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Is it possible to combine M&B and Jedi Academy lightsaber combat system?

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M&B is 'Mount and Blade' which contains many mods such as pendor and pantasy 2018. It's sandbox game with unlimited freedom.

Anyway, my question is this.


Q. Is it possible to combine M&B and Jedi Academy lightsaber combat system?


M&B has many weapons and items but combat system is not that great comparing with JA combat system.

There are few star wars mods in M&B such as Star wars Conquest and Star wars bear force II. But they are no match for JO and JA.

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On 11/24/2019 at 11:24 AM, syainkn said:

M&B is 'Mount and Blade' which contains many mods such as pendor and pantasy 2018. It's sandbox game with unlimited freedom.

Anyway, my question is this.


Q. Is it possible to combine M&B and Jedi Academy lightsaber combat system?


M&B has many weapons and items but combat system is not that great comparing with JA combat system.

There are few star wars mods in M&B such as Star wars Conquest and Star wars bear force II. But they are no match for JO and JA.

For port JKA combat on mount and blade, i dunno, sorry.

For port MeB combat style into JKA: the fastest way should be to make custom GLA animations for your humanoid models that recreate these animations from scratch.

recreate the combat system of mount of blade on JKA is more hard and require a total recoding of the original JKA code using openjk, so advanced c++ knowledge about how works the saber system of the game (so, you should be an experter programmer for do something as that)

same answer for mount and blade, IF meb code is free and open source and anyone can edit for make mods. (i never play meb, so i not know nothing about it, i know the game just of name)

also if you have the JKA source code and mount and blade source code, however, merge the 2 gameplays is not easy. if mount and blade is programmed into a different language of JKA (c++) that is almost impossible cause you need to rewrite all JKA functions into mount and blade code) also if their languages matches and they are both on c++., you cannot simply copy paste and slap a code of a game into another and expect it works, cause it need to hook to the hosting code and also need to recreate all the networked funcionts called into fighting.

:\ so the answer is "75% nope for coding mod, if you are not an expert coder and their code matchs with same language"

the easiest way is to recreate animations, but also that is a big work that require deep animation knowledge skills. i cannot help you on that, i never familiarize with Animations and i am totally denied on make animations for a game, sorry :(





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10 hours ago, Asgarath83 said:

For port JKA combat on mount and blade, i dunno, sorry.

For port MeB combat style into JKA: the fastest way should be to make custom GLA animations for your humanoid models that recreate these animations from scratch.

recreate the combat system of mount of blade on JKA is more hard and require a total recoding of the original JKA code using openjk, so advanced c++ knowledge about how works the saber system of the game (so, you should be an experter programmer for do something as that)

same answer for mount and blade, IF meb code is free and open source and anyone can edit for make mods. (i never play meb, so i not know nothing about it, i know the game just of name)

also if you have the JKA source code and mount and blade source code, however, merge the 2 gameplays is not easy. if mount and blade is programmed into a different language of JKA (c++) that is almost impossible cause you need to rewrite all JKA functions into mount and blade code) also if their languages matches and they are both on c++., you cannot simply copy paste and slap a code of a game into another and expect it works, cause it need to hook to the hosting code and also need to recreate all the networked funcionts called into fighting.

? so the answer is "75% nope for coding mod, if you are not an expert coder and their code matchs with same language"

the easiest way is to recreate animations, but also that is a big work that require deep animation knowledge skills. i cannot help you on that, i never familiarize with Animations and i am totally denied on make animations for a game, sorry ?





I just wanted to know if it is possible..

Now, I got a answer what I hope to know. Thanks!

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6 hours ago, syainkn said:

I just wanted to know if it is possible..

Now, I got a answer what I hope to know. Thanks!

No problem. depend of what features of mount and blade you want to recreate on JKA, if you want th e sword animations, you can create custom GLA with custom animations for your fantasy \ medieval . characters. i am working too on JKA for make a not star wars related project on a my personal sci fi - fantasy saga, and i am focused on Single Player. that require a ton of skills, and also a lot of basic coding knowledge.

but regard your question, well, for saber combat, you can check movie duels mod: there are many characters that have custom saber combat moves. for make a saber combat style as mount and blade the way is the same... but you need to make your custom animations (and make animations is a hard work, i never learned to do it, the best animators that i know are archangel and noodle)

porting Mount and Blade Gameplay on JKA instead is more complex and require a rewrite of single player jka source code for recreate the features of that gameplay, so adding new items, and set it etc etc. i recently raise the limit of max weapons of jka from 32 weapons to 256 weapons, but before i ned to program my code i need again to write a basic lore for 3 of my alien worlds, cause i need to know exactly all kind of weapons, armors and consumable items i need to put in it.

i like the sandbox games, however, i never played mount and blade, but i played saint row series (2-3-4) is very funny! : D


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