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What is the setting in the npc file that controls view/spot distance?

Go to solution Solved by Daedra,

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I'm not completely sure, but I believe these are what you need:


visrange 2048
earshot  1024


The top one I think is for the NPC's view distance. The bottom one is for how far they can hear footsteps (like when a Stormtrooper hears footsteps walking nearby and says "Is somebody there?").

Smoo, Droidy365, Pickles256 and 1 other like this

I'm not completely sure, but I believe these are what you need:


visrange 2048

earshot  1024


The top one I think is for the NPC's view distance. The bottom one is for how far they can hear footsteps (like when a Stormtrooper hears footsteps walking nearby and says "Is somebody there?").

Thank you!

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