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Everything posted by Zelanter

  1. Sith Nomad https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0nr5hnzdtlu0pnbsl5tpu/Sith-Nomad.pk3?rlkey=vbkpp5t1ltuatbov4irosuos4&dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - sith_nomad A quick head swap of The Punisher's "Remnant Stormtrooper Commander"
  2. No need to apologise, I just wanted to make sure that you have seen it. All the best to you and your beloved!
  3. The robes seen above were just a placeholder. Today I finally got the time and energy to expand upon this model.
  4. Inspired by alexnita3's "Sola Terrik" I started experimenting with porting custom characters from Sims 4. Here are the first results : I'm really excited as thanks to Garrettel's, "Sith Pureblood Ridges" mod I've discovered a nearly limitless supply of easily customizable pureblood faces, which will definitely make my future models stand out more from each other.
  5. Young Master Luke as requested by Untold Prophecy https://www.dropbox.com/s/ql2cip1fvel6zk8/Young Master Luke.pk3?dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - luke_ym
  6. Here you go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ql2cip1fvel6zk8/Young Master Luke.pk3?dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - luke_ym I made him in quite a hurry without extensive testing, so let me know if there are any issues and I'll correct them.
  7. Hello there, I’m not an expert by any means on this matter, so I can't guarantee you that this is the only solution. The animations for models in this game are tied up to "_humanoid" folder files localized in the base\"assets1.pk3". The mods that include custom animations for characters use their own animation folder to which they assign their models. So to change animations of one specific model you'd have to do something which is explained in this tutorial : (Fun fact : Tompa9 who asked this question in 2017 is now one of the main creators for MD 2 which you've mentioned.) So you can't change animation for model only with a command etc. It's a more complicated process that needs to be done in model editing software. Easier way to replace the animations is to create your very own "_humanoid" mod. The drawback of this is that every model/npc will also use those animations. So lets say that you want vanilla models/npcs to use a modded animations. You need to download a playermodel mod that comes with unique animations of your liking. Open the .pk3 file of this mod with WinRAR, go to models/players. There should be the custom animations folder named for example "_humanoid_anakin". all you have to do is to extract the _humanoid.gla and animation.cfg files. On the desktop create a folder called "models", in it create folder "players" and in that folder create another called "_humanoid" and put those files you've extracted in it. The path should look like this: models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla + animation.cfg. Now dowload PakScape : Open it, click "file"->"new", drag your "models" folder into the blank white space, and save it as a .pk3 file. And that's it, your very own animation mod! As for the stances, apart from the modified double saber stance that you've mentioned, there are no new stances in MD 2 ( atleast to my knowledge ) You probably didn't knew that in JA there are two hidden stances used by bosses. They're respectively named: "desann" and "tavion". Basically it's the one-handed strong ( purple in MD2 ) and one-handed fast ( light blue in MD2 ). To use them in vanilla you need to type in console "setsaberstyle desann" or "setsaberstyle tavion". To quickly change to them without having to type in those commands, just bind them to any spare keys on your keyboard. For example I use "u" for tavion style and "p" for desann's To bind them, type in console "bind u setsaberstyle tavion" or "bind p setsaberstyle desann". I hope that will help you .
    High quality meshes and textures, multiple parts for customisation. Overall great model and a fine addition to a rather barren female models collection. Thank you for sharing it with us!
  8. You have given a link to Battlefront 2 models, luckily for you they were ported from a already existing mod for Jedi Academy. Which you can find here : https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Mods/Single Player/117862/ And you don't need to have them in the character selection screen to play them, all you need to do is while in game click "~" on your keyboard and type in "playermodel kir_kanos" or playermodel carnor_jax or playermodel royalguard. But if you really want to make those models appear in character selection screen, Circa already linked guides on how to do it in different topic :
  9. Dark Dimension Vader as requested by Vitiate. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfwc877oxgh9yxm/Dark Dimension Vader v3.pk3?dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - vader_dk
  10. Alright, that's the final version. I've fixed some texture issues, worked some more on his head and patched the holes I left in the last version. Also I tried to shape his legs more so they don't look like boots, with rather poor result to be fair . But that's the best I can do right now : https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfwc877oxgh9yxm/Dark Dimension Vader v3.pk3?dl=0 If anyone wants to expand on this model, please do so. I'm only humbly asking you to include me in the credits.
  11. You found the reason why I haven't shared him yet . I still need to make one for this helmet. And it's done. Here's your download link everyone : https://www.dropbox.com/s/55zis2jpmz0y0i8/Ludo Kressh Crown.pk3?dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - ludo_kressh_crown All credits go to DarthJava, and thanks to ShenLong Kazama for providing us with the SWTOR assets.
  12. I've added SWTOR Marka Ragnos helmet for Ludo Kressh. It may not seem like much, but it was a great training in UV mapping, texturing, weight painting and so on. I'm quite pleased as something that looked to me like a dark magic a couple of days ago now begins to feel more and more understandable. I'm happy to reach a basis to expand on.
  13. Alright, he's got some shaders and better eyes now : https://www.dropbox.com/s/0z5xdck9ib9ijv3/Dark Dimension Vader v2.pk3?dl=0 Though still I'd like to work on his head and legs later on.
  14. I know he doesn't look very good, there's a big room for improvement and I wish to learn how to make shaders which would definitely make the final result better. I'll try to work on him more, but I can't guarantee you that I ever do... So anyway, here you go : https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4whzb34ebpqo3b/Dark Dimension Vader.pk3?dl=0 I guess you made your account just for this request and after all this time I hope atleast this can satisfy you a little. For his black swords I recommend downloading Daedra's "The Old Republic Saber Colors FINAL". Oh and It's not about talent but dedication, if you're willing to spend few days learning the basics ( tutorials posted here are very helpful ) you can start making your own models. Although smaller with every year, if you encounter any problems, this community will be glad to help you out.
  15. That's great to hear! I'm a big fan of Darth Bane trilogy so I'm very excited to see those latest WIP's that you've posted. I consider expanding Bane's lineage myself, I'm mainly talking about Darth Ramage, Gean and Gravid. Maybe someday we could combine our models into one pack, but that's on a sidenote . Good luck on your projects!
  16. Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious in Sith Robes, This one was harder to make, although I'm happy with the result. Mind you, I didn't aimed for movie accuracy as that would require skills that are currently out of my reach. But I also wanted to make him unique and more to my liking. That's why he has the gloves on for example.
  17. Sith Diplomat, His robes look weird in ModView without shaders so I've attached a in-game screenshot. I plan on making some further texture changes, so no download link yet. And yeah I should probably stop using this head . It's the most detailed and polished pureblood face, but I feel I overused it already, so the next models will most likely feature a mix of Jeff's Lord Dramath, Scourge or other purebloods from SWTOR. I might even create some custom face texture based on this model just as DarthJava did with his pureblood, we shall see.
  18. Update to Ragnos Champion / Sith Samurai I'm sorry if the textures are not up to your liking or standards but I want to move on to other models. Just as Sith tradition dictates he served me only as a tool for training and a little refresh in texturing abilities ( my knowledge is very rusty as the last time I made any was for OG Rome Total War ). Since he doesn't have any glaring issues, I might as well provide you with the download link . https://www.dropbox.com/s/pakz4q83pxomy73/sChampion of Ragnos.pk3?dl=0 Npc name : Ragnos_Champion Oh and thank you everyone for likes, I really appreciate it .
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