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    Texture Artist
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    Capture the Flag
    Full Force
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    Windows 11 Pro

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  1. @entSome ideas: - Add map artwork (or screenshots) on the server list (as a background or thumbnail) - Add a filter option to show between JK2, JKA and Others (Q3 for example)
  2. of course you can, look for mins and maxs vectors (3d box x y z) for any entity. For example the player model mins are -15 -15 -24 and maxs 15 15 24 and when you do a crouch or a roll your "box" get reduced, so thats an example you can modify the size. For invisible walls or triggers these use clip models (invisible boxes) so these uses mins and maxs too, you can increase or decrease them. If u want do something like /size command (already existing in lots of mods) to make your player model higher or lower (like yoda vs desann) basically u need to rezise the player box (mins and maxs), the 3d model render (clientside) and the lightsaber length. haha ure welcome
  3. yes, i think is possible, you should detect when the saber box hit your body, but you need create damage boxes per model (like the atst, the bullets can pass through the legs), because actually the body is a huge box which envolves the body model, or find a way to hit the model instead the body box (g2collision). Another thing you need to take care is about the saber box, because is a little bit huge, maybe will touch you when roll or crouch, maybe the saber box needs to be reduced.
  4. can u explain with pictures? or the code? anyways, i think u have a problem with "what function" is called by the buttons...
  5. i think u need take look for the function ClientUserinfoChanged in g_client.c for most of user info, so if u want "update" settings everytime when you set a command i think u need play with that
  6. search here dude https://github.com/Razish/japp
  7. im the only one from Chile: The end of world Southamerica
  8. *** Deleted ***
  9. yes, works only using cheats enabled. this is the code-piece from the game. so, 1.0 is full opacity, u can do it as the 50% using 0.5 as value PS: If u are a coder, and u want enable without cheats, just change CVAR_CHEAT to CVAR_ARCHIVE in cg_main.c (client game folder)
  10. why no use 3ds studio max? i think there is more stuff for that... anyways i think i have some tutorials in my backups, i dont remember if they are of milkshape, blender or 3ds... ill check
  11. nice release, i remember a generic php library with multiple game support for quake games, including jk2/3. called GameQ anyways. i will try in jk2. im making a jk2 website. thx
  12. i recently got an iMac, and obiously i downloaded Jk2 and JKA via Steam, so... i tried to join in some JK2 v1.04 servers and i cant access to every...because i dont have all the files the server have, idk why, because im joining servers with "server-side mods", i can join perfect in "clean base" servers, and i can join to the "server-side mods" servers via JK2 v1.04 on Windows... i think Aspyr (the company who develop for mac) did this "update"... but i never seen an official news for that, this happen after JK2/JKA Source was released. ¿There is any aditional info may i need to know? PD: I take an screenshot with the version: http://imageshack.com/a/img843/7996/ufeq.jpg EDIT; I recently downloaded JKA too, and im having the same problem... i cant join "server-side mods" servers... (in this case, the game version wasnt changed, is
  13. http://www.jediservers.com/help_setup.asp PD: "/rcon something" is only used in-game login with a password (set in the cfg file as: set rconpassword mypass),
  14. are u sure is not added in the server.cfg? and, try to use seta instead set, "seta" is usually used for main config settings and 'set' is used for scripts because scripts don't need to be archived. the game doesn't archive variables you declare with set; only cvars you declare with seta are archived or when you changed them in the console.
  15. i will reply the same i replied in another post: ¿you tested in another computer out of ur network? i have this "problem" in my local computers (cant see in the public server list only in local, so my friends can see my server, i only can join via local ip. SO, if your friends (from another networks) cant see your server, is another problem, maybe ur servers are not allowed to see by the rest of the world, u need allow the access in the router, to do that u need enable the DMZ with the local ip of your server, (like 192.168.1.XXX), in some routers u need add the PC ID registered in the router to be watched by the rest. another way to check, is trying running in a .bat file with diferent ports,( if u dont know to make a bat file, just create a text file and paste the following examples, after that, just save it and change the extension from .txt to .bat and execute, PD: need to be in the same folder of jk2mp.exe ) Example (try 28070, 28071, 28072, etc...): PD: u need start a map in your config file to start the server (EX: map ffa_bespin)
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