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Kyrimorut Bastion (Manda'yaim)

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Well, who of you knows the Republic/Imperial Commando novels? I'm a quite a huge fan of the whole series, read the books probably for four times. But anyways, that thread ain't about these novels :P But at least about one appearing place, the Bastion in Kyrimorut, located on the planet Mandalore.

I started to map this by reading the novels (of course again :P) with my girlfriend (yea, heard right :D), she knew about my hobby to map and so she made a sketch of the Bastion, because it's very well and detailed discribed in the books, aswell as it just gives you an emotion of feeling home by reading it. And so we started mapping, mostly me, but under the orders of her :D


I want to present you a few screenshots aswell as a screen out of the Radiant. I stopped the progress on it, while I'm mapping on the Small Village at the moment, but anyways, I would like to finish this, too (I think the most of you know that feeling :D). So, if you're a fan of the series too, give it a look, 'til now it's just a layout with textures. For those, who don't know the books:


It's a place, as mentioned, on Mandalore (which is of course the homeplanet of the Mandalorians), and you see their culture in their buildings of course, too. This building has a round shape, with one entrance and one emergency exit, aswell as a huge room in the middle (you could say the living room, where everyone comes together), there shall be a fireplace, a huge table, chairs and stuff. Besides that and around the great room (called the karyai) are many sleeping rooms, which are either half over or half under the earth, a great kitchen with a storeroom, bath rooms and an armoury. It's literaly a bastion, put together out of nice looking architecture and pragmatism.


Okay, enough said, here are the screens!


















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Thanks :) You mean the grass area, right? This is just for reasons to show how it's looking from outside :P But if you know how to handle such things, I would appriciate your adwise.



Hey no problem. You can upload the .map some where and pm me the link. I'll mitre one half of it so you can see the difference and change the rest of it.

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I like the way you alter the wall geometry like you do. However, I think there could be a few more details, such as doorframes and railings that could add to it. The sky ceiling feels underutilized, in my opinion. Some buildings to serve as a skyline would be a nice addition, or perhaps something to break up the floor a little bit.

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It's not hard to see at all, it was a joke. o.0 But hey if it looks good ingame, who cares anymore. Back in the day we had to worry about fps even for small maps. This map is too small to worry about it so f*** it just have fun and create something.


One thing though, those curved walls could be done with patches and they would look smoother, rather than doing CSG subtract. Also if you want nice cuts like that try this site http://mapgen.nerius.com/ of abusing CSG subtract.

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Yea, from me too :D Never mind :P Zack edited it, so that it look very good and the fps are lower, but all in all, I absoloutely agree with you!


Fun should be above all, one way or another, that's the reason we're all doing this, right? ;)

Yea, it first it were curves, but then I decied to do brushes out of them so that I can edit them better, for putting doors in it for example. But the site looks very nice, I will check it out :)

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