm expecting this to be a good looking game that's fun for a month or two but overall disappointing. This is not an unfair discernment considering EA's track record in meddling with franchises.



Lack of gameplay updates doesn't mean people should be all like "OMG no gameplay updates! Let's kill 'em!". Everyone needs to just freaking wait and stop being so damn impatient. Why there is such a rush to know everything about everything is beyond me.


Did it ever occur to anyone that Battlefront isn't in a showable state gameplay-wise? Nope. No one wants to see crappy, unfinished gameplay.


This kind of attitude just doesn't cut it if you want a decent game from people you can't trust. "Just wait guys everything will be fine!" turns into waiting so long that you do nothing at all. By the time you're done waiting the game is done too. It's not impatience wanting a company to be honest with you. So far all EA has shown from DICE is positive, positive, positive. Their press is painting the game in a good light by SPECIFICALLY trying to. If a game is truly good, you can release both positive and negative information and the people, whom in this rare circumstance are thinking for themselves, will themselves paint the game in a good light without it being told to them. That's how press should work, but you know how these things are. Even though EA is a corporate giant who can afford to be honest even if it costs them a few pennies (though in the long run makes them more money by helping their image), they won't. How many times do you have to fall for the positive press brigade marketing you a game until you realize that this part of the gaming business is a scam?



Plus, they announced today that it will be released December 2015. That's over a year away. Clearly tons of work to be done before anything is shown.


People might be hurt by seeing something unfinished because they're not used to it. But in actuality, the pain they feel is GOOD because it's deprogramming them from thinking something has to be 95% finished before someone can show it to them! I don't care if something is "unfinished" or "clearly has tons of work to be done," because I take this into consideration and judge them on the merits of what they have AT THE TIME, not just what I expect the finished product to be. Something might be really bad early on, and that's a good reason why to show people so it can be changed in a better direction. These games SHOULD be for the people that play them, but they're not, as evidenced by the consumer having no say in what the product looks like. Instead, you're expected to accept whatever a company gives you on the fallacious logic that "they're the developers, they know better than you about what you want."

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I wasn't talking directly to you.


Anyway, EA is in control, yes, but DICE is making the game. They've done great with Battlefield, which seems like a great translation to Battlefront to me.


I'm optimistic about it. If I end up disappointed, oh well. It's a video game.

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I never said it would be "fine", I'm just saying that everyone needs to quit bitching about the game as we haven't seen any gameplay yet to determine if it's good or bad. Automatically saying things like "OMG EA/DICE are doing a crap job with Battlefront" without any proof is just plain stupid. However, IF there was gameplay vids out and it was crap then I'd support this. I'm no EA/DICE fanboy, I actually don't think I've played a DICE game before. Also, I don't "fall" for scams so I have no idea what you're talking about.

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