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Jedi Knight: Outcast HD Remake

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Good day everyone!


I would like to share a little project of mine with you guys (always looking for feedback!).

Given that you already know Disney shut-down LucasArts and Raven released the source code for JK2 & 3 (which was taken down shortly afterwards), I decided to work on an HD remake of JK2 to enhance my 3d & coding skills.


If you want to learn more about the project please visit gaming-nexus.net or moddb.com


Here are some screenshots of Kejim Post (early WIP) and some textures. Please note that everything has been recreated from scratch.











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I don't understand. What exactly is in high resolution? Your screen? Besides those random panels with normal mapping (which JK2 doesn't have by the way), the rest doesn't look "HD". I know you probably just started this idea, so there isn't much to criticize, but try to take this advice from someone who has had his fair share of project management (mods, games and at work): don't show anything until there's something solid to show for. Also, I would suggest your combine efforts with @@Syko (his thread is over here http://jkhub.org/topic/2035-jedi-outcast-high-resolution-texture-project/) in order to redraw the textures in higher resolution (it pains me that he's making the new texture size to 4 times the original size, but it's his project and I doubt he wants to listen anyway). There's no point in remaking the levels if the textures are going to look washed out like the originals. Again, please don't take this the wrong way, I don't want you to get frustrated in vain.

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I don't understand. What exactly is in high resolution? Your screen? Besides those random panels with normal mapping (which JK2 doesn't have by the way), the rest doesn't look "HD". I know you probably just started this idea, so there isn't much to criticize, but try to take this advice from someone who has had his fair share of project management (mods, games and at work): don't show anything until there's something solid to show for. Also, I would suggest your combine efforts with @@Syko (his thread is over here http://jkhub.org/topic/2035-jedi-outcast-high-resolution-texture-project/) in order to redraw the textures in higher resolution (it pains me that he's making the new texture size to 4 times the original size, but it's his project and I doubt he wants to listen anyway). There's no point in remaking the levels if the textures are going to look washed out like the originals. Again, please don't take this the wrong way, I don't want you to get frustrated in vain.


I do appreciate your advice Corto, and I'm sure you have a lot of experience with this sort of thing. The philosophy that I use when I make these textures 4 times the original size is because, if I'm really putting that much work into making it from scratch, I might as well make it as high res as possible. If they are too big and if there is a framerate drop as you say, I simply have to resize them to 2X. When the bumpmapping/normal mapping/whatever improvements for the engine come out, everyone will be glad that we have much higher res textures to compliment them. 


Also @@SubZero, speaking of the JK2 HD project, what you have so far looks good, but are those textures Raven's or did you make those from scratch?


I'm not very interested with working directly on the JK2 HD project, as I am not a fan of the Unity engine. I plan for these textures to be used with base Jedi Outcast, when the coders come out with graphical improvements. What I can do instead is give you permission to use my textures in your project as I come out with them. Of couse, you will have to accept my terms to use the textures.

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Dunno why people are going to other engines when they could just take the source to this engine and enhance to thier liking to bring it more up to date, at least then you wont have to recreate the unique and very dynamic saber combat system on another engine.


And wouldn't have to start everything over from near scratch. Listen to this man, he is wise.

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orrr just toss the lightmaps, replace the textures, rebuild some geometry, add in much improved dynamic lighting, add in normalmapped shaders, add in either stencil shadows (Doom 3 method, code is partially there already) or shadow volumes (Crysis method), add specular highlights, environment maps, postprocessing (motion blur, color grading, HDR, bloom, SSAO/HBAO, DOF, sun shafts, et al), phong shading for terrain, LODs for BSP areas, improved PVS, probably better animations and physics for actor models, upgrade the GL version, remove dynamic glow, replace the flare system, use vertex shaders for the transforms and improve the particle physics


With Unity, you already have to do most of that crap anyway (minus like, upgrading the GL version and fixing the FPS bottlenecks), plus remaking the game's animations on probably a different format and remaking the entire saber combat system, as well as all the other gameplay, AI, cinematic, scripting, and crap associated therein.


It isn't worth it.

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