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About This File

Author: Shadriss

This is a single player campaign with new maps and characters and story.

Plot: The Galactic Civil War is over. Five months have passed since the rebel victory in the skies over Endor. New rebel groups, encouraged by the Alliance's success, have begun attacking vulnerable Imperial facilities throughout the galaxy. One such group, on the outlying planet of Semele, has recently captured an Imperial mining and production facility, and has offered it to the Alliance in exchange for military protection. Not trusting this fortuitous turn of events, and with most of the Alliance's troops engaged in battle with the Ssiruuk, a Zabrak mercenary, PHELAN MORYDIA, has been contracted to investigate and establish the true nature of events on Semele...

Installion: Unpack the Deception folder and the BAT file to your Gamedata folder. Use the BAT file to load the mod. DO NOT load the mod from the in-game menu, as this will not allow the custom mission briefings, cutscenes, or mission objectives to properly display.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

darthpepo1 likes this

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A very well done SP campaign, the story was awesome. I wish the author finished it, it left me hungry for so much more!



This SP campaign was better than alot of Raven software campaigns... The author was working for 3 years for this. Too bad he doesn't finish all story... anyways.. this SP map is AWESOME !!! There are any other SP campaigns similar to this?!



I'm having the hardest time trying to get this to work what exactly do I have to do on my Mac to make this run?



This SP campaign was better than alot of Raven software campaigns... The author was working for 3 years for this. Too bad he doesn't finish all story... anyways.. this SP map is AWESOME !!! There are any other SP campaigns similar to this?!

I know this is three years late, but Xeby I must ask. Does anyone know what happened to the author? Did he stop during part 2's production and thus release some concepts or did he just vanish?



I know this is three years late, but Xeby I must ask. Does anyone know what happened to the author? Did he stop during part 2's production and thus release some concepts or did he just vanish?

I have no idea.. he just vanish... maybe too busy with family and kids... who knows.. to bad the real moders don't have time and money for long projects like this.



I have no idea.. he just vanish... maybe too busy with family and kids... who knows.. to bad the real moders don't have time and money for long projects like this.

Good thing that Dark Pastime gives us some amount of hope....



Want to elaborate on this, Phoenix? Hope about what?


For those who wondered, the short version is that life happened, and interest in the game didn't really exist by the time I was gearing up for EP2. Between that, and all my voice actors (Save one, Kessno, who I still talk with often) all vanishing as well... well, as you guys mentioned, having only one person doing ALL the work was prohibitive at the time, and even more so now since the game doesn't run well on more modern systems.


I am considering (and have for a while) doing a straight text version of the Deception Trilogy, but not sure that will ever happen. Phoenix - if you feel the need, you can post the plot summaries that I sent you via PM here for those that may be interested.



Nice mission. Was entertaining to play. Cheers.



So Shadriss a year ago shared information of what was supposed to happen after Deception with the other two chapters that never came to be with me. I'm just getting to it now cause life.

1) Umbra is NOT dead... though you were meant to think so. Eventually (in EP3 - Revelation), you would have faced him a second time... Umbra's last chance to survive.


2) Wraith would have been the heavy of EP2 - Elimination. Wraith was what I would have called the "Gentlemen Assassin". During the story, after establishing that Commenor was a dead end, Wraith would have arrived on planet to hunt you down... though he was going to be 'sporting' enough to let you know. The final showdown would have been on a skyscraper rooftop, after finding direction to a lifeless moon where Wraith's master is supposed to have been (I think this was through a message trace... been a long time.)


3) Blight was to have been a straight forward fight early on in EP3 - nothing real special here aside from his difficulty. No real speaking part - think along the lines of Maul in EP I. An enforcer type, if you will.


4) Darth Malice has a bit more backstory. Like Mara Jade, Malice was one of the Emporer's Hands, though a much more highly trained one. He was on board the Death Star at the time of the Battle of Endor, and saw Luke and Vader in the hanger. His view of events was that all was as it should be - the Apprentice (Vader) had killed the Master (The Emperor). After securing his own escape, he sought Vader out (the new Master, after all), and finding him dead, gathered three other Hands (Umbra, Wraith, and Blight) to secure his position as the new Sith Master.


Having done so, he had a problem - the Rule of Two. He could not directly act against any of the three apprentices without ensuring the other two turned on him in turn. So... he created the Semele Scenario, a grand plan that would cause havok among the New Republic... except that it was totally false. It was a ruse to keep his apprentices busy. Malice had to ensure that the plan failed, which would justify the removal of an apprentice for 'failing' him... so he contacted a zabrak mercenary by the name of Phelan mo'Rydia.


Malice IS the Mission Controller, and the Republic knows nothing about this at all.


The solution seems to work at first - Umbra is disgraced in EP1, and Wraith is killed in EP2. Phelan's link to the Force was unexpected, and when Blight is killed early in EP3, Malice decides to give Phelan the chance to join him as his new apprentice. All he has to do is kill Umbra.


The story forks here depending on the decision - Agree, then kill Umbra in a duel, and the story ends with a new pair of Sith, Darth Malice and Darth Deceptus (formerly Phelan). Decline, kill Umbra anyway (he'd attack to reclaim his position as apprentice), then track down and destroy Malice in a final duel and the story ends more open endedly.


It's times like these I'd had time back then to make this all - and to think it all spawned from a single silly idea: have an entire level where the idea is to kill 3PO droids.

So the story would have gone as Deception, Elimination and Revelation. I wish Elimination and Revelation became reality, but I hope this gives a better picture of what could have been.

zahar and darthpepo1 like this

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