eezstreet Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Hate to sound like a cynic, but what were you expecting to get by posting this? Most people aren't going to say "no" because they can't speak for everyone, so they are reduced to saying a polite "maybe". You're left to people who either would go onto such a server, or know people who would, who would say "yes".You've made several status updates regarding such a server and have been advertising it pretty heavily, so it isn't too difficult to see where you're going with this - one of a few different things really. Either affirming and reinforcing an idea that everyone on JKH 'hates you' (really really unhealthy and I wouldn't really encourage this sort of behavior), a cry for others to give you some means of respect/attention (which we've seen before multiple times, need I bring up that "hall of fame" thread? I'm not saying that you're necessarily wrong for wanting that, but at the same time you're going at it the totally wrong way by leaving a trail of venom and asking for people to give you doesn't work like that at all in reality)So in closing, I think you need to take a step back and ask yourself what your goals are. I think you're leaving yourself a very negative influence on people around you and that's counterproductive. A few steps you might take would be to come clean regarding everything. It's quite apparent that you've changed ages rather...rapidly so to speak. And speaking from experience here, 16 isn't very much better to paint yourself as than 13. In fact I experienced pretty bad ageism from fellow coders, and when I proved them wrong, it was somewhat gratifying. But suppose you're like 10 or something. I think people would respect you more as a 10 year old who acts his age than a 16 year old who acts like he's 10. There's a very basic principle involved there: immaturity. When you're 10, nobody's going to give you shit, you're 10, you pretty much have an excuse for acting that way. I'm not saying that in a (fairly adult) community it's a great quality to have, but it is by far better to be straightforward and honest with people.And yes, I did alias myself as being 13/14/16/18 (these numbers are usually most frequently picked) when I was like 8-12 years old. Probably would have been a better idea to say "Oh I'm 10 and I'm just starting out on this modding thing), in hindsight.Also eh, don't consider my words as some kinda attack on you or something like that. I'm just noticing that you're putting yourself into situations which might be unhealthy. There's always going to be people who are going to be hard on you on the Internet (not to throw you under the bus @@MoonDog, but you sometimes get a bit carried away I think). But frankly if you're disrespecting other people, that isn't going to take you very far, and I think that a good beating every now and again bit of conflict helps us become stronger as people.sorry, got carried away. been doing a lot of self-exploration and deep thinking lately. Spent entirely too much time typing this out on a mobile phone. Bek likes this
MoonDog Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 I could of gone on happily without being tagged in another one of this retards topics, thnx.
Merek Posted February 28, 2014 Author Posted February 28, 2014 I could of gone on happily without being tagged in another one of this retards topics, thnx.Your an idiot both of you it was a legit question and I do not enforce the idea that everyone on the jkhub hates me. @@Circa please close this topic since we got two losers who can't take anything seriously. @@eezstreet obviously this is my first post in a while and I haven't said jack squat about anything your babbling on about. Edit: Explain how I am disrespecting others. I posted a topic about stargate and asking for people's opinion how is that disrespectful? MoonDog has a rather large mouth he needs to close which is rather disrespectful.
MoonDog Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 sigh Do u c nao. D U C. MoonDog has a rather large mouth he needs to close which is rather disrespectful. And you plagiarize entire mods unapologetically and then brag on X-Fire when you get away with it. Are we done here? Why was I even fucking tagged in the first place? Seriously now.
Merek Posted February 28, 2014 Author Posted February 28, 2014 Do u c nao. D U C. And you plagiarize entire mods unapologetically and then brag on X-Fire when you get away with it. Are we done here? Why was I even fucking tagged in the first place? Seriously now.Bragged about it on xfire? I believe your bragging. That day I spoke to you about entity modding not about how I 'got away with stealing your work' and yeah we are done here. I believe I did apologize and because of you I tend to not release anything new here on the jkhub forum or files because you consistently target me no matter what I do. This is beyond ridiculous.
MoonDog Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 I don't think you understand what bragging means. It's also staggering that you think I meant you were bragging to me. Theres this thing called copy and paste(I know you are very very very familiar with copy and pasting), where a person can essentially get the text from a conversation you had with them, and show to another person( me ). You should start a petition about copy and pasting. However, the irony of that would also be staggering.
Pande Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Lol, /thread. And once again, see my signature. Actually, it's funny how 'mature' you type now, then read my signature minus the [ ] edits where I fixed grammar and spelling.
Merek Posted February 28, 2014 Author Posted February 28, 2014 I'm not going to go into that discussion again @@MoonDog.
Merek Posted February 28, 2014 Author Posted February 28, 2014 Lol, /thread. And once again, see my signature. Actually, it's funny how 'mature' you type now, then read my signature minus the [ ] edits where I fixed grammar and spelling. Not you too @@Pande look I no longer hosting your files and all the so-called jk3-archives sites have been closed and its all in the past. Now if you people want to take part in my humiliation be my guest, I want no part of it.
eezstreet Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Personally I prefer your opinions over moondog's any day And yet you call me an idiot, when I've harbored no ill will towards you for the duration of this thread. In fact, I've offered you some life advice because I legitimately wanted to help you, but you've written it off as nonsense. If I were inclined anymore to delve into bickering, I would probably go apeshit and say you were being an asshole at me for no real justifiable reason (other than perhaps derailing your thread? But surely insulting someone outright isn't the best way to go about things). However, all I'm capable of feeling at the moment is a great sense of disappointment since my attempt at imparting some advice to you on the heel of (what an educated guess would suppose, given the history) a thread which doesn't honestly seem like it would have gone anywhere. I thought we could discuss things diplomatically. Apparently I was wrong. @@MoonDog I dint men 2 pis u off bby prmise I wun do it again pls dont beat me bby
MoonDog Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 @@MoonDog I dint men 2 pis u off bby prmise I wun do it again pls dont beat me bbyiz cool. i ony hit chew cuz i luv u bby grl. Raz0r likes this
eezstreet Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 I don't seek to humiliate you. But I would suggest that if you wanted to make things appear better for you, you might try apologizing instead of going on the offensive.iz cool. i ony hit chew cuz i luv u bby grl.thx bby u no im into bdsm loel is all good <3
MoonDog Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 My cyber sex alarm is going off. Thats my queue to leave this conversation before it starts to get disturbing. And messy.
Circa Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 Omicron, Flynn, Futuza and 4 others like this .!¡!.
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