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Relics of the Sith [Progress]

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For some time we've been working on a Jedi Outcast single player mod. We expect to have a video teaser at some point to showcase gameplay and cutscenes, etc. But in the meantime, we'll start with some screenshots.

Our focus is on delivering:

  • Fully fledged missions (Stealth, combat, puzzles) all voice acted and scripted, similar to Raven's Jedi Outcast experience.
  • New NPC classes, bosses and Force Powers.
  • Difficulty non artificially amped up (extra-hp), puzzles, secrets, movement challenges, stealth.
  • Storyline based after the events of Jedi Academy, with Master Skywalker, Katarn and Korr back to action.

Current state of the mod is at two fully playable missions end to end (including their respective cinematics), taking each to completely roughly 1h~ if you are good at the base game.

It's a long shot, but if you are able to model/animate creatures, we'd love you hear from you, as we'd like to introduce the Sithspawn in this mod.

Our progress is slow but the Jedi won't stop us.

Mod setting


Years after the events of Jedi Academy, the fractured Imperial Remnant, led by a self-proclaimed Dark Jedi, launched a desperate, last-stand assault against the New Republic. The battle ended in catastrophe, leaving the Remnant all but annihilated—save for a single warship, barely holding itself together.

Despite the Republic’s efforts to track the damaged vessel, its fate took an unexpected turn. An unknown entity wiped it from existence, leaving only scattered traces of pirate activity in its wake.

With the Sith threat seemingly extinguished, the New Republic Senate moves forward with its plans to liberate the last Imperial-held worlds. The Jedi stand ready to aid in the restoration of peace and prosperity across the galaxy.

But in the shadows, the true threat remains. A former Hand of Emperor Palpatine, drawn by the whispers of an ancient Sith Holocron, makes his way to the dark world of Dromund Kaas—unaware of the fate that awaits him.

Uncover the lost history of the Sith. Bend the Force to your will.
Dromund Kaas. Korriban. Exegol. Worlds steeped in darkness hold secrets long forgotten—secrets that lead to powers some may deem… unnatural.

Will the Sith rise again?
Will the Hand succumb to the shadows that lurk in the depths of the dark side?
And will the Jedi hold true to their path, or be consumed by the war to come?

May the Force serve you well





krkarr, Sithani, McGroose and 6 others like this

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!


This looks great! Interesting choice with it being a JK2 mod, especially with it taking place after Academy. I love JK2, but the amount of modding capabilities were made a lot easier in JKA. But as long as you are able to achieve your goal to its fullest potential in JK2 then that's all that matters.

20 hours ago, Circa said:

This looks great! Interesting choice with it being a JK2 mod, especially with it taking place after Academy. I love JK2, but the amount of modding capabilities were made a lot easier in JKA. But as long as you are able to achieve your goal to its fullest potential in JK2 then that's all that matters.

We know this would be an spicy choice, but originally chose it due to movement mechanics, NPC behavior and as a throwback to the OT era when there were no duals/staffs. The major setback was backporting models / kitbashing but that has been streamlined. 

Unfortunately the fact that some sections have been fine tuned to how movement works in JK2SP have kind of married us to JO

16 hours ago, DrXann said:

Looks nice so far.I spy a Mailoc in the background in the crystal cave.

Good spotting,  venomous creatures they are

16 hours ago, Kitsu-NeshKaa said:

mmmm... KOTOR vibes 😊

Quite inspired by KOTOR2, darker atmosphere and lore 

Do not fear their feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the SITH!

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