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i didnt really spend too much time on his neck... cuz i thought it would be hidden mostly by his armor.. but thats no way to model lmao.. so yeah man ill go back over his neck.. his ears are lame as hell and only my 3rd try at it so i know im gunna have to remodel those/ i have a save state right before that tho so no worries.. about his lips.. i just cant seem to get them right.. i keep thinking once i put em in zbrush i can fix it, but id rather model em correctly in xsi just for the knowledge.. cuz if u look.. his lips do a real wicked transition to his face.. and its kickin my ass





now granted.. i can pop him in zbrush and hit the sides with a form brush n smooth it out... but i wanna instead get the knowledge of creating wonky unnatural shapes like this in xsi so im not so dependent on zbrush for the weird shapes


just by staring at this pic i can tell what i did wrong.. i made his top lip stop with the lips.. but if u see in that pic it goes beyond where his lips end and kind of tucks in under his cheeks.. i dunno


thats why i was saying id get the basics done in xsi and fix it in zbrush.. but thats lame.. i wanna just use zbrush for normals and textures.. cuz u have just so much more control over the model in xsi vert by vert.. and xsi has a lot of the same kind of functions as zbrush for hd modelling so i just would like to be more familiar with xsi.


that way i dont spend all this time on creating a starkiller, but instead learning all i can so i can create anybody no prob


wanna take a look at the obj mini? i just pm'ed it to ya so u can have some better angles n maybe shed a bit more light

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Seems you didn't use a mirrored clone for half the model, its not symmetrical, on a model that is just for show that's ok but for a game you don't want a partial facial expression (or at least look that way) because you didn't make the face symmetrical.

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im only working on it in a half. did i explain that right? lmao i mean.. his face is cut in half the whole time im working on him.. i only duplicate symmetry n merge the peices for the screenies. it should be ok. im just so frustrated with his lips right now.. know what tho.. on a good note.. i killed that nose.. i mean.. its far from perfect.. but it was my first attempt at making a nose with no zbrush help and it turned out ok im pretty stoked about that. even if its too long and narrow lol


but the actual geometry of it is good. as well as his eyes.. maybe thats why im so pissy at his lips cuz the rest has a real good start. and his ears suck.. and the back of his head doesnt transition into his neck correctly.. but hell i dunno.. a WIP definately. 

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crit me i wanna wrap up this part of modelling the head today


You're rushing too much if you think it's close to done, one of your biggest problems.


Corto already showed you what to fix. You have loops where you shouldn't and there are triangles in the model, google 5 poles.

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just the actual adding/removing geometry im sayin


corto suggested quite a bit and i took it all into consideration as u can see from comparison of the previous posts. like i said im more focused on getting help with the way his jaw transitions into his neck and the sides of his mouth looking exaggerated


a big issue i have is i used to draw caricatures in school and for people at the fair.. so i learned to over exaggerate the features.. now im unlearning it lol


any other major improvements u can see that need to be done before i can send this to zbrush?

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so i didnt see any 5 sides polies in there but ok ill check it out

i deleted an edge loop that didnt really help the shape of the model. he still has tris between his eyes.. which i may just delete those polies n redo em 

but heres a vid of that, the jawfix a bit, and the sides of the mouth a little better.

ill go hunt that n-gon




disregard the sound in the video im an idiot


speaking of which..

i prolly seen hundreds of hours of xsi tutorials... and never knew about the move tool. like the "M" key? omg... wtf.. ive never even seen that anywhere it saved my life corto lol

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You are starting to break the shape. I know the draw over is not precise enough to use as background for rotoscopy but I think it's clear enough on the mayor shortcomings of your head. It seems you are interpreting the changes I suggested you own way or you are barely budging. The chin bottom is too pointy now and looking down while it should be flat. The jawline is still too flat, etc. You either commit to the changes I suggested or you do it you own way. There's no point in giving feedback if you do something else.

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i just made subtle changes.. didnt wanna budge anything too far but ill look at the jaw n chin like yer suggesting next


also.. some of thos changes broke the model from shape of the the ref pics... but whatever the ref pics arent exactly front and exactly side views anyways

heres the jaw n chin touched up like u suggested


i think  




but certain things u said like jawline being too flat i didnt really comprehend.. but i got the idea of it from the overlayed drawing u did a few posts ago and went for it... i just didnt go as far the first time cuz it broke from the ref pics

but i shoulda just considered those a guideline instead of blueprints i guess


im wondering if his eyebrows should be pushed a little further out and maybe his chin shrank a bit?

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that 5 poles thing is pretty awesome. kinda make a star i get it. im gunna try that out for a while til i get the hang of it and fix the triangle i got there and adjust the topology a bit to match some of the stuff outlined in that tutorial mini just posted. i had to google robert duvall.. not a big movie buff..but that is pretty damn funny i feel like overlaying his face to the model n see how close i got lmao


i been using the tweak tool a little... but its kind of foreign to me still.


i was treating his neck pretty bad... i gave him no throat which made his chin/neck transition look funny 

id say im about to just slap him in zbrush n see what happens cuz i couldnt get much more on point on the ref pics, and i took all your crits into consideration... im just getting to the point that all the tweaks that need to be done are things that can be done in one stroke each in zbrush.. or could totally screw up his shape if i keep tampering with it in xsi


so.. ill mess with some 5 poles and fix up that tri or any others i might find, and adjust his topology just a bit to match more of what we got in those refs.. then ready for zbrush magic. 

lmao@ robert duvall

i cant get enough of that


im pretty much just like if i can get the topology decent and maintain this overall shape, i can click around in zbrush n fine tune him.. 

but i dont wanna put him in zbrush til his topology is flowing nicely or else im just screwing the pooch again


and over the year or so ive actually been learning modelling... ive screwed that poor pooch too many times to count

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You need to uninstall zbrush or stop using it for a while because it wont fix your model.


Somehow you managed to make it look less like him again, you're relying too much on the pictures you're using for the rotoscope when at this point you should be looking at pictures from multiple angles and tweaking the model in the user view, you don't even need to be using the 2d views at this point other than maybe to start retopoing the neck.

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heres a little more work on the muscles of his face.. im wondering if he looks better or worse? cuz in the ref pics hes got no meat on his bones in the game a bit meatier is this ok?





or is it too much/ im just trying to get the same shadows on his face from his structure


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id post a screenie but itd b pointless cuz im gunna end up changing a few thigs. patience my friend. i also got some real nice stuff im working on on the side for this mod a few people r giving me their tidbits before i post anything.. soon. im just taking a break from starkiller cuz i dont wanna muck him up again and i get burnt out easily n rush things


i just sent u a buncha screenies of some stuff i got going on

go check it. i wont disappoint youll be super happy smile time

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