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Help combine 2 mods!(


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your  ingame.txt is just 2 copies (duplicate lines) of the ingame.txt" from"Animations Menu". There is nothing to load "camsp.menu".




// menu defs
	loadMenu { "ui/ingame.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamesave.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameload.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamecontrols.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamesetup.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamequit.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameMissionSelect.menu"				}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameGotoTier.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceSelect.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameWpnSelect.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceStatus.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceHelp.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameWpnSelectHelp.menu"				}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadforcepowers.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadmission.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadweapons.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadmoves.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/error.menu" 						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamevid_warning.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/videodriver.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/saber.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/saberstyle.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/missionfailed.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/loadscreen.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/emotemenu.menu"						}
        loadMenu { "ui/ingame.menu"						} <- from this line on, is duplicate copy of lines above
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamesave.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameload.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamecontrols.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamesetup.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamequit.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameMissionSelect.menu"				}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameGotoTier.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceSelect.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameWpnSelect.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceStatus.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameForceHelp.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingameWpnSelectHelp.menu"				}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadforcepowers.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadmission.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadweapons.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/datapadmoves.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/error.menu" 						}
	loadMenu { "ui/ingamevid_warning.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/videodriver.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/saber.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/saberstyle.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/missionfailed.menu"					}
	loadMenu { "ui/loadscreen.menu"						}
	loadMenu { "ui/emotemenu.menu"						}




  • Clear the contents of your "custom" ingame.txt (or remove the duplicate lines).
  • Copy only the contents of the ingame.txt file from Animations Menu into your "custom" ingame.txt" file.
  • at the end of the:"loadMenu" instructions, add a line for camsp.menu. 
  • Save your "custom" ingame.txt
  • add your "custom" ingame.,txt file to your pk3
  • make sure your pk3 load last by renaming it to something like "zzzzzz_ingame.pk3"
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I did the right thing? https://yadi.sk/d/n-LgUUl9TJQ8Iw[/size]

I don't know what you did but it is not right. Seems you added the entire CamSP.cfg at the end of the inhame.txt (and still no lines to call camsp).


You are over-rating something very simple.


Extract the ingame.txt from the SP animations.

Open and inspect it, see there is a list of load instructions. Every load instruction is practically the same except each one call a different menu.


All you need is a single new line identical to those already there to load camsp (which you can copy from the ingame.txt from camsp).


Then save the file to your custom pk3.

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"and still no lines to call camsp"-Where to find? Dear colleague. I am from Russia and it is extremely difficult for me to understand what you want from me((((  If it's that simple, can you just reset the modified pk3? By telling me what you changed about him

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I don't know what you did but it is not right. Seems you added the entire CamSP.cfg at the end of the inhame.txt (and still no lines to call camsp).


You are over-rating something very simple.


Extract the ingame.txt from the SP animations.

Open and inspect it, see there is a list of load instructions. Every load instruction is practically the same except each one call a different menu.


All you need is a single new line identical to those already there to load camsp (which you can copy from the ingame.txt from camsp).


Then save the file to your custom pk3.

I think he's going to need a video explaining things, Punisher.

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