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TFU Playermodels Needed

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Hell I dunno. Someone contact him see if I can remake it? If not screw it we can start one from scratch. I'd like to anyways. Much like the TIE fighter, I'd like to have my own version of a ST as well. If I did that... couldn't I add things like packs, paldrons, modified armor, different helmets, ammo, and other things and just rig em all to the same skele and just have variations via .skin files? I guess what i'm saying is would it greatly drop fps to have all that stuff on a model? or does the game plain not even load the geometry that is *off in the .skin? That way I could make a clonetrooper and a stormtrooper "create your own" kind of thing. I could use them for my mod, and it would be a cool download by itself. It would have to wait for about 2 weeks though because i have some things i need done first, then, i will need the ST. it would still be nice if someone could try and ask em if I can rebuild


I'm pretty sure no one cares if you tinker with their models, so long as you give them credit for the original. ;)


If you want, I could un-mirror Hapslash's Stormtrooper for you.

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Go for it man badass! I owe ya one. And yeah I'm not putting my name all over this mod by any means and will mention everybody. i was planning on trying to include everyone as a thank you kind of thing for all the help over the years as well as an entire thank you portion on the main menu kinda like credits or something. I'll make sure to include him to the list. hell it'd b an honor. I am wrapping up the TIE fighter right now and getting it ready to post some progress pics in it's section, and intermittently building the TIE facility, I think I'll start on a rebel after the TIE fighter. I want to take a significant break from"he who shall not be named" since I keep screwing the head up. Ill work on my head building skills with this rebel and be sure to make a few different variations of the face textures as well as maybe one regular sized, and one chunky like the TFU variations with the chainguns

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The final count for that is 7,088 tris which is still too high and that's with no extras. I'd have to do some serious LODing to make it remotely useable.





Ok I can't get it any lower than 6,620 tris without a full redo. I have however made LOD1 at around 4,500 tris. Chalk, it's upto you whether you want to use mine or Hapslash's Stormtrooper. :)

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Was the ST commander in the TFU games? IMO, I'm more of a original trilogy kinda guy, I could probably live the rest of my life hapily without even watching the prequels ever again.

Yeah he was, He was the blue trooper that kind of looked like the 501st legion. In terms of color at least.


I'm pretty sure no one cares if you tinker with their models, so long as you give them credit for the original. ;)


If you want, I could un-mirror Hapslash's Stormtrooper for you.

Sweet that is awesome! If you could also un mirror the ammo belt thing on his right leg then that will be perfect for the Commander. Not to sound so demanded but as I have said before, I am absolutely obsessed with detail.

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Me too, which is why after looking at Hapslash's Stormtrooper I decided to try harder to get my own to a lower tri count. He did great (and certainly kicked Raven's ass), but there are a few little things that aren't very accurate and it's the ANH armor. The one I made is ROTJ armor and is as accurate as I could make from the refs I had.


Now I just need to try and squeeze a little more tri's out of LOD0 and make some extras.  :P

Barricade24 and ChalklYne like this
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Me too, which is why after looking at Hapslash's Stormtrooper I decided to try harder to get my own to a lower tri count. He did great (and certainly kicked Raven's ass), but there are a few little things that aren't very accurate and it's the ANH armor. The one I made is ROTJ armor and is as accurate as I could make from the refs I had.


Now I just need to try and squeeze a little more tri's out of LOD0 and make some extras.  :P

Cool. You have my full support with regard to your trooper model. I always love seeing more trooper related files.

ChalklYne likes this
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  • 5 months later...

Updated the character list in the first post.






The ones with X's I need no help on as they are already built by myself or someone else. The rest have yet to be started


X__Starkiller- what a disaster but coming along nonetheless

X__EVO trooper- done

X__Jump trooper- done

X__Incinerator trooper- @@DT85

X__Purge Trooper- done

X__Stormtroopers- @@DT85 just need a few variations (@@Barricade24 has some)

___Felucians- body is done

___Rancors- I have one done, but will most likely be rebuilding it soon and making a few variants

___Bull rancor- havent started yet

___ Junk Droids- not started yet

___Junk Titan-- havent started yet

X__Kazdan Paratus-- backpack and model are done

___Kota's militia- just a buncha different rebels i havent started any yet

___Dagobah creatures- i need to do some googling. i want some creatures like flying around or crawling or both.

X__Dark juno- junos head on a more dark, gothic kind of looking sith female body, started the body

___AT-ST Variants- @@minilogoguy18 has a very nice one I may ask for, also @@AshuraDX said he may take another crack at one of them

___Droids 1 and 2- haven't started or figured out which droids to use yet

X__Rodians- I have started the heads and would like to model them myself (or at least the heavy one)



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  • Circa changed the title to TFU Playermodels Needed

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