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Fixing the MD3 Exporter for 3ds max (Bug Fixes & Unicode Conversion)

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  • 4 months later...

So I wanted to export out a test case from 3ds Max 2011 for comparisons with XSI Mod Tool output.


When I did the "Export Selected" in 2011 x64, it appears to not respect the selected object and exports everything. I did the same thing in Max8 and "Export Selected" works correctly.


Would @@Psyk0Sith, @@DT85 (and any others with Max 2010/2011+) do a similar MD3 export-selected test (1 object selected only) and post the statistics?

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    Frames:    1

    Tags:    0

    Meshes:    1

    Mesh< Box01 >:  12 Triangles, 8 Vertexes ( +16 verts for SmoothGroups, +0 verts for UV map )

    Geometry Total:  12 Triangles, 24 Vertexes


It only exported the selected object as expected.

Archangel35757 likes this
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  • 1 month later...

Can you please add support for custom texture paths, using material names (like you can with xsi exporter)? Being confined to the models folder will be problematic if using textures from other locations such as maps or ui.

Yes, I will do that... it might take me a couple weeks to find the free time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Archangel35757 would it be possible to leave it like it is by default? To use the filepath of the applied bitmap from the material assigned to a part of the model (i.e. i add a texture to the model from my pre-set working base folder, which is d:\base\models\weapons2\XXXX\tex.png - this then converts the path to just models/weapons2/XXXX/tex.png (converting backward slashes to forward slasheswithout the need to write this as the material name).

Having an additional checkbox for using Material Names would then work without conflicting with this, but also export without any paths assigned if one does not add any bitmap texture to the model. I never work with textures other than my own ones and i don't remember that i've ever used anything else as "models" for the initial folder, but in case someone would... I think a checkbox for "Use Material Name as Path for textures" would then be great. In that case it's on the artist to change the name properly to get it to work and it should also overrule the way i'm using, the smartpath way with a bitmap given via the diffuse channel in the material of choice. 


DT85 has also a good point. "Use material name as path" would solve his problem, he may be running into this sort of trouble as of late for DF2. But it's not as quick as the bitmap way. So maybe you could do this:
Under the checkbox for "use smartpaths" you could add two additional round checkboxes (only one can be selected), where the top one uses "models" as starting path and the other "Custom:" and one can type in whatever they want. IF someone decides to use a completely new folder like "MyMod" which then contains everything he uses, it would make things a whole lot easier for him, speed up his export process when working with a lot of models.


But these are just my thoughts, you're the master. Whatever you think is best.

EDIT: Another thing i'd like to see in this plugin, if possible, is to save a default export preset of settings for each artist for the duration of the 3D Studio Max session. After a restart, the settings would be again the default ones. Would speed up processess when one works with several models at once using custom export options.

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@@Rooxon - Thanks for the input...


...after more thought, I don't like the "either/or" radio buttons-- as it forces you to choose one or the other and in the case of "Use Material Name" it would force the artist to rename all materials.


Here's what I've decided to do:


Keep it as-is and add another checkbox for:

"Use material name (when 'Smart Paths' returns NULL)"


So the artist can still rely on Smart Paths checkbox... but for known textures that have filepaths not containing "models" the artist can check the "Use Material Name..." option and they only have to rename those unique materials.


I will look into what is necessary to preserve dialog settings within a 3ds Max session.


@@DT85, @@AshuraDX -- any other thoughts?


P.S. - I hope to have all plugins updated and resubmitted by tomorrow evening.

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I really don't care about smart paths actually, I have allways just named my materials properly.


And I'd like to keep that workflow as is.


Yes, you will be able to keep this workflow-- whether you check the 'smart paths' option or not.  You will just need to check 'use material names...' now.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...


Could I request a max 2019 compile as well? Will be happy to beta test it as well.

For a moment, I was afraid this was a necro thread, and your exporter is probably the only one still updated for new 3ds max versions.

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20 hours ago, Qba said:


Could I request a max 2019 compile as well? Will be happy to beta test it as well.

For a moment, I was afraid this was a necro thread, and your exporter is probably the only one still updated for new 3ds max versions.

Contact me on the JK Discord channel and I'll send you the Max 2019 MD3 exporter-- I thought I had released it but perhaps I was waiting on feedback from


EDIT:  Check the files section now.


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