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JK2SE - Special Edition (1.35)

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So uhm. You may have heard that the full JK2 source was released (for the exe and all that)


I'm creating a project entitled 'JK2 Special Edition'.


Check it out.

(Feel free to request changes / additions )






^ Download JK2 Special Edition





Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (Special Edition!)

Author: mcmonkey

WebPage: http://mcmonkey4eva.dyndns.org/jk2se

email: mcmonkey4eva@hotmail.com

version: 1.1




>JK2SE is a modification of JK2's main code to just be all around better in various small ways.



>Just copy the new jk2mp.exe into your JK2/Gamedata folder

>(Remember to backup the old one, just to be safe!)



]The following are the primary differences between this file and the original JK2

] 1.0

- Disabled requirement for CDs

- added ^8 chatcolor (Orange)

- added ^9 chatcolor (Purple) (Likely will be changed when somebody suggests a better color)

- added ^: chatcolor (Randomized)

- Disabled a few irrelevant debug warnings

- disabled alt-tab blocking

- blocked Q3InfoBoom

- Added unlisted Server CVar "mc_monpackets" (Set to 1 to make servers show excessive debug info on received packets)

- Some minor internal code adjustments

] 1.1

- added Client CVar "mc_blockrandom" to disable the effects of ^: chatcolor

] 1.15

- added ^b chatcolor (Bold)

- added ^r chatcolor (Pseudo-random)

- added update checker

] 1.17

- added ^< chatcolor (Gray)

- added ^= chatcolor (Brown)

- added ^> chatcolor (Darkred)

] 1.18

- doubled command buffer size

- permitted free editing of 'cheat protected' CVars

- disabled sound crash

- disabled GLM model error spam

- darkened ^9 (Purple)

- added ^s chatcolor (Shadow)

] 1.19

- made custom colors show correctly in names

- made update notice fancier

] 1.2

- increased some internal rendering limits

- added ^? chatcolor (Dark bluegreen)

] 1.25

- Added support for any SP map (Requires server be running Twifire Serverside )

] 1.26

- fixed sound-loop crash

] 1.27

- added file base/z_jk2se_vm.pk3

- Fixed text length handling

] 1.28

- increased more internal limits

- added secondary update notification

- added command /update

- added command /colors

- made new colors render in chat

] 1.29

- fixed some more internal stuff

- made sv_allowdownload / cl_allowdownload safe on the serverside

- secured update checker

- added ^@ chatcolor (dark green)

- changed dropshadow to ^d

- added ^s chatcolor (strike-through)

] 1.3

- quick bugfixes

- added ^A chatcolor (darkcyan)

- added ^B chatcolor (lightblue)

] 1.3.5

- added ^k chatcolor (Obfuscate)

- added ^j chatcolor (Jello)

- added ^u chatcolor (Underline)


> Want something changed or added? Suggest it @ http://mcmonkey4eva.dyndns.org/jk2se

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The source released by Raven is under the GPLv2 licence, would you care to release your source? You may want to read over the licence again :D

I'm aware. The code is much larger (~20 MB uncompressed) and thus it's much harder to upload, so it'll be made available a bit after the actual release files.

The 1.15 source can now be downloaded from the JK2SE webpage.




Why not wait until OpenJK's devs have finished porting JO over to JKA?

I like JK2's engine. Many JK2 players really dislike the JKA engine... it just... feels wrong, somehow. Can't really explain it.


If you're porting things over, wouldn't it make more sense to port both games to the Source engine? (It's based on Q3...)

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I like JK2's engine. Many JK2 players really dislike the JKA engine... it just... feels wrong, somehow. Can't really explain it.


If you're porting things over, wouldn't it make more sense to port both games to the Source engine? (It's based on Q3...)

I'd imagine that the team could put in a feature to allow you to change JA engine to JO engine or something like that.  Honestly, I'd rather see JA and JO as just one game.  There could be a filter on the server browser to choose from JO-like settings and JA-settings, same for SP where you get the option of having JO or JA settings.  Splintering off just isn't a good idea right now, in my opinion.

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^ Switch between JK2 and JKA using a different fs_game and changing the value of com_jk2. 95% finished, just a S_FindName error and strip -> stringed conversion needed.



OpenJK is going to use roughly the same principle as this. Its just jasp.exe heavily decoded to use JK2 style DLLs. No effect on game play whatsoever, but it does add dynamic glow.

Based on that, I think it's /definitely/ possible for you to play JKA using JK2 qvms. The QVMs contain the code that people often complain about in terms of game play.

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