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Single player missions expansion

   (5 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Over a time mod makers created some really great levels for JKA.
But loading them through bat file or console always seemed to me as big immersion breaker.
So I created a version of some cool SP maps that is integrated in the game's mission selection screen. 
I also added some little story info for menu, and recorded some additional voicover with Ivona reader.

Currently only two mission are added, "Crash on Tatooine" by Mercenary, and "Operation: Spaceport" by Michael May.
Maps were used with permission from their respective authors. I thank them for their awesome work.
The maps were added smoothly into the original game and are selectable on the second mission screen (between Hoth and Vjun).
It seemed to be logical, because in the original maps, the force power levels of the players was set to be somewhere around 2.

I modified the maps so now your force powers aren't set to specific value when you play the map.
You just get the one force power raise that you've chosen at the beginning of the map, just like in the basic JKA SP missions.

To see full credits and changes read "ReadMe" file within the archive.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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As stated im my reame file: "Currently you can still play only 5 missions between Hoth and Vjun. You can choose any mission you like, but after 5th, Kyle will force you to go to academy. In future I want to expand this number, so you can play all mission you want before going to Vjun."

Actually i know how to allow player play more than 5 missions on each tier. I haven't tested it yet, but im 99% sure it would work. 
You see there is a cvar in the game that is called "storyinfo".
Based on this cvar's value victory menu show you buttons to proceed to specific maps. You can change required value for the specific button in menu file.
Each map you play during this filler parts of the game raising "storyinfo" by 1. Main story maps (like vjun or hoth) just set "storyinfo" to specific value. So adjusting this parameters in the map's entities and in the menu, it is possible to give players ability to play all missions before you go to the academy. But curently i havent done this yet.

And yes, no code hacking required. Just menu modding and map entity modding. 

I used this tutorial to learn how to modify entities. Thanks to ghost for writing it. 


Actually adding maps to mission selection menu was relatively easy. I surprised nobody done it before.



Cool! So is sufficient to add new mission that NOT add the value on cvar or fix it (maybe subctracting instead of adding into some case) and that allow to add into a tier any kind of mission any want to do 😧

Man, you open me a world of possibilities! TY!


SSlither and zahar like this


You welcome.) I would bw glad if someone make a good use of this idea. 

And yes, it is easy to add mission that didnt raise value to cvar "storyinfo". But than this mission would'nt "count" for story progression. The idea was to keep the ability to go to the academy after 4 mission, but allow player to continue play as much missions as he want. As i said before, that is possible and relatively easy to do. You just need to edit requirement for "storyinfo" for specific buttons in menu, and storyinfo number in some original JKA maps.
Thats supposed to be easy, I just didnt done it yet.

SSlither likes this


Oh, so is sufficient to increase the amount of "storyinfo" necessary for unlock the main quest for solve this problem. very interesting! :D thanks again!!!


SSlither and zahar like this


Hey guys, Asgarath, been awhile, and Zahar this is wonderful work. Is there any way we could get you on discord to share some of our mod ideas? Last I checked we both had several projects ongoing. I am curious how you were able to edit the SP campaign successfully because I've been trying to do that for ages and have only been marginally successful with a .pk3 that overwrites the base assets0 assets1 and assets2 etc.

SSlither likes this


Basically I just explained how you can add more missions to sp campaign. Just add entity on the map, and some new elements in the menu. It is relatively simple. You can use my mod as a example.

About discord. Sure i have an account there. It is named Zahar#8685. I joined JKCommunity channel. So if you need you can easily find me. 

SSlither likes this


Love this mod, the additions are just great. Read more of what i have to say in my Review 

SSlither and zahar like this
JC Denton of UNATCO


The Tatooine level is WAY too difficult for a Tier 2 level. It should be added to T3.

Also, I'd gladly voice the Rebel who does the intros for these levels. I am experienced in voice acting. Add me on Discord, JoJo#2142, or message me here on JKHub.

GamerRedNeck likes this


15 hours ago, JC Denton of UNATCO said:

The Tatooine level is WAY too difficult for a Tier 2 level. It should be added to T3.

Also, I'd gladly voice the Rebel who does the intros for these levels. I am experienced in voice acting. Add me on Discord, JoJo#2142, or message me here on JKHub.

Wouldn't it too easy for tier 3?

JC Denton of UNATCO


5 hours ago, zahar said:

Wouldn't it too easy for tier 3?

I would have to say "no". This would be just the right difficulty for tier 3, at least fighting the Sith enemies. Every other part of the level would be easy on any difficulty on any tier. You just have to use the speeder boost and you're basically fine until you have to fight the reborn.



Maybe you right. I guess if there will be updates of this mod in the future I will move crash level on tier3. 



22 hours ago, zahar said:

Maybe you right. I guess if there will be updates of this mod in the future I will move crash level on tier3. 

Or move it to tier 1 and just change the Dark Jedi into weaker enemy variants (such as Reborn from JO)

KyleRendar likes this


I think moving it to 3 would be better and keeping the Dark Jedi Model 



Why not put it on tier 3, but make little more hard the fight againt trandoshans swoopers? (i not know exactly how, without editing the map itself,.., maybe some fix of scripts, maybe is possible to give to trandoshan troops a little armor points for make ther more hard to defeats.)


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