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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Yes, i did the same thing.
  2. LOL sorry, tonight i am little stunned. okay, let we see... mmm, first thing, check your shaderlist, you need to have the common into the shaderlist, so radiant read it when build the map. second thing: a little part of common shader concerned with waters: ù textures/common/water2_waterfall { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap { map textures/common/water3_joe blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll 0 -1 } { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen const 0.7 tcMod scroll 0 -0.5 } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scale 0.25 0.25 tcMod scroll 0 -0.5 } } textures/common/water2_shadow { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap { map textures/yavin/lshadow blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen vertex tcMod turb 2 0.05 0 0.1 } { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen const ( 0.423529 0.423529 0.423529 ) alphaGen const 0.7 tcMod turb 0.5 0.03 0 0.3 tcMod scroll 0 -0.25 } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -1 } } textures/common/water2_water { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map textures/yavin/lshadow blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen vertex tcMod turb 2 0.05 0 0.1 } { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen const ( 0.423529 0.423529 0.423529 ) alphaGen const 0.7 tcMod turb 0.5 0.03 0 0.3 tcMod scroll 0 -0.25 } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -1 } } // textures/common/water2_waterfall_Tutorial { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen const ( 0.752941 0.752941 0.752941 ) alphaGen const 0.2 tcMod scroll 0 -1 } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -1 } } textures/common/water2_water1 { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting sort seeThrough { map textures/yavin/lshadow blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen vertex tcMod turb 2 0.05 0 0.1 } { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen const ( 0.423529 0.423529 0.423529 ) alphaGen const 0.7 tcMod turb 0.5 0.03 0 0.3 tcMod scroll 0 -0.25 } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -1 } } textures/common/water2_still { qer_editorimage textures/common/direction surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water { map textures/common/water3 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen const 0.6 tcMod turb 0.5 0.03 0 0.3 } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } { map textures/common/stars blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE tcMod scroll 0 -1 } } a little extract of common shader concerned waters. for a working water, you need to get all these textures into the relative radiant texture path, also a copy of common shader into the radiant shader source directory. the common voice should be added into shaderlist and, also, the same texture and shader need to be put into your mod texture\common\ paths. maybe there is some shader stage with missing images. a important thing: in the case for example, you are using the water2_still shader. well, 1 for fix the shader image red missing on radiant: you need to place into the path of the texture a custom texture with the same name of the shader . so a water2_still.jpg image into textures/common. that's fix the radiant hole. 2: for build the shader into into the map, the editor read the q3_editorimage field. so in that case should use the common/direction texture applied to a surface, for generate the waters. it's very strange this thing, because as you can see common/direction is used as editor image for many shaders. o.o
  3. here the fix: 1: open the hiddenevil.SHADER file into shaders 2: you can found this: textures/h_evil/wfall { qer_editorimage textures/h_evil/waterf1 surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water cull twosided { map textures/h_evil/wf3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll 0.02 -0.27 } { map textures/h_evil/wfn2 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll -0.02 -0.2 } { map textures/h_evil/waterf1 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll 0 -0.45 } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } textures/h_evil/lakewater { qer_editorimage textures/h_evil/wfn2 surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water cull twosided { map textures/h_evil/wf3 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod scroll 0.03 -0.13 } { map textures/h_evil/wfn2 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod stretch sin 1 0.02 0 0.1 tcMod turb 1 0.02 0 0.15 tcMod scroll -0.03 -0.1 } { map textures/h_evil/waterf1 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.12 tcMod scroll 0 -0.17 } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO } } it's one of the strangest think of JKA. check the qer_editorimage filed. these field of shader file tell to you what texture is used for generate the shader. you need to extract by the texture/h_evil folder the textures and put into h_evil radiant source folder of texture at these point, you can use waterf1 for generate the waterfall and wfn2 for generate the water lake. another solution is to make your own texture named wfall and lakewater and change into these name the filed of hiddenevil shader related to qer_editorimage.
  4. for fix this, simply place a texture in jpg format in the correct path with the name of the shader you wanna to display on radiant. however, in game they works fine.
  5. Well, because i have problem of sight my monitor is ever to 800x600 definition so the right top panel with vertex count is visible only when i am exporting mesh. mmm i try to export something into an edit mode and i see if it works, because i ever seen only the total vertexes count. @@Cerez , yes, i have already see that, but i not found much. after a long search i found this plug in, but i put as a .py file into blender addons folder and when i go on preference the check box for activate it not works >.< http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/13757/list-of-objects-in-scene-with-counts-verts-faces-tris @@Ramikad okay, i selected a mesh in edit mod and i click to export and i see the vertex count in the top right panel. there is some way to customize UI for drag the panel into the default scene view, so i can get ever forward at my eyes?
