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A Small Rant.

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Anime isn't the only thing that's japanese, and even so, anime has been a source of inspiration in recent Star Wars history.




The original trilogy was heavily inspired by Kurosawa's samurai films and the whole philosophy of the films is based on eastern mysticism. 

It seems you want to enlighten me - you cant. I know almost all there is to know. (sad, i know) And i dont see what is wrong with my original staitment that you tryng to correct me over and over by telling me things that i know and didnt actually contradict.

And dont even tell me about recent SW. This new SW also inspired by SJW politics and femenism. There is nothing good left there so even anime in all its wretchedness cant make a significant damage anymore. Damn thing is dying if not dead and nobody comes to the rescue. Not as a franchise though, it makes money at full force! Yay! But does that make it good for us? Nope, i dont think so. Movies ruined by political agenda, games crippled by shady buisiness practices and the whole concept is suffering from influences that dont belong whatsoever.

But anyway i think its a discussion of its own and have no place here, so i suggest us to stop at this note.

Darth Phren likes this

The game's name Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 



It's because the sword actually feels like a real sword. It can cut through things and the attack animations actually feel like actual sword attacks opposed to simple lightsaber swings in JKA, I find Rising's combat system much more fun since JKA is a wasted potential, imo.


The game has hardly any of these. Parrying is almost non-existent in baseJKA and it's present in MB2, the game doesn't have lunging either, unlss you are referring to grip + force pull + blue style attack/or rolling "stab" , none of these are proper lunges. And about thrusting... It's just thrusting the sword backwards. 


Imagine Jedi Academy getting Blade Symphony treatment... Now that'd be a perfect game since Blade Symphony was based on it iirc.

JKA isn't wasted potential, Rising is fun, but it's very basic when you get down to it, JKA has far more in terms of options.


I don't want super flashy sword attacks, I want a sword fight that gets at you, and gets you nervous about the fact you're going to win or not, something that raises the bar, which, I'm sorry, Rising simply doesn't do.


Rising is difficult in the beginning, but the game becomes overwhelmingly easy, because, like I said earlier, once you learn to block, the game loses all it's challenge.


I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging, in my opinion, and you can't do any of those things in Rising either, you're actually very limited when you really think about it, all it does is make you able to cut stuff better, swordplay is different, it makes you feel as if you're fighting with a sword, I like having unsure blocks and parries.


Rising has more awesome story moments, QTE's, etc.


It has some pretty cool combat as well, but while it's combat is "cooler", then JKA, it doesn't mean it's better.


Blade Mode and the ability to cut anything doesn't make it better then JKA, I want to feel like I'm in a fight, not be an unstoppable dominant juggernaut.


The basic attacks are cool, but Jedi Academy always feels fresh whereas Rising's lack of variety can wear you down.

TheWhitePhoenix and dg1995 like this

JKA isn't wasted potential, Rising is fun, but it's very basic when you get down to it, JKA has far more in terms of options.


Rising is difficult in the beginning, but the game becomes overwhelmingly easy, because, like I said earlier, once you learn to block, the game loses all it's challenge.


I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging, in my opinion, and you can't do any of those things in Rising either, you're actually very limited when you really think about it, all it does is make you able to cut stuff better, swordplay is different, it makes you feel as if you're fighting with a sword, I like having unsure blocks and parries.


Rising has more awesome story moments, QTE's, etc.


It has some pretty cool combat as well, but while it's combat is "cooler", then JKA, it doesn't mean it's better.


Blade Mode and the ability to cut anything doesn't make it better then JKA, I want to feel like I'm in a fight, not be an unstoppable dominant juggernaut.


The basic attacks are cool, but Jedi Academy always feels fresh whereas Rising's lack of variety can wear you down.

You're missing my point mate. I don't care whether the game is easy or difficult(Rising is supposed to be easy since that's even in the plot) the sword-fighting there is just more fun and more interactive than it is in base JKA 



and you can't do any of those things in Rising either


You definitely can lunge in Rising though, it's in the moveset. 



I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging


I don't think you've ever grabbed a sword if you think that's a proper lunge... While it looks like one, the way it is performed(I mean the combo) it's just silly. 





I don't want super flashy sword attacks, I want a sword fight that gets at you, and gets you nervous about the fact you're going to win or not, something that raises the bar, which, I'm sorry, Rising simply doesn't do.

Why not mix both though?


You're missing my point mate. I don't care whether the game is easy or difficult(Rising is supposed to be easy since that's even in the plot) the sword-fighting there is just more fun and more interactive than it is in base JKA 




You definitely can lunge in Rising though, it's in the moveset. 




I don't think you've ever grabbed a sword if you think that's a proper lunge... While it looks like one, the way it is performed(I mean the combo) it's just silly. 





Why not mix both though?


It's not more interactive, its block, attack, block, attack, mindless hack-n-slashing, and occasional blocking, being more fun is subjective, but you can definitely do a lot more in JKA when fighting with sabers then you can do with your sword in Rising.


Can you show me a lunge from Metal Gear Rising? it might look different then what I'm thinking a lunge is.


You can lunge without doing a combo in JKA.


I don't really want super flashy combat like that, it seemed kinda silly, awesome at times, but kinda silly.


It's not more interactive, its block, attack, block, attack, mindless hack-n-slashing, and occasional blocking, being more fun is subjective, but you can definitely do a lot more in JKA when fighting with sabers then you can do with your sword in Rising.


Rising has many moves that make the fights more interactive though, and to be honest with you lightsaber combat in basejka is mindless swinging, so not big difference here. 


Can you show me a lunge from Metal Gear Rising? it might look different then what I'm thinking a lunge is.




You can lunge without doing a combo in JKA.


You literally can't... You either roll and tap the left click for a lunge or you use blue and grip + pull + left click into a lunge.

