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About This File

"I am a Jedi Knight."
~ Jaden Korr


COMING SOON! A new headpiece courtesy of @Pandora


Jaden Korr is the first part of the MatMoura Models Pack, followed by Rosh Penin (the second part) and Kyle Katarn (the third part). This model was created and constructed by @Noodle

If you’re curious about the inspiration behind this model, it is based on a stunning piece of artwork by MatMoura on DeviantArt. To see more of MatMoura's work, check out the original artwork that inspired this mod, linked here: https://www.deviantart.com/matmoura/art/Master-Katarn-808139013

How to Spawn:
Use the following commands to spawn different versions of Jaden Korr in-game:

- `npc spawn jaden_padawan_mm`
- `npc spawn jaden_knight_mm`
- `npc spawn jaden_jedi_mm`
- `npc spawn jaden_master_mm`
- `npc spawn jaden_dark_mm`

Mod Features:
- Bot: No
- NPC: Yes
- LODs: No
- Team Skins: No
- Single Player: No

1. Extract "jaden_mm.pk3" to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/base" folder.
2. Extract "jaden_mm_md.pk3" to your Jedi Academy directory’s "gamedata/md" folder.


- STAR WARS: Disney/Lucasfilm
- Inspiring Me to Mod: JKHub.org
- STAR WARS Galactic Legacy: Linken
- A New Beginning SP Mod: MagSul
- Jaden Korr "Remastered" from MOVIE DUELS 1.0 Mod: DT85, GPChannel, Movie Duels Team, Tompa9
- Knight Head Textures: MagSul
- Character Design: MatMoura
- Sith Eyes (JKB): AshuraDX
- Modeling: Noodle
- New Head Modeling: Pandora (Coming Soon)

As with the Ported Sabers mod, you are free to use and modify this player model. However, please be sure to acknowledge the original authors when doing so.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

User Feedback

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This looks epic (good job Noodle) but updating it every 12 hours is too much. We have an approval process we have to go through every time a new file is submitted. Can I recommend you get everything polished up real nice for one final release and then submit that when it is ready? Four “final” versions in 2 days is just unnecessary.

SpeedyJDFox95 likes this


17 hours ago, Circa said:

This looks epic (good job Noodle) but updating it every 12 hours is too much. We have an approval process we have to go through every time a new file is submitted. Can I recommend you get everything polished up real nice for one final release and then submit that when it is ready? Four “final” versions in 2 days is just unnecessary.

You're right, Circa. Little too much excitement got over me and I got a little... Carried away, I want to say?



Model looks great, nice work @Noodle and a great concept @AxelBlade95, however I'd seriously caution against the description including anything relating to Monetary value. Paying for the creation of intellectual property in the SW universe that's not licensed by or created by the IP Owners is a big no no and could land people in trouble.



3 hours ago, Minoda said:

Model looks great, nice work @Noodle and a great concept @AxelBlade95, however I'd seriously caution against the description including anything relating to Monetary value. Paying for the creation of intellectual property in the SW universe that's not licensed by or created by the IP Owners is a big no no and could land people in trouble.

You helped me out in realizing that, Minoda. So, as a Precaution, I am going to remove the monetary value. I firmly apologize for that.

Minoda likes this

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