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    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. I certainly did not intend to diminish the effort and time that go into creating a mod like the one I envision. I deeply respect the skill involved in such work. Due to time constraints, I'm unable to undertake this project myself, which is why I'm reaching out to the talented modding community here for assistance. I apologize if my previous comments came across as insensitive.
  2. Maybe somebody is still interested? Like i said im willing to give 65€ for completing my request. Its just the models and something similar like the setting where it is as duel map. Thank you again!
  3. Wow fantastic job on all the submissions! Blown away by the talent and potential of everyone. Would love to see more of these Contests in the future! I've had a blast!
  4. 13 downloads

    Dear JKhub-Team, Dear Circa, thank you for giving the Star Wars Community the opportunity to show some love for this great Game and for a great Website in jkhub.org. I had a blast creating this Banner for the Website and some more seasonal Variations. As you're browsing my files you can see that i also put in example Images which show how the Banner would look on the front-end of the Website. I thought it would help you envision it. I am just happy to be apart of this because i played Jedi Academy since i was 6 and i'm pretty old now (23 Years old). But anyway, if i can make it as a winner im open to any request for more versions of seasonal events or holidays, just tell me and i can do something for you! Thanks again and i hope to hear from you soon! Best Regards, Leon aka. SWPlex
  5. Hey Everyone, i always loved the Fan Film from Lou Klein wich represents Darth Mauls time before Episode 1. I actually would like to see the Map recreated and the 4 Character Models being made as playable Player Models. So i would like to ask any modders out here if it is possible to recreate this setting and if anyone is interested in creating it! I would give you a Prize of 60€ because i know that its a little bit time consuming but i would love to able to play it in the game! Links: https://starwarsfans.fandom.com/wiki/Contract_of_Evil Thank you for your time! Best Regards, SWPlex
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