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This community is dedicated to the games Star Wars: Jedi Outcast (2002) and Jedi Academy (2003). We host over 3,000 mods created by passionate fans around the world, and thousands of threads of people showcasing their works in progress and asking for assistance. From mods to art to troubleshooting help, we probably have it. If we don't, request or contribute!

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The Duel Map Mod Contest has concluded and winners were announced! Congrats to 🥇1st Place Winner Reepray with Rishi Station 2, 🥈2nd Place Winner chloe with Oasis Mesa, and 🥉3rd Place Winner Artemis with TFFA Brutal! Amazing submissions by everyone!

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If you're new or returning from a long hiatus, here are the basics of getting started with Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.

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Opening the console

Talon Senatu

In base Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast and older mods:


In base OpenJK, EternalJK, and most modern mods based on OpenJK mods:


There is a large number of console commands in Jedi Academy. Entering these commands into normal chat will not work. To be able to make these commands work, you'll need to open the in-game console.

You can open the console through the following steps:

  • While holding the SHIFT key, press the 'tilde' key. This is the ~ key. It is located below ESC, above TAB and to the left of the number 1 on most keyboards. On some, it is not the tilde but the ¬` ¦ key.
  • If you followed these steps correctly, the console will open. You can now enter any command you want, or close it again by pressing the tilde key a second time.
  • You can scroll up and down with PAGE-UP and PAGE-DN keys. OpenJK allows mouse scrolling.
  • Type the start of a command and then press TAB to either finish the command automatically or see a list of commands that start with those letters.
  • Press the UP arrow to fill the last command. Press it multiple times to cycle through your previous commands.
  • Type clear to clear the whole console.

It's worth noting that OpenJK and mods based on it don't require the SHIFT key, you only have to press ~


Edited by Circa
put the useful info at the top and removed unnecessary steps like launching the game

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Mike Tallway


To activate cheats type "helpusobi 1" on the console. Then you will be able to cheat.


Basic cheat commands that give you stuff:

  • give all (gives all weapons, ammo, armor, health)
  • give health (gives all health)
  • give armor (gives all armor)
  • give ammo (gives full ammo for all the weapons on your inventory including grenades and other explosives)

So yeah, these are the most basic cheat commands that give you stuff.


NOTE: All these commands will also be compatible with Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast.




With all respect for noobs,

          Mike Tallway, the expert in nubs (isn't that obvious lol cause I am also nub so I am expert in nubs)




If I missed something and / or made a mistake reply to this post so I can edit it.

If you would like to add something be free to post in this topic.







What about console commands in multiplayer?



What about console commands in multiplayer?


It's the same as in single player.



It's the same as in single player.

But they don't work



But they don't work

Are you referring to how to access the console or the cheats that were posted above in a comment? This tutorial is about how to access the console.


I'm asking how to use cheats in the multiplayer of the single player



/devmap mp/ffa3



In other words, for cheats in multiplayer, load the map with /devmap mapname


Then you can use cheats.

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