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[REQUEST] Some sort of better Jan model

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I heard @@Inyri makes nice female models and loves me a lot.

Also, I'm looking for a particular model. You know how much love there is out there for Kyle and not a whole lot for Jan? Yeah...

I've been really looking into these enhancement mods that are out there for various games, notably Brutal Doom (DOOM, DOOM II, Final DOOM), sikkmod (Prey, DOOM III, Quake 4), and FakeFactory (Half Life 2). I've been thinking about making one of my own, but there's something that's really been bugging me.

...those fucking player models.


The one thing I never understood about JK2 is why Jan's model is so...well...clearly unrealistic for starters. Her badonkadonk is as large as the moon, yet I have absolutely no difference in gravity when I get near it ingame. It's not physically possible for someone to be shaped like that, I'm telling ya! I'm almost certain that she must be a mutant also, because her hair and face is well..not really hair or a face. This is a travesty, I tell ya!

So I've been looking at what FakeFactory has done with player models. While I don't expect to get near the fidelity of the FakeFactory stuff, Mars Marshall has proven that it's possible to get models for females which don't look absurd:



With that in mind, if this were to be done, I have some criteria that I'd like to see met:

- Works with JK2 rigging (plays in  both JK2 and JKA)

- Has facial rigging


I don't have any real requests in terms of look. Feel free to go a bit crazy. I'd suggest a likeness to Olivia Munn or Olivia Wilde, since those both (in my opinion) seem like a good fit in terms of facial likeness. If you could make two different outfits, that'd be great, but not recommended. (I'm thinking one for Artus/Kejim/End, and one for Doomgiver/Yavin Arrival)


I don't expect this to be fulfilled, but if it is, you will bring great honor upon your family make me very happy indeed.

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