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Rosh Penin

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Everything posted by Rosh Penin

  1. I know I hated all the CG. They're kind of doing the same thing with the new Hobbit movies too, in the old LOTR almost everything was real and filmed in New Zealand. Now everything is made of CGI and it looks like something out of a PS4 game.
  2. Finally grabbed the binaries! In the unlikely event that they work I'll give you a cookie.
  3. COME TO DADDY! BTW, the mother is Jan.
  4. So now Jaden sounds like an annoying little twat and you can kill him instead of Rosh who should be the hero of the story.
  5. Rosh Penin

    Silent Menus

    This is exactly the mod I need! Those menu sounds were getting really annoying...
  6. Since when can a website speak? I command you to stop as the founder of JKHub.
  7. I would prefer Steam.
  8. You don't want to see my first saber hilt...it looked like a penis.
  9. Where are the Linux binaries?
  10. If no one really wants Burnout Paradise I'd like that as well if you'll allow it...I already have claimed a key though. I bet you feel good for following Rosh Penin's example. I'm a great role model as well as a great Jedi.
  11. I'd like Crysis 2 please!
  12. I'll take Dead Space please.
  13. The video is up on http://jediacademyporn.com, tere's a few of Jaden "doin' it" with a tauntaun too. It's a must see.
  14. ======================================== ================DNMMM~================== ==========NMMNNNMNO8MN8Z~=============== ========$=8N8DNDNNNNNDZDNNDM============ ========DOO8O8DNDDDONDN888DMD=========== ========MNOMNNMDNMNDNMNNONMMD~========== ========N8NMODN$7II$II$DNNNO8N========== ========8N8NZM$II?????II7MNODO========== ========8NZ?7IIII??+??I?I?NDN8========== ========ODI?I???I???????I??N?$========== ========Z$I??O7??+??????I$7?II========== ========Z7?I$$DM8I+++?IDN$7OII========== =======~OIII?IOZZ$I=+I$$N$?III========== =======7II?IZ?M=O$7?I7$+OZ8I?IIZ======== =======?+I+???I7I7I??777I?????I========= =======Z$I?+????I77+?7II??+??II========= =======+??I+?????II=~7$?????I?7========= =========????????7IZD7??????I7========== ==========?I??III7II?I7??????=========== ==========II?II77Z7$$7$7IIIII=========== ==========II7I7I$$I7?IZ777II~=========== ===========Z$777IIIII?I7777Z============ ===========II$77I7I?II7I7$I============= ==========~$I7ZZ77II777$$7IN============ =====~===~NDI7$ZZZZOZZZZ$7IN+==~======== =~:+~+=+8DDNND$ZZZ$ZZZZZ$DNND8O?+=+Z==== :~~=~~I+OODDDDNNNZ$OZZDNDNDNOZO7?=??I?II ~:=====+?OZO8NNMMMMNNNNDDN8ZZO7I7I?II?II ~+~+?==I?88OOZOZMMMMMMM$$ZZOOOI7???IIIII =7~+?==+I?888ZZOZZZOZOOOZ$ZOO877??II?II7 +$I=?+=?IINDDD8888OOZO88888OD$$$??7?I?II ?7I+I+=?77NNNDDD888888O88DDNN7$$?I$???II ?II+++=??I$NNNNDDDD8DDNNNNNDD$7I7I$??III ?+$I+I=?II$8DDNNDDNNNNNNND88DZ7?II7?I7I? ??I7??+?II7888DNDNNNMNDDD888ZO7III7?III?
  15. Thanks I have no idea what you're talking about. I can't mod, I'm just a poor Jedi apprentice. I blew my last paycheck on a Kyle and Jan sex tape a jawa sold to me.
  16. Can you make me a giant Rosh NPC and tell me how to use the playermodel command?
  17. I'd like a playable Rosh that is as tall as an AT-AT.
  18. I have 4 GB of ram and that is plenty for me. The only reason I would want more than that is if I wanted to run like 5 games at the same time while rendering a scene in 3ds Max while checking my Facebook while downloading a movie while checking my phone. Why on earth would you want a secondary computer while you already have a self-admitidly over-powered computer as it is? The reasons you list for building another computer are minor inconvienences that just seem to serve as an exuse to throw away thousands of dollars. If I were you I would take that money and put it in savings or invest it somewhere, unless you're filthy rich, which doesn't seem to be the case from the size of your room. Maybe you could put that money towards moving into a better apartment. Also, how many games do you seriously have? You have like 40 Xbox games in that picture, and you're sig says you've played 2,000 hours of games? Most game devs don't even play that much from what I can see looking at Valve employee's Steam profiles. There are a lot more accomplishments in real life that deliver better rewards than all those game achievments you have. Getting out and meeting a girl for example has a lot more rewards and perks than an "achievement" can give you. It's ironic because with a video game "achievement" you don't actually achieve anything other than waste time sitting on your lazy ass. Forgive me if I sound harsh, but all I'm saying is that there are more meaningful things you can put your time and money into. I started to fall into the "collect all the achievements" and "play the most hours" trap with Steam a few years ago and I quickly realized just how pointless and meaningless all those things were when I went out to enjoy real life. I think it's fine to want to pursue a career in game development, but playing video games all day and burning valuable cash on technological novelties is not worth it and doesn't further yourself in your career at all. I'd rather wake up and have my wife be the first thing I see in the morning instead of a poster for Halo and Modern Warfare.
  19. Jason Marsden voiced like half of the characters in Skyrim. It got so annoying after a while, hearing a lot of random guards with my voice.
  20. And he saw that it was good.
  21. It's an honor to serve under you!
  22. i guess noone's interested...
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