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TFU Mod Sounds

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So if I want to give myself best chances of not getting a C&D one day, in light of the email I just got, I think I should maybe make my own sounds?


Any ideas or people interested in making a buncha custom blaster and saber sounds? Anyone else here use Pro Tools or Reason or Sonar or anything?

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Your opinion is noted, and had I been making a 1:1 copy of TFU I would agree. Feel free to check out the rest of the mod pages and you will find the storyline which you will see will not involve Vader really at all. I designed the storyline behind the fact that I would have no voice actors for Vader or Starkiller. If I do get a decent voice actor for each, there will still not be many lines if any at all. This story is between Starkiller and 2 droids for the most part.



Voice actors I will need


Troopers ( I may be able to take care of this one)


Juno ( I may be able to take care of this one)


Droids 1 and 2 (any real robotic voices will do)


Possibly Starkiller (anyone interested should submit a recording of thier best Starkiller quotes)


Possibly Proxy




The rest will not have speaking roles.


We can use the base sounds correct or no?


Nobody is changing thier voice into Juno XD


I will hunt the girl down and have her in my clutches soon.

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Vader is overlooking thousands of clones right now, the chances for each one to get his personal attention is pretty slim. There will be 2 droids overlooking your "interrogation" and the rest is all pretty much induced memories of Starkiller from TFU1. he will die before he even gets to Vader or even makes Vader a concern. The droids will be under direct supervision from Vader, so his presence is still there. Enough to maybe even have a part in the end cutscene I was thinking, still, no lines will be necessary. hell, Starkiller won't really have any speaking lines. Just a few if that. It is all happening in his mind, that is why I was putting the hints and storyline peices along the walls like Splinter Cell Conviction Do you have very many speaking roles in your dreams? Do the people you are dreaming of? Not necessarily you know? It is a play on the mental struggle of a Starkiller clone.


Now, on the other hand, the storyline I am working for Unleashed 2.5 is pretty sick and will all have speaking roles. I have kicked it around to @@therfiles and @@AshuraDX and have heard some good things about the storyline. So we can look forward to that. 


Let's focus on getting the exact dialogue written down and recorded. I wanted the two droids to have some sort of comic relief. Like, the two have been working together torturing and killing off clones for a few years, and they are meant to be cynical and rather dark, but in a funny way. So I beleive I kicked out the storyline for this a while ago. If anyone wants to take a crack at being the voice of one of the robots, or helping narrate thier dialogues in a comical way just let me know because I dont have that all the way figured out yet.

Think things like, when Starkiller is waking up form one of his dreams maybe the robots talking like "Did we fry em?" "I TOLD you he was gunna fry!" XD things like that. Maybe small arguments between the two

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Sounds good Chalk. I can do the droids' and troopers' dialogue. If you don't get the woman you're looking for Chalk, I can possibly convince my girlfriend to use a British accent. She has some acting experience. Could be decent.


Any sound effects/foley you need that aren't in base, I can do as well.

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That is insanity hell yeah. Bad ass man. Well, I would have to go play around in base one day and get a full list of all the sounds that aren't in base that would be needed. thank you man. Yeah ask her and see how she sounds, if anything maybe we could have some Maris lines or something as well. We shall see let me get a very detailed storyline going so we can see whats up, and yeah go ahead and take the droids and strooper voices if you wish, I will get back to you with an updated storyline soon then. sweet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whatever you make could definitely be used. I just lost my midi controller or I'd be getting down as well trying to get some good push and repulse sounds going or something

I can definitely make a few drafts of those here soon if you'd like.


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