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This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

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New year, new contest. Create a map for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast as part of this mod contest we are hosting. Winner of the contest gets a badge on the forum, an entry on the contest board, but best of all this just encourages creativity that benefits the community to enjoy the mods being made. The best creations come from passion, not reward. 😎

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If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.

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Creating an original _humanoid file unique to one or more characters


You want animations that only your character/s can use? Read this. Requires an existing custom animation/s that already work in-game.


As the title implies I will be showing you how to make your models own _humanoid file. As this is the stage AFTER making your animation, I will assume you already made yourself an animation and have compiled it into the base _humanoid file.

WARNING: Unique _humanoid files can ONLY work in Single Player, attempting to do it in mutiplayer will keep your model from appearing properly, make sure you back up your existing skin/model so you can keep using it for Multiplayer.

What you need

  • Notepad/Hex Editor(OPTIONAL)
  • Your model/skin (including the .glm) that has Single Player support.
  • Pakscape
  • The mock base folder usually found on your desktop (meant for skinning)
  • _Humanoid.gla (modified), animations.cfg (modified), animevents.cfg

With your new animation/s in hand, and already overided existing animations, you're ready to begin. First make a new _humanoid folder in the same folder where all your skins are. Name it _humanoid_<name> (change <name> to whatever you want, but keep it simple). Paste _Humanoid.gla (the one with the new animations you made), animations.cfg, and animevents.cfg into that folder. Now the easy part is done.

Using notepad, open the _Humanoid.gla using NOTEPAD or your hex editor, while you will see a bunch of random gibberish on there, at the very top is the part which you must pay attention to.



As you can see at the top, there is a file line, you must change it so it matches what you labelled your _humanoid file as. For example, if I named the folder _humanoid_derpy. I change the file path to models/players/_humanoid_derpy/_humanoid.

Now that you are done with your _humanoid.gla file, you can move onto the final piece, your model.glm.

As with the _humanoid.gla, open up the model.glm file with notepad and look for the file path like the _humanoid.gla file had, change that to match with your new humanoid folder, save, and exit. Repeat this process as many times as you would like for each skin you would like to give those animations.

After you are finished, place your skin + the new humanoid folder into a .pk3 file. In case you forgot, it's models/players/<skin> and <humanoid folder>. Save as a pk3, put into your base, start up, choose your skin, and play.

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Hello, when i try  using this technique i always receive this communication:


R_LoadMDXM: models/players/x/model.glm has different bones than anim (0 != 3473408)

RE_RegisterModel: cannot load models/players/x/model.glm

G_SetG2PlayerModel: cannot load model x


I do everything exactly as in your toturial and also replace lines in notepad instead of rewriting them.

Is there any solution to that problem?



On 10/21/2020 at 7:10 PM, Dark_Reaper said:

Hello, when i try  using this technique i always receive this communication:


R_LoadMDXM: models/players/x/model.glm has different bones than anim (0 != 3473408)

RE_RegisterModel: cannot load models/players/x/model.glm

G_SetG2PlayerModel: cannot load model x


I do everything exactly as in your toturial and also replace lines in notepad instead of rewriting them.

Is there any solution to that problem?

Try using a Hex Editor instead of Notepad! ?



I have 2 doubts First, can a universal humanoid be worn on a single skin? And if I have 2 types of general humanoid and I want to modify one so that it has the position of the other, how could I do it?



On 7/12/2023 at 8:30 PM, matiasfett said:

I have 2 doubts First, can a universal humanoid be worn on a single skin? And if I have 2 types of general humanoid and I want to modify one so that it has the position of the other, how could I do it?

I am so sorry for the long response time! 

From what I could gather, animations are strictly assigned per model, so if you wanted one appearance of your character to have one set, and another appearance to have another set, you'll need two different models. 

On 7/12/2023 at 8:30 PM, Dark_Reaper said:

Hello, when i try  using this technique i always receive this communication:


R_LoadMDXM: models/players/x/model.glm has different bones than anim (0 != 3473408)

RE_RegisterModel: cannot load models/players/x/model.glm

G_SetG2PlayerModel: cannot load model x


I do everything exactly as in your toturial and also replace lines in notepad instead of rewriting them.

Is there any solution to that problem?

Back when I wrote this, the notepad method did work, but that's definitely not the case these days. I'll probably edit this tutorial at some point to only include the Hex Editor.

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