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6 Screenshots

About This File

This a reskin of DT85's EP7 Stormtrooper made into a concept to which I call the "First Order Shadow Trooper". It is basically a black version of the standard Stormtrooper but with some shader adjustments for a more glossy armor. Two skins are included, a standard trooper skin and a commander skin, which resembles the standard trooper but has a black pauldron added and some small silver markings on the armor to slightly seperate them from the standard troopers. There are npcs in this file of which the names are:






Map used: Inferno


Gun used: Jedi Knight: Galaxies E-11 B

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 2.0


  • Team skins based off of the Elite Stormtrooper now added.
PierceDoughty likes this

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Nice attempt at this character. 5 stars for putting your time into it for the community. :P

Barricade24 and GMRobinHood like this


And a brilliant concept it is! I'm loving it. It's really hard to get black to look right, but you pulled it off exceptionally. This is a welcome and worthy variation on the Imperial soldier that might as well be considered canon. A keeper. 5*

Barricade24 likes this


@Barricade24 Awesome stuff, also how exactly did you get the JKG blasters to replace the vanilla blasters? 

Barricade24 likes this


@Barricade24 Awesome stuff, also how exactly did you get the JKG blasters to replace the vanilla blasters? 

Technically, I didn't. What you are seeing are actually sabers using the e-11 gun model being held with a gun animation pose. I would certainly like to get that e-11 to replace the default one though. It really is a beauty.

GaryTheStormtrooper, Bek and Jolly like this


You could probably swap the models...



These screenshots look too dark I think. It would've been better to see these on a white background or a desert perhaps. But looks good nonetheless.



This has just become my default skin! Thanks @Barricade24 insane work!

Barricade24 likes this


Can you include a skin of the regular white version? DT's original doesn't seem to support singleplayer NPC spawning.



Can you include a skin of the regular white version? DT's original doesn't seem to support singleplayer NPC spawning.

I believe it does actually have an npc name. I think it is along the lines of "dt_ep7_stormtrooper" or something like that.

Arian Kymeri


Is there ay way to have, let's say, only the commarder skin? I have a skin pack with the Ep 7 white stormtroopers, but it only works on the regular ones, the officers don't have any skin, so they are like "invisible", only their weapons can be seen floating in the air. I would like to use the commander skins from this pack to add it. Is it possible?



Ah, how impressive! Also, if you take recommendations, might I recommend a JK3 skin of the First Order snowtrooper?

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