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Question about LOD's

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Figured this would be a good place to ask, from those who may have stumbled upon the code to see just how useful it can be. I pretty much just want to know if LOD's can be used on more things than just character models like we've only been using them on. I have a feeling if I try it on a vehicle it probably will work but also mainly want to know about map objects and weapons as well since they normally don't have a hierarchy structure like an animated object does.


Thanks for any info.

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Figured this would be a good place to ask, from those who may have stumbled upon the code to see just how useful it can be. I pretty much just want to know if LOD's can be used on more things than just character models like we've only been using them on. I have a feeling if I try it on a vehicle it probably will work but also mainly want to know about map objects and weapons as well since they normally don't have a hierarchy structure like an animated object does.


Thanks for any info.

You can use LODs on any Ghoul2 model, and patches (and MD3 models I think) have automatically generated LODs.

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There is something called q3map_surfaceModel in shadering, which draws models onto a surface after this recipe: q3map_surfaceModel modelpath density odds minscale maxscale minangle maxangle oriented.


I tried to involve LODs with these md3 models:


q3map_surfaceModel models/map_objects/bootland/trees/grasschunk1.md3 64 0.6 0.5 0.7 0 270 1
q3map_surfaceModel models/map_objects/bootland/trees/sapling2.md3 1500 0.12 0.8 1.2 0 270 0
Xycaleth says that it needs to be a misc_model_static, otherwise it's baked in. Any idea if these surfacemodels get baked into the bsp, and if so a way around it? I would really like to use LODs with them, but it didn't work when I tried earlier like this (*_1. *_2 etc). I was told md3s don't support LOD.
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