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Macro Pics!

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No butts backs to the camera, please; it's rude, you know! © Eduard



Pretty cool pics. The guy in the second pic is supposed to be Kyle, I take it?


He's no-one specific! I put together a few combinations of LEGO figures to look like a member of each class from SW:TOR. That was my generic smuggler. ^.^


Jedi Consular & Smuggler





Sith Inquisitor & Sith Warrior





Bounty Hunter, Republic Trooper (an official set, not me tinkering), Jedi Knight, Imperial Agent





And @@Caelum, because why wouldn't you have a LEGO figure for his old JA skin?





It actually wasn't long after making those that I got the starship in the background which came with the official figures anyway. xD

Ramikad, Caelum, Circa and 1 other like this

This thread is dangerous, my nostalgia might teleport me 20 years in the past.

And what will happen then? You'll be stuck playing JKA all day, all night? :rolleyes:


And what will happen then? You'll be stuck playing JKA all day, all night? :rolleyes:


No, I'll be stuck playing LEGO all day, and JKA all night.

the_raven likes this

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