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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. it appears that Ravensoft's JKA Master server is down again. I noticed it about a month or so ago but I thought it would be back up by now. I knew this happened before and someone contacted someone from Ravensoft regarding this and they were able to bring it back up in the past.

    I took a look at their website however there was no information such as a support email that I could've send this to.

  2. Maybe it's just me but I think the JKA official master server is down? Anyone else able to confirm that? It's been a few weeks since I played so I don't know when this started but I didn't see any topic on it.


    I'm well aware of alternative methods to connect to servers and alternative master lists. Just concerned about the status of the official master list

  3. This could actually make a pretty cool idea for a modding contest! Porg lightsaber hilt? Porg blaster? A porg npc that walks like a penguin? Good times!


    Off-topic: Damn, I hate these critters' name! I keep trying to write porK or porN instead of porG! >.<



    I was referring to a playable porg model with some npc files with them holding a gun or lightsaber, not a porg looking gun or porg looking saber... oh my god.. porgsaber...

    ZanderNao, the_raven and DT. like this
  4. I had a feeling the solution would be something obvious that would make me look really stupid lol. Thanks. You'd think the person who made the installation package would've checked that installing GTK radiant 1.4 doesn't install the q3map2 where it needs to be in a q3map2 folder.


    Once again, thanks for helping me out Xycaleth.

    ooeJack likes this
  5. I've recently gotten back into mapping a bit and when I tried compiling any of my maps I got this error:




    I'm running Radiant: 1.4, and my system's specs are waaay beyond fine, so I assume this must be some permissions/software issue that I am experiencing. So far i've set Radiant and q3map2 to run as admin and compatibility mode. Unfortunately I'm still having the same problem. I am not sure where to start on diagnosing this issue.



  6. Warning: You should NEVER combine major pk3 files like the Assets pk3s. I also don't recommend combining things that might be temporary or things like a new mod (mods you havent used yet or in a long time), maps that contains vehicles, animation mods, or something you might want to take out someday. ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP of the original files, you never know when something bad might happen icon_wink.gif.


    For this Tutorial I am gonna use 3 skins from the JAWA skinpack. I placed them in a folder outside of base as a backup in case I mess somethign up.


    Step 1: Open Pakscape. Select File --> New.




    Step 1.5: If it is in full screen mode, click the inner windowed button to make the mode windowed




    This is how it should look:





    Step 2: Highlight and drag the files you want to combine into pakscape. Highlight them all and drag them to the blank/grey area in packscape (so they open). Your result should be like the image below.





    Step 2.5: Spread the inner windows out until you can see them clearly (step not required but it is nice to see the windows organized).





    Step 3: Highlight files/folders and drag them to the untitled/new file. The animated image below shows what I did.





    Step 4:

    • Close all inner windows EXCEPT the untitled/new file.
    • In the main menu bar, click FIle --> Save As
    • Make sure you save it as a Quake 3 Pak (pk3) file. (the program usually choses Zip as default).


    For this tutorial I named mine CombinedSkins





    Step 5:

    • Take out the original files from your base folder
    • Put your new file in the base folder
    • You are Finished!. Open JKA and test it out. icon_biggrin.gif
  7. Well almost is unarmed. use the spawnflag 64 on the entity property on radiant.

    should setting the NPC in BS_CINEMATIC mod in BS_CINEMATIC npc cannot run and not use AI.

    if this not work there is a only way: scripting... or clipping the NPC how i told you.

    There is a waypoint net near NPC?

    you are doing this for MP or SP?


  8. Look, man, i told you what you need for got an invincible NPC. about the fact the NPC bring the e11 rifle, this is normal. some class using however the blaster as weapon, also if you put on it WP_NONE. is better if you set the NPC as CLASS_PRISONER, instead of CLASS_GLIDER, is not a good class for disarmed NPC. about the setting of invincibility, neutrality etc, you can set on npc file PLAYER_TEAM and ENEMY_TEAM to TEAM_NEUTRAL or to TEAM_NONE, but if it not work you need to use Icarus. is nothing of complicated. because icarus and the map are interactive each other. simply you need to download icarus by SDK tool of JKA , the program is very use friendly and need simply to make these:

    1 - on NPC propriety (N Key) , make a key spawnscript as value the path of the icarus script "example: yourmap\unarmed"

    2 -now with icarus you can make the file "unarmed.txt" and you save into the folder scripts/yourmap/

    3 - now simply add these parameter clicking on the blue set string.

    - SET_INVINCIBLE, true,



    - SET_IGNOREPAIN, true.


    that's all build the script and this make you an IBI file, now the character is read. if TEAM_NEUTRAL not work you need to make this. there no other solutions.

    for disarm the NPC, simply add "weapon WP_NONE" into NPC file after you changed class to CLASS_PRISONER


    I got the SDK, and I've read the readme and what you've said, but I am completely lost. I'm sorry I sound silly, but I have no idea what I am doing and I really dont understand most of what your saying. Honestly, I don't think I am getting this and I don't think I'll be able to do this. I understand that you are trying to teach/introduce this to me and while I am greatful, I dont think I'd be using scripting ever, I'll bet money on it. If you would be interested in helping me out with this one request, I made a topic here if you are interested in helping me out.


    Asgarath is right. You won't go very far into JA mapping without scripting, and scripting itself isn't hard at all when you get the hang of it.

    I've been mapping in JKA for more than 7 years. For all my time mapping, I have honestly never needed or desired anything with scripting, even now. This was a request by someone else.