  6. I Know is a trivial question but really, i search by days and google and i not found anything. someone know some good addon for blender 2.64 that can show the vertex number of a selected objects? i ask this because i am working with MD3 and i need to be sure of not export meshes with more of 1000 vertexes for MD3 of JKA. so i need something to see the vertex number for make a good detaching. (the blender panel on the top right of the screens show only the global amount of scene vertexes, i need to see the vertex total number of the selected mesh. ) thanks for any answer @@Cerez @@mrwonko
  7. @@Cerez i now better thas issue because was one of the first thing i fighted into my map work on SP. welll for what i can tell you for help to you based on my esperience: 1: NPC that walk between waypoint grid should be in cinematic state. in BS_DEFAULT the AI is very stupid about following the paths. 2: the unique set of Icarus of your NPC your need are: SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_CINEMATIC. SET_WALKING , true SET_RUNNING, false. and the WALKSPEED, If you want a different value by default. you not need to use the IGNOREENEMIES and CHASEENEMIES field, if is not a fight scene, because the BS_CINEMATIC state is like the notarget consolle command and NPC will ignore other enemies entities. about the grid. there are 3 entity you need to use: the yellow Waypoint. the Green Waypoint_navgoal the purple Point Combat. how works a net grid... well years ago i create a large swamp map with a long path into the forest. 2000 trees in the map LOL. i placed wave of NPC mercenaries soldiers in the swamp, ambushed on the trees. i create a very big waypoint net around the trees. the structure was exagonal, like the cells of the lair of bees. six waypoint connected in thay way: /1 ---------------2 \ 3 | TREE | 4 | 5---------------- 6 | 7 | TREE | 8 \ 9 ------------- 10 / was a VERY complex waypoint grid. i connected every waypoint to the next simply in that mode: 1: select waypointA 2 select waypoint B 3: hit Control + K keys however, the NPCs will fight very smarts, run, escape... go around the trees for reach the players and they was shooters! Jedi -sith NPC have a certain intelligence and they can reach a target or a enemy also without the waypoint guide, if target is sufficient near. but shooters like stormtroopers ... uff, they are so stupid. they really need a waypoint net. and net need to be complex like the path itself. in the case of a forest, the waypoint grid was very complex. i placed also many strategical point_combat around the trees and enemy ambush on that, placing back to the trees or into the bushes for shooots the player. was a wonderful battle. in case of cinematic... well, you need to set into BS_cinematic state the NPC in cinematic state you need to make this: 1: into a map add the navgoail of destination. 2: add some yellow waypoint at regular distance (512-1024 map unit each other) and connect the previous with the next with CTRL + K. the first waypoint near to NPC is connect to second, that is connected to third, etc, the last yellow waypoint need to be connected to the green waypoint. 3: on icarus: make a "task" field for NPC. name task with something like "walk1" and inside put "SET_NAVGOAL" with the targetname of the WAYPOINT_NAVGOAL green entitie. close the task. for the npc set istruction: DO "walk1" if you want NPC move toward multiple destination,. instead of DO walk1 put DOWAIT walk1. and add also the task "walk2" with the NAVGOAL waypoint 2 , a task with the navgoal waypoint 3, etc etc etc. so NPC will make these istruction: dowait walk1 dowait walk2 dowait walk3. if you want NPC walk in loop: put into a loop cycle these: dowait walk1 dowait walk2 dowait walk3 dowait walk2 dowait walk1 NPC can also wait some second before begin to walk into another waypint. dowait walk1 wait 1000 dowait walk2 wait 500 dowait walk3 wait 1500 dowait walk2 wait 3000 in case there is a door into the path: NPC are so stupid that if there is a door , they ignore waypoints over the doors! for fix this you need to place two connected NAVGOAL, one to each side of the door. ||||| NAVGOAL ---||--- NAVGOAL ||||| connected with CTRL+K patrol same as BS_CINEMATIC. but you need to set an ANGERSCRIPT PAINSCRIPT or AWAKESCRIPT on NPC, so if NPC is wounded, or angered or see the player, he turn into BS_DEFAULT state and pass to combat mode. (npc in combat mode use the waypoint net for running and point combat as strategical point for shoot the player. important: the point_combat entities not need to be linked to waypoint grid. that's is based on my experience. with me is ever worked. :\ i have not idea why shooter NPC are so stupid to moving into maps. there is some code setting i guess.
  8. Check my SP weapon anf force power tutorial and @@eezstreet MP weapon and force power tutorial and also his tutorial about the beginning, regarding build your first solution, using cmake and understand C++ and JA code. if you are stuck, pm me (i know more better the Single player code respect at MP because i am focused on SP modding) or go into #Jacoders channels good luck.
  9. Sorry if i open this thread but i need an answer for this question. someone can show me or share with me the JA++ related code about the grab and hanging cliff function (jumping players can grabs the edge of a cliff and give up himself) i ask because that's should needed for two mods. one is for my mod, and the other is for ECM III i guess. i need to reply into Single player this function.
