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Everything posted by OCD2

  1. Lunchtime texture upgrade / brush cleanup. Removed placeholder excessive brush & texture combo that was littering the hall wastefully. New texture for the cell door panels, and a new panel texture for the pillars in the small corridors with no jail cells. Not final product, the shape is wrong, but its closer to the source and easier to replace with the final texture when it comes time.
  2. I think he is mainly in a tattered black robe with tusken raider gear. Though a modeller might need more photos of him for details, I'm sure he will show up more in the season. Could be a nice addition to the mando themed contest that will run next. A potential future map I was considering is the "monster" fight scene right before him showing up. Mainly for fun, a 1v32 mode would be included.
  3. In the spirit of at least a little work each day: A 10 minute new light panel texture to replace the previous 2 minute texture. (not a final artwork!)
  4. Had a little time to work, so started scaling down the length between the support columns in the hallways. I may check my math tomorrow, though its looking close. Picture is just to help visualize, cells here set at 3 x 3, then a small corridor, repeated once. Actual layout not set. I did not scale the placeholder cell doors, so they may be altering the perspective. The scaling down also highlighted how off center my MS paint overhead light panel texture was made! It's probably skewing the perspective. Player model is dark now, maybe something to due with the density of light entities currently in the hallway. Maybe it will rectify when the lighting shader textures are set and some of the light entities are removed? Also cleaned up the arena and siege file.
  5. How about a whole video detailing the droids? Also highlights the Type 2 droid, which they say was based of the R1 model from a New Hope. Perhaps a modeler could make a 2 models for the price of one - both the Episode 4 and Mandalorian version are very similar.
  6. Smallest update today. Slimmed the control panels for visual effect, and put up the small corridor doorframe, which will still needs tweaking.
  7. I'm not certain that color HK model exists - it just happened to show up when I was searching for images of the Security Droid. I believe someone was making the comparison between the two models, or indicating they were produced by the same manufacturer.
  8. Thank you! I was hoping that showing my commitment would serve to get feedback on my progress, tips on what I could do better, and maybe inspire others to try modding or mapping. Im a very creative person, and willing to put in the work - though I will definitely still need support in certain aspects of developing my idea. (Namely scripting and shader work) I've had a lot of assistance from people in the community already as im learning and I really appreciate the help, as well as the constructive and motivational posts.
  9. I do not know if it was intentional, but that was my thought when I watched the episode.
  10. It was a very fun episode.
  11. Yes, thank you for pointing those out. The console panels will become "embedded" as pillar textures. They are currently all extra brushes slapped on the columns just for me to help visualize the end product. I plan on making or remaking all of those textures you pointed out, replacing my current fancy microsoft paint placeholder textures. Still working on scale and layout, making a few hallways visually match the scenes in the show, and remaking the control center to scale.
  12. Height and width to scale for the main corridors / lanes and columns rebuilt to scale. Most of the time I had available to update was spent calculating the scale and measuring the various distances and column pieces to rebuild. Column spacing still needs to be set to scale lengthwise.
  13. Once it's staged out, there are plenty of options for gameplay - multiplayer obj, multiplayer ffa, single player, roleplay. That's partly why I'm so enthusiastic about the project - there is a lot of potential utility to the map. I hope my idea of the "security system" plays out well. I think I have a good idea now on how to make it give the feeling of having to play stealthy and avoid the "cameras" to win. I think it's a great springboard project to learn all the aspects of developing a complete well rounded map/mod. When I'm done, I should have the skillset to be able to put out a series of maps at a good pace I have a ton of ideas, and I'm really enjoying the creative process.
  14. Quick lunchtime geometry update. Brought the hallways more inline with the source material, resized the door control pads, added a small detail to the lighting/camera panel concept texture and made a quick pillar texture. The width of the hallway definitely needs to be slimmed down, (as advised thanks!) which will be the next update.
  15. Thank you, that's exactly the criticism and guidance I need. Much appreciated. Last week I was rewatching the show before the new season starts, saw this episode and realized that it was set in a perfect quake map layout! I actually made the concepted corridors the same day I had the idea, and mostly from memory. I've found some amazing reference since then in some set photos, and diagrams that are highly detailed, which should be very helpful! I'm a newer player and modder. I have been working with the sdk for a few months in my spare time, Ive read the manuals (gtk,shader,scripting) and worked though a good number of tutorials. I can build and use the different aspects of the sdk, though I still sometimes have rudimentary questions, and I do appreciate any help / advice / tips / and or jokes about the visuals or something I've created that could be improved. I've been using using the thread as a sort of white board to concept ideas, just letting the ideas flow, and then trying to select the better ideas and reeling back to an achievable goal. The thought process for the hallways to was maybe have them a bit larger to potentially accommodate a 32 player bloodbath lol, make sure there is some form of cover, and that all classes and an npc could navigate the map without too many sticking points. Though I'm certainly open to resizing as I reiterate the map, to keep it closer to the source material. I'm enthusiastic about following through with the map to a full featured end product that I can say I created, and hopefully at least a few people are happy to try out. Agreed, see above! Thank you for the critique and encouragement!
  16. More minor updates for the night before Season 2. Added concepted cell number texture above the doors, and added more texture detail to the door texture concept. Remade and lowered cell door bevels. They are wrong still, but this is where I stopped. I looked at some reference material, realized the construction of the door frame is actually recessed, which will make it easier to make and get a cleaner looking doorway using recessed cylinders. As well as clean up the hallway of potential sticking points. Added some concept bevels at the top of the hallways that I did not notice in the show originally. Its subtle, though there is an angle at the top of the hallway corner. Added this little jawa-vacuum looking detail that was shown outside the control room. Kindergarten geometry to be cleaned up this weekend when I have a stretch of free time. Should go from impressionist painting version to a more accurate representation.
  17. You've really been instrumental in keeping me moving forward the past few months while I'm learning the software, shaders and scripting. Thank you for all of the succinct answers. I have a better idea now how to proceed.
  18. Im highly sleep deprived at the moment, so bear with me. Maybe cutscene is the wrong term. I've seen multi player levels that begin with a short intro "movie", so I know that it is somehow achievable. The map republic cruiser for example has a short intro movie that plays during the countdown to a match starting. Its a ship flying and landing, which is precisely what inspired me and what I was hoping to reproduce in my own map. Also, the map lunar base has a cutscene that plays at the end of a match - rebels being executed if they lose, rebel ship flying away if they win. As far as why I was intending making the ASE out of brushes, and then converting to an MD3 - Eventually I will delve into 3d modelling, but its not in my immediate plans. My (sleep deprived) researching indicated that using an MD3 was the only way to use func_static and move a model for making cutscenes. Though if what you wrote is possible, I should be able to make my "model" via brushes, make it a func_static and then make my "movie" - without having to jump through all the hoops of figuring out conversion from ASE to MD3 or trying to learn 3d modelling. Thank you.
  19. Im hoping to make a "simple" brief few second cutscene for a map - a ship flying and landing. Was wondering if there is a reliable working option for making an ASE "model", and converting it to a MD3 format. I have absolutely no modeling program experience, and want to use a gtk radiant created ASE model to use it as a func_static to move/animate it for the cutscene when a map loads. Will the SP cutscene tutorials apply for multiplayer maps?
  20. OCD2

