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TFU Mod Cutscenes

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Thanks man.



See those blue tubes on the walls? I want each one of those sections to have it's own technical equipment pretty much you knnow?


Like.. No matter what angle the camera is at, you'll always get something different I really want to kill this room. So a mixture or Star Wars and Resident Evil is what i'm thinking. Just tubes and monitors and wires and pipes and tanks and tables with surgical devices etc. the business.


But I want it all to function like one room. Like.. if you've seen some resident evil scenes theres a ton of technical stuff hooked up to something organic stuff like that. That's what I mean by lack of ideas is I just have to peice the 8 walls together in a way that flows like the equipment was all made specifically for this room. 

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Know what would be cool?  If for the Hub.. you can categorize yourself. Like.. mapper, modeller, coder, scripter, texture artists, shader specialist, animator, etc...



Abracafreakindabra, it is now possible.  The tagging users based on type is not, but you *should* be able to filter users by type now.  Edit your profile to take a look and set yours.

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Great work Crimson!


What would be really ghetto but cool was if we coded several spam bots with each having a modder type as a username. We could then have the spam bot post a list of people when @ModderType is typed in the topic. It would respond with a list of modders, just like how @@spior made the linux bot. RIP.




Person types @Scripters.

Spam bot posts:




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Great work Crimson!


What would be really ghetto but cool was if we coded several spam bots with each having a modder type as a username. We could then have the spam bot post a list of people when @ModderType is typed in the topic. It would respond with a list of modders, just like how @@spior made the linux bot. RIP.




Person types @Scripters.

Spam bot posts:


Do we REALLY need to re-live Stallbot? lol


Pretty friggin sweet dude. Good stuff there.


@modeler would be the extreme though. Or if it showed under your name like "Retired Staff"


It "could" be done, but it would require edits to the theme, and Caelum worked so hard getting it looking good, I'd rather not go messing around in it.  Were it my forum I'd totally take a crack at it, given that I have done IP.Board theme-work, but since it isn't, I won't toy with it.

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I'll need a robot voice actor who knows how to manipulate the audio to be more robotic

Use audacity to create an echo about .2 seconds behind actual voice (make the decay on the echo die off really quickly).  Optional: Then fiddle with FTT settings, maybe add wahwah, and possible some sc4 stuff.

Circa likes this

JKG Developer

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  • Circa changed the title to TFU Mod Cutscenes

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