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Stance tease/wip

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Here are some screenshots of some styles I'm interested in making.

I've wanted a saber and gun ever since the Quinlan model came out.

Saber pointed out. Better for looks, but less tactically sound:








Saber pointed in:





Just teasers for now. I'll post some more next weekend.

Hint: <<<<<<<<<<<<}+++++{>>>>>>>>>>>>

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When I finish a style it is free for anybody to use. I'd like some credit or to be contacted just as a fyi, but that is not mandatory.

The only thing I don't want is someone to take a complete style and change one thing, like the stance, and call the whole thing their own.


I'm thinking of a few of these, or at least making it possible to add guns to Tavion and Desann style. So my style would be a 'yellow' style.

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