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(Re)Enter the Grid

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So about 8 years ago, during my heyday of classic JK/MotS mapping, I took inspiration from a certain movie, as well as games like MGS:VR Missions, and began a small Deathmatch level for Jedi Knight that I called "The Grid"



Recently I've had the bug to get into MP mapping for Jedi Academy (as shown by my FFA_Dust and other maps), but I've been reliving my JK maps and decided to revitilize them (in one form or another) for JA.

First up will be, FFA_Grid. A complete redesign of the map style from JK, but keeping the arena layout style, and glowing textures.




Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]


Just a minor update, testing the symmetry of the map. Not sure if I like the mixed yellow vertical and blue horizontal platforms (in the corners), or if I prefer the solid yellow vertical and platforms (on the middle sides).
Current playable area is a 2048x2048 square, not sure about the vertical height yet. Unlike my previous Grid map, this will have map edges and pitfalls that can prove treacherous for the combatants.
The skybox (perhaps temporary) is from the MGS:VR Missions mod from CS, and unfortunately looks rather pixelated compared to the rest of the map and textures.
All light edges and actually light emitting sources, and will provide the illumination for the map.
Any questions, comments, critiques, please post them. I always love feedback.




Omega, DarthValeria and Delmi like this

Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]


So I'm thinking the layout is pretty much finalized. I'm 80-90% happy with it, I may still tweak the heights of some of the floating platforms.
As it sits at present, the playable area is 2048x2048 units square. At the highest point it is 576 units above the floor, and the deepest pit is 4096 units straight down.

To Dos include adding the trigger/cushion brushes for the pits, adding spawns for multiple game modes, possible bot routing, and the weapons spawns for the other game modes.
Currently it contains around 60 DM spawns, to offer some variety in spawn location, however with the symmetry of the map, its not as visually varied lol.

Planned game modes are for FFA, Team FFA, Possible Duel and Power Duel (I know its a larger duel map).

Whats the popular opinion on the lighting? I'm currently utilizing 3 variations of the same color schemes, yellow, white, and blue. I may tweak the blue tone of the blue lights to be mopre.. well... blue. its currently at a .5 .5 1 color setting, while yellow is 1 1 0.











DarthValeria, OCD2 and Omega like this

Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]

28 minutes ago, fullkevlar said:

Cool, looks like youve made quite a few projects for JK.

Yes I have, that was where I got my start. For JK/MotS the only ones presently active are "Aliens: Dark Beginning" and "Power of the Force"

OCD2 likes this

Check out some of my previous works:
JK Hub - [Editor: Zero Raven]

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