  10. Personally i never did this on sounds. but know i learn how to add new saber colors for ECM III . add new sounds should be pretty similar. to this. however you need to use the brain, before of everything and logical mind. the answer for every "i want to" is in the code itself. you need to think to others parts of game engine that make what you desire to want in a function. example: in that case, for making saberon with multiple sound, simply check how works code of saberswings sounds. you need just to register the new sounds and add a q_irand variable function like saberswing sound q_irand variable into the code that execute the function of saberon. Dive the code, man. 2 years ago i not know NOTHING of c++. now i am not a programmer, but almost some basic things on the code i can do. for unlucky i never wrote tutorial about sabercolor or sabersounds. (because simply i not worked on that, i wroted tutorial on weapons and force power because my mod basically change these engine expects and i want to share with peoples this code.) mmmm i think after i make sabercolor is time i do that.
  11. i will help you with some basic coding stuff. saber colors and some new weapons, okay?
  12. As i had already told to some other... you need - audacity for sound editing. - cmake and microsoft visual studio 2012 or superior for code editing. - download openjk source code of JKA - follow eeztreet's tutorials about configuration of Openjk, making a solution and basic code stuff teachings. (you can found into tutorial \ code section) open the solution of OPENJK done with cmake with visual studio. - open the files you need to edit. - edit the files. (that's NEED coding skill and almost a basic knowledge of C+ \ C++ ) - build the .dll and the exe of the new code engine. the code of SP and MP is different, SP code is in code folder, MP in codemp. you need to register the new sounds in cg_weapons.cpp and you need to locate in wp_saber.cpp for single player the functions that play the saberon and saberoff sounds when player activate the saber and turn off and edit these variables. is not much difficult, but you need to know exactly what are you doing.
  13. Need little code edit on wp_saber.cpp and cg_weapons.cpp and some other fixes.
  14. Oh relax. D: i joked a lot not about request itself but not about th request itself, but about the kind of asking. XD the "Also I would have sex with you. ;)" part give me hilarous laughts. I played Kotor and i loved part of Tuskens raider on tatooine. personally i like fight against tuskens they are really good warriors, but also i was wondered about their so unknown and proud culture and they past, because they are the rests of a race destroyed by ratakan empire. i like the part when revan know their history with help of HK47 languages skills. (was exilarant) so, why not a tusken model? can be a nice and a fiery boss in some mod. AI get an idea about frankensteining the improved tusken model with the predator model... O_O http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/6d/Hoar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20051031235255 is this hoar, right? mmmm okay now i am thinking about a merging by a tusken and a trandoshan model. o_o
  15. Thanks, @@Cerez and @@Lancelot As i told, @@Captain Leeroy , you need to install also the proper lame MP3 codec. i am not wonder about the error. i told you.
  16. Well i did it. merging mindtrick level 1 code and force grip code i did a perfect force freeze code,. at level 1 the freezing field is weak and push and pull can broke it. level 2 and 3 freezing field resist to push and pull and also if you jump upon enemies. you can break only if you shoot the enemies or if you kill the enemies. duration is 10 sec level 1, 15 sec level 2, 20 second level 3. so my code stuff is over for the moment, i can modding other things. Thanks for all helps. i will upload into GIT what i did in these months, in case can be helpful for someone.
  17. I very like your HUD idea man. D:
  18. the Hud system is really hardcoded. D: otherwise is possible to make some graphical changes about the postion and forms of the bars of the health, armor, ammo, force, style and HUD bar. i never make an new HUD, so i cannot help you. but i am pretty sure that basically need a lot of work with paint shop pro and alpha channels.
  19. with audacity (freeware) or goldwave (shareware) or any software editor sound you need to install also the lame codec. remember to convert into MP3, mono channel, 44100 Hertz here is it: http://audacityteam.org/
  20. Ah so the taunt sound files are not replace by your new files, right? this can happened if they are of different audio format by the original. if you did wav files, and original are mp3. they are not replaced.
  21. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ Follow these istruction for build your solution. after, open with visual studio and good job with coding. Thanks man, maybe the force be with you too
  22. yes, 0: install microsoft visual studio 2012 or superior. 1: download openjk 2: download cmake 3: make your solution with cmake following eezstreet tutorial. 4: locate and edit what i told. 5: build the SP client and SP dll. 6: put into gamedata (back up your dll and Jasp exe before)
  23. it's necessary to change a little line of code on SP client for expand the buffer on NPC. Openjk however not get more the error of npc file too big. simply, if you put too many NPCs, they aren't read, but you can edit the code about this. go do npcs_stats.cpp and change this: // NPC parameters file : ext_data/NPCs/*.npc* // #define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x40000 to // NPC parameters file : ext_data/NPCs/*.npc* // #define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 // original is 0x40000 so you can get a double value of NPC files before overload the allocating buffer memory.
  24. You need to use microsoft visual studio 2010\2012 + cmake. cmake for making the solution, microsoft visual studio for building the exe of Openjk. Here the tutorial: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ you can download here on github
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