I don't really want super flashy combat like that, it seemed kinda silly, awesome at times, but kinda silly.

Doesn't this beat the point of your topic though?


It seems you want to enlighten me - you cant. I know almost all there is to know. (sad, i know) And i dont see what is wrong with my original staitment that you tryng to correct me over and over by telling me things that i know and didnt actually contradict.

And dont even tell me about recent SW. This new SW also inspired by SJW politics and femenism. There is nothing good left there so even anime in all its wretchedness cant make a significant damage anymore. Damn thing is dying if not dead and nobody comes to the rescue. Not as a franchise though, it makes money at full force! Yay! But does that make it good for us? Nope, i dont think so. Movies ruined by political agenda, games crippled by shady buisiness practices and the whole concept is suffering from influences that dont belong whatsoever.

But anyway i think its a discussion of its own and have no place here, so i suggest us to stop at this note.

Jesus. Dude just points out how Japan influenced Star Wars and you go into a rant about how SJWs and politics are ruining society. Relax, mate.
Xioth, Wasa, Noodle and 1 other like this

Ironically Star Wars is based on silly japanese stuff. 


No It isn't its an, Inspiration ya Doof different cultures


Such as the Lightsaber Staff, Duel And One Handed From Jedi's And Sith are inspired by Chinese Martial Arts Not To Mention The Force Such As Chi


Then We Have The Strength Saber that is about Rage and Hatred which is inspired by Japanese Martial Arts. What Darth Vader And Kylo Ren Uses and their cyborgnetic suits


I totally agree about this topic. Jedi Academy has the most unique and free lightsaber/saber combat game mechanics ever. This is why the community is always active and the game can't be just die.

no, movie batlle has


The game's name Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 



It's because the sword actually feels like a real sword. It can cut through things and the attack animations actually feel like actual sword attacks opposed to simple lightsaber swings in JKA, I find Rising's combat system much more fun since JKA is a wasted potential, imo.


The game has hardly any of these. Parrying is almost non-existent in baseJKA and it's present in MB2, the game doesn't have lunging either, unlss you are referring to grip + force pull + blue style attack/or rolling "stab" , none of these are proper lunges. And about thrusting... It's just thrusting the sword backwards. 


Imagine Jedi Academy getting Blade Symphony treatment... Now that'd be a perfect game since Blade Symphony was based on it iirc.


stop comparing a 2012 game with a 1997 game


No It isn't its an, Inspiration ya Doof different cultures


Such as the Lightsaber Staff, Duel And One Handed From Jedi's And Sith are inspired by Chinese Martial Arts Not To Mention The Force Such As Chi


Then We Have The Strength Saber that is about Rage and Hatred which is inspired by Japanese Martial Arts. What Darth Vader And Kylo Ren Uses and their cyborgnetic suits

Erm... You do know that the choreography in every movie wasn't just INSPIRED by Kendo.


Mark Hamill and many other people who played a Jedi in the movies had to learn and practice Kendo.


Erm... You do know that the choreography in every movie wasn't just INSPIRED by Kendo.


Mark Hamill and many other people who played a Jedi in the movies had to learn and practice Kendo.


show me that all of them had to learn kendo


I think the reference to the lunge in the blue style is the crouch plus forward and attack.

Not an actual lunging thrust tbh.


It's pretty simple to replace that default animation with the pull and stab animation, but the attack is even more powerful!


I brainstormed a one-handed style that would have thrust, but I don't think it'd be too good. Forward attack would be ok, but replacing any of the lateral moving attacks with a thrust would put the player at a disadvantage.

Wasa likes this

No It isn't its an, Inspiration ya Doof different cultures


Such as the Lightsaber Staff, Duel And One Handed From Jedi's And Sith are inspired by Chinese Martial Arts Not To Mention The Force Such As Chi


Then We Have The Strength Saber that is about Rage and Hatred which is inspired by Japanese Martial Arts. What Darth Vader And Kylo Ren Uses and their cyborgnetic suits


Wasa likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

Rising has many moves that make the fights more interactive though, and to be honest with you lightsaber combat in basejka is mindless swinging, so not big difference here. 






You literally can't... You either roll and tap the left click for a lunge or you use blue and grip + pull + left click into a lunge.

Doesn't this beat the point of your topic though?

I never got back to you on this.


Okay so.


No, it's not just mindless swinging, you can't kill anyone doing that. This game requires strategy, and Rising honestly doesn't, its so easy to just keep blocking over and over and attacking. If you can't learn the block system, then you will have a hard time, yeah, but if you do learn it, you can keep blocking and NEVER be hit. In Jedi Academy, every action, every mistake falls down to you, and thats what makes Jedi Academy so fun. If they added like, Rising multiplayer or something, it would just be down to who slipped up a block first. Cutting stuff is cool, you can't cut loads of things in Jedi Academy, but it does feel like it requires more strategy to take out even random thugs, and to me, something that requires effort makes it a lot more fun, I'd rather be worried and tense during high-stakes combat then an endless block-attack fest. Also you don't use blade mode all the time, you usually use it for normal enemies and special boss sections, so you can't even really choose what kind of attack you wanna do against bosses.


The end of the day, every single fight in Jedi Academy is heart-poundingly fun, fun for being tough and taking more strategy during combat, its a game that can't truly be mastered.


Well yeah but this isn't... y'know, swordplay lunging, it's saber lunging. Not to say that sabers can't be used for normal lunging, but I think a lot more people appreciated the saber lunging because it looks a bit nicer and more impressive (IMO, anyway).


Thanks for the Rising img thing.


I guess you're right, but the point of this thread really wasn't for that exactly, it was more to talk about that this game's physics engine was perfect for any character with almost any powers.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

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