  9. Referenced Topic: http://jkhub.org/topic/6285-making-a-static-unarmed-npc/


    I'm a mapper and I am working on a project. I've been trying to make an unarmed NPC that has infinite health, is unarmed, doesn't move, and doesn't fight back even when attacked. I asked in the referenced thread above, and apparently I need to script some stuff with something called Icarus



    also with icarus add SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE, BS_CINEMATIC. this disable his AI. :)

    SET_IGNOREENEMIES avoid he go to anger or flee when see the player or enemies, and SET_IGNOREPAIN avoid pain animations.

    you can also yse SET_EARSHOT and SET_VISRANGE for change the range of his sight and earshot. :)


    You can set SET_INVINCIBLE to True using Icarus to make him truly invincible.


    This is sort of what I have so far. The model name is jawahat


        fullName        "jawahat"
        playerModel        jawahat
        scale            70
        playerTeam        TEAM_PLAYER
        enemyTeam        TEAM_PLAYER
        class            CLASS_GLIDER
        health            9999
        weapon WP_NONE
        movetype        static


    I really don't know scripting, but I assume something like this can be whipped up pretty quickly. If possible include an alternate npc that has 99999 health. I'd be very greatful for this and perhaps I can do something in return in favor.

  10. Add "weapon WP_NONE" to the bit in brackets on its own line.


    For some reason that doesn't work, still has a e-11



    You can set SET_INVINCIBLE to True using Icarus to make him truly invincible.



    also with icarus add SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE, BS_CINEMATIC. this disable his AI. :)

    SET_IGNOREENEMIES avoid he go to anger or flee when see the player or enemies, and SET_IGNOREPAIN avoid pain animations.

    you can also yse SET_EARSHOT and SET_VISRANGE for change the range of his sight and earshot. :)


    I have no idea how to script with Icarus or even where to start. I really don't have much intention on using Icarus for anything in the future as I really have no interest in scripting. I am gonna make a request in the appropriate forum. http://jkhub.org/topic/6288-quick-small-icarus-npc-script/

  11. I've been trying to make an unarmed NPC that has a lot of health (infinite preferred), is unarmed, doesn't move, and doesn't fight back even when attacked. I couldn't find any documentation anywhere about NPCs. The best I am able to make does everything, but has a e-11 rifle.


        fullName        "unarmedjawa"
        playerModel        jawa
        scale            70
        playerTeam        TEAM_PLAYER
        enemyTeam        TEAM_PLAYER
        class            CLASS_GLIDER
        health            9999
        movetype        static

  12. I found the problem and boy are you gonna laugh.... I was doing some stuff with models and model_statics and well, when I was fitting a model_static with origin (so it'd fit exact), I must of snagged a worldspawn brush with it by accident :| .  I've been doing this for years, to make what i'd say is an amateur mistake XD .


    JKHub, I am disappoint :|

    Asgarath83 likes this
  13. Apparently, my map is leaking through structural brushes. I've tried several things just to get it to compile including:

    • redoing the ceiling brush
    • making the entire map structural
    • encapsulating the map in brushes so it doesn't leak... and it leaks through that
    • blocking off the section
    • deleting then blocking off the section
    • copying and pasting into a new map
    • ported it to a different version of GTK radiant
    • brush cleanup

    None of it worked...


    I have a older rendition of the map I can work off of that compiles fine, but rather than do a bunch of that work again, I was hoping maybe there was something I can do to recover this.







  14. You can pretty much put it anywhere, you just need to adjust the paths in the Radiant project file(s); one way of doing it is described in this tutorial:

    I tried following the tutorial, however I can't seem to get it working. I am probably doing something wrong. I changed the .proj files, I placed the q3map2 folder in the GTK directory as the tutorial said, but that didn't seem to change anything and it seems to act as the old q3map2.


    I then tried replacing the q3map2.exe  in addition, and whenever it tried to compile (any and all stages), q3map2 itself crashes at the "--- LoadMapFile ---" stage. I tried making a dummy map (just 4 walls+ceiling+Floor and a info player start) and it compiled fine.

  15. Q3Map2 is running out of memory. This may be due to map complexity and/or using memory intensive compile options.


    You're probably using a 32 bit build of Q3Map2 - that will run out of memory at 2GB. Since you have 8x that, I suggest you start by finding a 64 bit build - there's at least one out there, but I'm not going to go looking for it.


    I found a 64 bit version HERE, but there doesn't seem to be any clear installation instructions on the page or in the readme files. The only instructions are in the "Previous_Readme.txt" file and I am not finding the instructions clear. It states that it must sit it's own directory inside the game dir, but doesn't really say anything specific for JKA. Does it go in JKA's Gamedata? Base? Does it go in GTK Radiant's directory? What about the q3map2.exe? How can I compile using q3map2 while everything is in the game directory? Do I have to manually do it in cmd?



    Alternatively, you can use the -lomem switch, which sacrifices compile time for more memory.

    For the longest time I couldn't get that working for years... until today and you won't belive why... I feel really silly, but I kept putting in -lowmem and not -lomem XD. I feel like banging my head against the wall. It seems to be compiling now.


    Perhaps if I can get a 64-bit version working, I can decrease the compile time and not depend on the -lomem switch. The recent compile took around 30-45 mins with -lomem, without it, Both map pieces combined took less than 10 mins.

    eezstreet likes this
  16. Yea, I am running into this error whenever I try compiling my map, just during the lightmap stage. I saw some other topics and this:http://jkhub.org/files/file/1335-q3map2-2gb-memory-usage/ However, There really isn't any clear installation instructions on what goes where. There is a old installation instruction doesn't seem to be working for me. I assume I am doing it wrong and probably putting it in the wrong location.


    I was hoping someone who is experienced with this would be able to provide a more clear instruction since I am getting this wrong.



    Thanks :) .



    System specs (if needed):

    OS: Windows 7

    RAM: 16GB RAM

    Processor: i5-4670k

    Video Card: GTX 660


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