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Everything posted by DarthValeria

  1. I havent done anything or putted any mod Vanillia Jedi Academy
  2. How can i fix this problem? https://ibb.co/gwVD1h6 Please help me!
  3. Most impressive
  4. OMG, that's amazing <3
  5. Looks amazing
  6. Scenes from Changing of the Guard
  7. What do we have here?
  8. Most impressive, you prepare episode 4. I cant wait to see all of it And if you finish all episodes of season 1, please publish them each week <3
  9. But how? you were able to see first Valeria images
  10. Amazing mod , when full version is relased I'm planning to make a video about it and I suggest you to hire actors in castingcallclub for free I know some people who can support your project as voice actors
  11. UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What if Darth Valeria and Darth Vader fought?
  13. DarthValeria


    Cant i use this in single player?
  14. Can we use it in multiplayer?
  15. Well the Lotus is a friend of the Republic and the Jedi but they have their own traditions different than jedi or republic
  16. Well i didnt paint robe texture , it belongs to swtor and Lotus is not a Jedi Order
  17. What do you guys think about Valeria? Ugly or Beautiful?
  18. DARTH VALERIA , Dark Lord of the Sith , Founder of the Lotus Order
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