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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. I was helping a friend convert his jk2 map to jka, and he has cameras. Everything in map is working except those. They work in jk2 but not jka. How exactly are cameras made in jka, and is it impossible to have ones that work in both games?
  2. on 2nd thought i wanna leave it as mp but im not sure why it wont work. I think it's wrong settings on conversion or something?
  3. I recognize some old names: Inyra from jk2files?, Szico, and a few others. But some of these people i've never seen before. I mostly posted on map-craft.com when it was still around and once in a while on map-force. jk2files\jk3files has been running terribly for the past year. giant cluster. Although moddb works, it's nice to have a jk2\jk3 centered site that works
  4. Hmmm there is a jkhub for jk1 right? this styled after there site or is this ur site too?
  5. I dont think i added any tags to my one jk3 map i uploaded. what should i have added to it?
  6. I uploaded my one jk3 map, but I have a few jk2 ones I like but didn't upload.
  7. Was map-craft really hacked? From my understanding, darthG just got tired of paying for it, and shut it.
  8. Version 1.17


    This is an academy map that is meant to be similar to my first map exploration, and the two maps' layouts are similar in many ways. The basic idea is a Yavin-ish style academy map that is set in the mountains. It has basic duel rooms, a ffa area as well as some climbing challenges. Map\file for both jk3 and jk2. ATTENTION: You may have trouble loading this map or you may not. If you do, try some of the following: 1) You may have to change com_hunkmegs to 128 to run this map (and restart your jk2 when you reset it.) Alternatively you can type set com_hunkmegs 128. You can make these changes in you console or you can open the jk2mpconfig file to make the change more permanent in LucasArtsStar Wars JK II Jedi OutcastGameDatabasejk2mpconfig Credits: Stormcrow and Rhiom for making the council area. Most of the textures in duelroom are from the default jk2 Yavin folder (or jka.) I needed to put them into a custom textures folder so that I could apply custom shaders so although there is a ton of textures in this map, most are default ones. The remainder of textures I made myself or got from the following sources. I used JediMediator's efects file, gfx files, sound files, and textures for his giant bonfire looking thing that he used in his inferno map since he released it for public use. http://jediknight3.f...e/Inferno;99138 I used JediMediators's detail shader and two textures for one of my grass detail shaders. See this thread for sources. http://www.map-craft...iewtopic&t=2745 I used a couple textures from the Limelite texture archive I found at the Massassi temple. http://www.thelimeli...textures1.shtml I used a couple of Elandain's textures that he has on jk2filesjk3files. http://jediknight3.f..._Textures;30975 Boddo made me a tutorial for how to make the CG-ish looking brick textures in the main room called n-wall1, n-wall2 and n-wall3. I also used Boddo's "table" texture and two of his wood textures called ddtree2 and ddtree3, which are downloadable at his www.cyberpunkcafe.com website. He also made the slablock series of five textures for this map. Boddo also made the rustic_semitransparent that went on my pipes and its env texture called envmap3. Boddo made the island room that you teleport to from the bar, its shader file called expl3terr, and its textures. I used Mars Marshall's bantha model, which can be downloaded here: http://jediknight3.f...le/Bantha;37848 Rhiom helped me convert the bantha model to an md3 file because vehicles don't work in jk2. I used NAB622's cave prefabs in the map that can be obtained at the following URL: http://jediknight3.f...e_Prefabs;88711 In this updated version, I got a max edgelines error so I converted his caves into a massive .ase model, and now the caves look slightly glitchy but not too bad. Loda and BK made the basic spacing the strafe pads distancing, although I modified it, and they made the "crete" textures." The texture called "atl_wood" is Szico's Atlantica (got permission and readme included.) http://szicovii.com Lastly, the five textures that I used for the terrain blending were SIMONOC's. They were called ter_rock2, ter_rock3, ter_mud1,ter_moss1, and ter_dirt1. http://www.simonoc.c.../terrain1_1.htm I got the Sith symbols for the 3 flags in the main room from wikipedia and modified them. The layoutstyle of one of my outside areas and its associated secret area under the waterfall was influenced by Kahn's sithcouncil map in jka. http://jediknight3.f...h_Council;43812 Thanks to beta testers: Vrael, Sniper, Thrawn, etc etc ---------------------------------------------------------------- Map Information: New Textures: yes New Music: yes New sounds: yes New Models: yes botroute: yes Game types are ffa, duel ---------------------------------------------------------------- Compile Information bsp_q3map2/q3map2: (final) BSP -meta -notjunc, -vis, -light -fast -samples 2 -lomem note it was compiled using 2.5.16 q3map2 compiler, which is not the default compiler of gtkradiant 1.4. In case any other jk2 mappers try a dot product shader (terrain blending), they must update the compiler or use gtkradiant 1.5 for their compiling since it comes with an updated compiler. This is the tutorial that I used for terrain blending http://www.simonoc.c.../terrain1_1.htm I used DarthG's new_system.pk3 mostly for its subtle_hint shaders but I also used some of the pack's caulk_water shaders and a few others. I'm not sure where I downloaded, but this thread at least talks about it. http://www.map-craft...ight=subtlehint ---------------------------------------------------------------- Worldspawn Information _lightmapscale 8 _blocksize 0 _chopsize 0 ambient 15
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