    Halloween Contest 2020

    Yes. I approve of a mando contest. It would be great timing to have the contest running while the season is airing. And to have a series of related content produced would be amazing. I may or may not be bias, since I'm starting what I hope to be a series of mando themed maps leading to a mando map pack.
  21. Thought of a potential fair and competitive way to implement the locking door system. After the npc has been activated, there will be "hotspots" activated in each room - triggers simulating a surveillance system camera. It will be made clear where the hotspot zones are located. If the attacking team players step in a hotspot trigger, it closes all doors but one in the room and the lighting goes red. All on a timer, you can wait it out or reroute. I think that emulates the show fairly well, allows for more competitive play, is reasonable to achieve, and is interactive and more fun.
  22. OCD2

    Halloween Contest 2020

    The chains "move" like they are opening the dome.
  23. Not much extra time for today, so very minor additions. Small lighting change, npc files for models strictly to stage scenes from the show to photo as I build the map out, and a little editing of the .siege file. And a few chairs. Also concepting dialing back the complexity of the security system. Current thought is that attackers entering the control room obj will globally trigger the strobed/(blinking) hallway lights. Then if and when the attackers engage the npc (2nd obj), it triggers the red alert lighting, but under certain conditions. Current thought is to have the red lighting only trigger in rooms where the main lane door has been closed off, and red lighting only on during the time the door is locked. That way it's not a potential annoyance/troll being activated manually, or having entire rounds playing out in red lighting. Still determining a reasonable way to implement the locking door system, may be simply on a timer and swap from lane to lane after the timer completes.
  24. OCD2

    Halloween Contest 2020

    Its not much to see, but here was the stopping point. I knew I did not have enough time to complete it so work was halted. Next year, or after a few Mandalorian projects!
  25. Had enough free time for a minor update today. Lowered the whole map ceiling by one grid, cleaned up a few textures and tried a few beveled constructions for the main hallways in attempt to create the hall angle. Not quite there yet with the geometry, though will try to make some progress every day.
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